Hello, i am from germany.
I have tried a Game Maker alternative for Linux and found this software.
Until now, I am very enthusiastic about this program, but I have also noticed many bugs.
A bug makes the software but totally useless.
Here is an example:
///nice Code
if (room = rm_intro) { var timex, alpha, cloudsx, cloudswidth; timex = timex - current_time; cloudsx = ((timex/50) mod room_width); cloudswidth = background_get_width(bkg_clouds); draw_background(bkg_clouds, cloudsx - cloudswidth, room_height - background_get_height(bkg_clouds)); draw_background(bkg_clouds, cloudsx, room_height - background_get_height(bkg_clouds)); if (cloudsx + cloudswidth > room_width) { draw_background(bkg_clouds, cloudsx - cloudswidth * 2, room_height - background_get_height(bkg_clouds)); } else { draw_background(bkg_clouds, cloudsx + cloudswidth, room_height - background_get_height(bkg_clouds)); } draw_background(bkg_angelisland, (room_width/2 - background_get_width(bkg_angelisland)/2), (room_height/2 - background_get_height(bkg_angelisland)/2)); if (timex < 4000) //BUG!!! < > is not the same { alpha = 1.0; if (timex < 3000) { alpha = 1 - ((timex - 3000) / 1000) } draw_set_color(c_black); draw_set_alpha(alpha); draw_rectangle(0, 0, room_width, room_height, false); } else if (!sound_isplaying(snd_skysanctuary)) { sound_play(snd_skysanctuary); } draw_set_color(c_white); if (!timex > 5000) { alpha = 1.0; if (timex > 4000) { alpha = 1 - ((timex - 4000) / 1000); } draw_sprite_ext(spr_sega, 0, room_width/2, room_height/2, 1, 1, 0, c_white, alpha); } else { if (keyboard_check(vk_enter)) { sound_stop(snd_skysanctuary); room = rm_main; } } draw_set_alpha(1.0); } else if (room = rm_main) {
draw_sprite(spr_hand, 1, mouse_x, mouse_y);
And here the error message: Line 18, position 18 (absolute 848): Expected closing triangle bracket before closing parenthesis
This is simply wrong and pointless.
How do I fix this bug.