when it comes to save formats, everyone is pushing towards EGM, completely understandably. However, issues addressed are that you have to save the entire project when you want to apply changes to the project file. Now, another issue people have is program crashes and loss of data- this happens on every piece of software from time to time.
I have an idea for the ideal (or at least ideal in my opinion) saving system;
It should be like Visual Studio structurally: Save the sprites in a sprites folder, etc.. all in a project folder.
Every time a script is edited, as soon as the green tick button is clicked it should save that particular file.
Now, in place of the old save button, we should have an "archive backup" button, which saves to a .EGM file (or something).
Say, you had a project you were working on and were happy of the beta state, you click "archive backup". Then you make changes, break something, and you can revert whatever it is you changed.
Now, in place of save as should be either a "compress version" button, or leave it as "save as" but save the project in a new directory.
When opening a project, opening an egm file should behave as it currently does, and do open the branching folder type should be an index file. Maybe an extension like .EPL (Enigma Project Loader)
Just an idea, tell me what you think, not sure how anyone would go about making this but I'm sure it's possible. I might go ahead and do this in the IDE I am going to start making for Enigma in the next 2 years (yes, I know it's a long time but I start college in September, I only have personal experience with Visual Studio, so if I start now I'll have to rush back and polish things up).
If you read this all the way through, thank you for your time, and I hope I didn't just make you feel like you wasted it.
Thank you all