are the default action libraries as they appear in the latest LGM which I just updated last night with the missing Stupido drag and drop actions. You could build LGM yourself if you want to just take that repository as a ZIP and download the Eclipse Java IDE, I can assist you with building the project.
But I think LGM checks for user action libraries at startup, let me investigate and post back.
Edit: It does...
public static void autoLoad()
if (!Prefs.enableDragAndDrop) {
codeAction = makeCodeAction();
File dir = new File(Prefs.actionLibraryPath);
if (!dir.exists())
if (LGM.workDir == null) return;
dir = new File(LGM.workDir,Prefs.actionLibraryPath);
if (!dir.exists()) dir = LGM.workDir;
codeAction = null;
File userLibF = new File(Prefs.userLibraryPath);
if (userLibF.exists())
if (codeAction == null) {
codeAction = makeCodeAction();
I don't have the preference added for it yet though, so the default location is...
#Library settings
enableDragAndDrop = true
actionLibraryPath = org/lateralgm/resources/library/default
userLibraryPath = ./lib
So just make a folder called "lib" next lateralgm.jar inside enigma-dev and put the LGL's there.