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Messages - edsquare

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Issues Help Desk / Re: Extension .egm does not match EGM?
« on: February 19, 2015, 05:41:55 pm »
Where in the code are the gmk, gmx, etc formats declared, created and set?

Issues Help Desk / Re: Can't open egm project on Linux
« on: February 08, 2015, 10:52:53 am »
Ah, however you did not send me that link. :P
anyway, I tried the version that works on windows, but got a few errors, so I tried to run the, it appeared to work ok, then I opened it, and got this:

I updated my jars, however, it is still the same error.

Sorry to much work with my classes, completely forgot about it. Here it is:
Code: [Select]
On second thought maybe it's this one:
Code: [Select]

That is the same error I got before Robert fixed the compiler to use C++11

Issues Help Desk / Re: Can't open egm project on Linux
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:20:23 pm »
have the repositories been updated for Enigma yet? If not, how long? Will I have to copy my files from my windows install?

I have an old lgm/enigma combo that works correctly on linux and that opens and saves to egm, tomorrow I'll upload it somewhere and give you the link

Issues Help Desk / Re: Can't open egm project on Linux
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:12:17 pm »
You asked who? Robert? He has been online more sparingly recently, so you might end up waiting a little.

It was an open question on a post where I complained exactly about the same thing : EGM not working

I imagine the declaration, etc. of the file formats is done in LGM, but where?

Issues Help Desk / Re: Can't open egm project on Linux
« on: January 30, 2015, 01:46:03 am »
Right now the new LGM cannot load egm files. It was broken recently, so if you updated LGM then it might not work. I think Robert should take down that version.
It is possible that this is a different problem though. Like previously EGM files changed the room format. So it might mean you will have to delete rooms and recreate them. Or just save it to gmk/gmx in the last version where it worked fine and then load that gmk/gmx in this new version. EGM sadly still doesn't save rooms in xml format, which just seems sad, but I don't code LGM so I cannot easily change that. Making a format that doesn't break is actually VERY trivial, but sadly we have not been able to do it because of lack of developers.

I asked where do you actually set/make the file formats, still no response.

Issues Help Desk / Re: Extension .egm does not match EGM?
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:43:51 pm »
Yeah this is a known bug, when adding multiple constants support I temporarily broke EGM format. Basically me and Josh really aren't sure what to do at this point.

Josh hates the EGM format, it saves rooms as binary blobs like the GMK format and it's barely extensible at all. What he would like is to basically rewrite the whole format with a proper spec and implement everything properly. We have a GitHub ticket filed on this:

For now you can just use the old LGM if you want, though I don't think it will work with ENIGMA anymore. We really need to get this fixed ASAP but I specifically don't know what to do, I'll have to talk to Josh.

It will work with the enigma version it had, you see before reinstalling al my OS I made a backup of stuff, so I have a working LGM/ENIGMA 1.8.5

The gmx is the one that makes a folder and puts there your scripts, sprites, etc. Right?

Why not take that and improve it and then use that as the new egm?

Where do you set the extensions?

Maybe I'll have a look see

Issues Help Desk / Extension .egm does not match EGM?
« on: January 19, 2015, 06:59:51 pm »
Taking advantage of Robert's offer:  ::)

As usual let us know if you have any more problems!


What's wrong with the EGM projects?

How can I save as .egm?

As usual let us know if you have any more problems!

Thanks will do so!  (Y)

Issues Help Desk / Re: Linux Unable to load library 'compileEGMf'
« on: January 19, 2015, 06:24:11 pm »
Don't worry I fixed it and this time made sure to build for both Mingw64 and 32.

Just undo all your changes, cd to enigma-dev git reset --hard and then git fetch and git pull. Then it should build, you don't need to run python

Okey but, i erased the folder, if I download as usual will I get the fixed version?


Forget I asked that will you?  :-\

It works our of the box now!  :D

Thank you so mucho Robert!  (Y)

Issues Help Desk / Re: Linux Unable to load library 'compileEGMf'
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:49:30 pm »
The reason is because size_t is not unsigned on a 64bit system, though it really has nothing to do with your OS, but your compiler, and you're on the same GCC as the portable and myself.

To get around this right now just undo the changes I made in the other topic.

Look at the git commit links and just do the opposite of what I did in those changes and it should build and work fine. Or just wait for me to ask Josh and fix it the correct way.

Again not that I know shit but I found this:

With gcc on linux, std::size_t is usually unsigned long (8 bytes on 64 bits systems) rather than unisgned int (4 bytes)


Code: [Select]

Issues Help Desk / Re: Linux Unable to load library 'compileEGMf'
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:39:18 pm »
The reason is because size_t is not unsigned on a 64bit system, though it really has nothing to do with your OS, but your compiler, and you're on the same GCC as the portable and myself.

To get around this right now just undo the changes I made in the other topic.

Look at the git commit links and just do the opposite of what I did in those changes and it should build and work fine. Or just wait for me to ask Josh and fix it the correct way.

Readding the commits but, how do I know what to put where?  :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear:

Issues Help Desk / Re: Linux Unable to load library 'compileEGMf'
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:35:40 pm »
The reason is because size_t is not unsigned on a 64bit system, though it really has nothing to do with your OS, but your compiler, and you're on the same GCC as the portable and myself.

To get around this right now just undo the changes I made in the other topic.

Look at the git commit links and just do the opposite of what I did in those changes and it should build and work fine. Or just wait for me to ask Josh and fix it the correct way.

Defining if it's linux32 or 64?

Once fixed I can just run again right?

Issues Help Desk / Re: Linux Unable to load library 'compileEGMf'
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:29:20 pm »
Well this is just great, it looks like size_t is defined as unsigned on your system, can you gcc --version for me?

It would be working if not for my changes over in the other topic to make MinGW64 able to build the compiler.

I have to talk to Josh.

Thanks for the quick response, this is the gcc version I have:

Code: [Select]
eduardo@eduardo-Aspire-M1100 ~ $ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

I'm planning on installing a 64bit linux in addition to the current 32bit and the two windowzes I have in this machine, would this allow me to use lgm/ENIGMA?

If not, does it work correctly on XP?

Thanks a bunch again.


Not that I know what I'm talking about or anything but, wouldn't some ifdefs or whatever they are called on C++ solve it?

You know you define to check for the OS type, if it's 32 then you define size_t as unsigned else you don't.

Also would I be able to build 32bits games from a 64bit OS?

As far as I know it is possible but I tought to check before comminting to use LGM/ENIGMA from it.

Issues Help Desk / Linux Unable to load library 'compileEGMf' (SOLVED!)
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:18:46 pm »
Hi and happy new year!

Not so happy for me since I did a fresh install just a few minutes ago, everything according to the instructions (downloaded from git)
Code: [Select]
The only way I can launch LGM is in a terminal from the enigma-dev folder (Before I could launch it without the terminal if  I remember correctly),
it launches and in it's progress console starts doing its mojo but then it stops.

And I get this:

Code: [Select]

ENIGMA: Can't communicate with the library
Either because it can't find it or because it uses other methods than expected.

The exact error is:

Unable to load library 'compileEGMf': Native library (linux-x86/ not found in resource path ([file:/home/eduardo/enigma-dev/plugins/enigma.jar])

There's only a windows related post from 2010 so I'm at a loss about how to fix this.

Help me please?


Just ran python and I get this:

Code: [Select]
Enigma package manager
Installing main please wait...
INFO: no dependencies for jnaJar
INFO: jnaJar already up-to-date (same hash)
INFO: no dependencies for lgm
INFO: lgm already up-to-date (same hash)
INFO: no dependencies for infolist
INFO: infolist hash did not match (probably needs updated) localhash:c3d39dd9c08ed430d137e72b9e823d2c remotehash:22bee0144dc32015e424bb88a4eac356
INFO: no dependencies for icns
INFO: icns hash did not match (probably needs updated) localhash:89343464f0330b22cbd50f31e200ad7c remotehash:35fc725e522a2d26a36ea99b0e13b4cf
INFO: no dependencies for alure
INFO: alure already up-to-date (same hash)
INFO: mac already up-to-date (same hash)
INFO: main already up-to-date (same hash)
Finished updating main


If I run make from the enigma-dev folder I get this:

Code: [Select]
eduardo@eduardo-Aspire-M1100 ~/enigma-dev $ make
make -j 3 -C CompilerSource
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio «/home/eduardo/enigma-dev/CompilerSource»
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./JDI/src/General/parse_basics.o JDI/src/General/parse_basics.cpp
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./parser/object_storage.o parser/object_storage.cpp
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./backend/ideprint.o backend/ideprint.cpp
In file included from backend/ideprint.cpp:19:0:
backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
JDI/src/General/parse_basics.cpp: In function ‘std::string parse_bacics::visible::toString(unsigned int)’:
JDI/src/General/parse_basics.cpp:60:12: error: redefinition of ‘std::string parse_bacics::visible::toString(unsigned int)’
     string toString(unsigned n) { char buf[12]; return string(buf,sprintf(buf,"%u", n)); }
JDI/src/General/parse_basics.cpp:56:12: error: ‘std::string parse_bacics::visible::toString(size_t)’ previously defined here
     string toString(size_t n) { char buf[12]; return string(buf,printf(buf,"%zd", n)); }
backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
backend/ideprint.cpp:39:11: error: redefinition of ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’
 ideprint &ideprint::operator<< (unsigned x) {
backend/ideprint.cpp:30:11: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’ previously defined here
 ideprint &ideprint::operator<< (size_t x) {
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/module_write_backgrounds.o compiler/components/module_write_backgrounds.cpp
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/write_defragged_events.o compiler/components/write_defragged_events.cpp
In file included from parser/object_storage.cpp:186:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/handle_templates.o compiler/components/handle_templates.cpp
In file included from compiler/components/write_defragged_events.cpp:26:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
In file included from compiler/components/module_write_backgrounds.cpp:41:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
In file included from compiler/components/handle_templates.cpp:34:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/parse_secondary.o compiler/components/parse_secondary.cpp
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/module_write_sprites.o compiler/components/module_write_sprites.cpp
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/module_write_sounds.o compiler/components/module_write_sounds.cpp
In file included from compiler/components/parse_secondary.cpp:31:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/parse_and_link.o compiler/components/parse_and_link.cpp
In file included from compiler/components/module_write_sprites.cpp:42:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/module_write_fonts.o compiler/components/module_write_fonts.cpp
In file included from compiler/components/parse_and_link.cpp:31:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
In file included from compiler/components/module_write_sounds.cpp:41:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/components/module_write_paths.o compiler/components/module_write_paths.cpp
g++ -fPIC -Wall -g -I./JDI/src -I. -MMD -MP -c -o .eobjs/./compiler/compile.o compiler/compile.cpp
In file included from compiler/components/module_write_fonts.cpp:34:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
In file included from compiler/compile.cpp:50:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
In file included from compiler/components/module_write_paths.cpp:43:0:
./backend/ideprint.h:41:13: error: ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(unsigned int)’ cannot be overloaded
   ideprint &operator<< (unsigned x);
./backend/ideprint.h:38:13: error: with ‘ideprint& ideprint::operator<<(size_t)’
   ideprint &operator<< (size_t x);
make[1]: se sale del directorio «/home/eduardo/enigma-dev/CompilerSource»
make: *** [ENIGMA] Error 2


This is the backtrace on the progress console:

Code: [Select]
Operating System: Linux
Version: 3.13.0-24-generic
Architecture: i386

Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Version: 1.7.0_65

Available processors (cores): 2
Free memory (bytes): 8135192
Maximum memory (bytes): 518979584
Total memory available to JVM (bytes): 27832320

File system root: /
Total space (bytes): 64165449728
Free space (bytes): 47711252480
Usable space (bytes): 44428214272

Stack trace:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'compileEGMf': Native library (linux-x86/ not found in resource path ([file:/home/eduardo/enigma-dev/plugins/enigma.jar])
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.loadLibrary(
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance(
at com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.<init>(
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadLibrary(
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadLibrary(
at org.enigma.EnigmaRunner.attemptLib(
at org.enigma.EnigmaRunner.access$1(
at org.enigma.EnigmaRunner$

Proposals / Re: Selection tool
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:30:50 pm »
Unless I am missing something?

But in GM Studio, you don't have the tiles list. What are we doing with this list ? Should we get rid of it ?

You could:

A.- Get rid of it  ???

B.- Put it in a button/pop up window   ???

C.- Make the whole Tiles tab Scrollable   ???

D.- Do nothing and leave everything as it is  :(

E.-Something else I didn't think about and that makes a lot more sense?  :D

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