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Works in Progress / Retro Pacman game for Opensuse users
« on: January 10, 2023, 10:42:12 am »
Completed a retro Pacman game with a modern spin for OpenSuse users of Tumbleweed and Leap. Completely sourced and compiled to run natively. You may need to install additional dependencies which will be explained in a Readme file.
Off-Topic / What genre of game interests you the most
« on: May 08, 2022, 09:26:04 am »
I'm taking this poll in an attempt to comprehend what type of tutorial/game would be good to make/outline using Enigma. Please answer as honestly as possible and if i have missed out a category, then tell me which should have been included.
even if you are not a full 'gamer', there must be some you do play.
even if you are not a full 'gamer', there must be some you do play.
Works in Progress / retro fps dungeon crawler
« on: September 24, 2021, 05:48:46 am »
This is an alternate way to create a 3d dungeon crawler game.
General ENIGMA / Enigma and The Raspberry PI
« on: January 16, 2021, 06:12:45 pm »
Greeting, my fellow enigmanaunts! With everything that is happening in the world nowadays, there wasn't much word from me about the state of Enigma progress. Well i'm happy and excited to tell you that there's another platform Enigma have been successfully transitioned to. That platform is no other than ARM via the Raspberry PI4.
Through the generosity of Goombert, one of the project devs, in gifting me one, such a feat was accomplished.

The Raspberry PI4 used has 4GB memory with a 32GB flash card for storage. You can upgrade the storage as high as you are willing to go. 32Gb is descent enough,As far as installation goes, it went through smoothly. However I had numerous problems attempting to upgrade the gcc and g++ libraries. Unfortunately, the highest version Raspbian uses is 8.3 which causes errors.
After numerous failures trying to upgrade, i installed Manjaro ARM and all problems were non-existant. you can use the setup instructions detailed from here.
There are some tweaks I did which you do if you choose to. Depending on you PI setup, you can use a USB or Flash Disk with higher capacity. I opted to use an external drive enclosure with a 500GB Hard drive as i had one laying around.. There are kits and enclosures designed for the PI but as mine is already in one, this external drive option was the better solution.
i will do instruction a video from installation to compiling a game soon, so look out for that soon.
i must say that I am marveled at the PI. Not only for its size, but its simplicity and power consumption 5 Volts. to run a computer and its peripherals. It is indeed a wonder of technology.
if you have any questions , you can find me on the Discord.
Until then, "be excellent with one another"
Through the generosity of Goombert, one of the project devs, in gifting me one, such a feat was accomplished.
The Raspberry PI4 used has 4GB memory with a 32GB flash card for storage. You can upgrade the storage as high as you are willing to go. 32Gb is descent enough,As far as installation goes, it went through smoothly. However I had numerous problems attempting to upgrade the gcc and g++ libraries. Unfortunately, the highest version Raspbian uses is 8.3 which causes errors.
After numerous failures trying to upgrade, i installed Manjaro ARM and all problems were non-existant. you can use the setup instructions detailed from here.
There are some tweaks I did which you do if you choose to. Depending on you PI setup, you can use a USB or Flash Disk with higher capacity. I opted to use an external drive enclosure with a 500GB Hard drive as i had one laying around.. There are kits and enclosures designed for the PI but as mine is already in one, this external drive option was the better solution.
i will do instruction a video from installation to compiling a game soon, so look out for that soon.
i must say that I am marveled at the PI. Not only for its size, but its simplicity and power consumption 5 Volts. to run a computer and its peripherals. It is indeed a wonder of technology.
if you have any questions , you can find me on the Discord.
Until then, "be excellent with one another"
Graphics and Video / Fresh Wallpapers for your Desktop
« on: June 17, 2020, 06:14:18 pm »
Hi there. I composed some wallpapers I hope you will enjoy using them on your desktop. the links are as follows
If you are not already, then please consider becoming a Patreon on Enigma's Patreon page here. Your support is gratefully appreciated.
If you are not already, then please consider becoming a Patreon on Enigma's Patreon page here. Your support is gratefully appreciated.
General ENIGMA / OpenSuse Support for Enigma
« on: May 22, 2020, 06:11:26 pm »
Now users using Opensuse can develop games with Enigma for that platform. For now i can say it is a bit experimental as there are a few 'kinks' to smooth out. Sound support for other formats other than .wav is an example. When sufficient testing has been done, the procedures will be outlined in the Wiki.
I dont have that much experience with Opensuse. I do find it fascinating though. It is very sleek and efficient OS. From its package manager to YaST, you can find just about any package you need. Commands in the terminal and very easy and simple to remember. Need to update your can type " sudo zypper update" or "sudo zypper up" .to remove a can type 'sudo remove <package name>' or 'sudo rm <package name>'.
It had been tedious finding all the dependecies to get Enigma to work. With Opensuse being totally, open source, libraries that had a hint of being proprietry could not be used/found. It does allow one to use proprietry software from 3rd party vendors but doing so could break the system. Opensuse does not test/check for any flaws or bugs from such software, so the risk is all on you, the user.
Click on the link to see some screenshots.
I dont have that much experience with Opensuse. I do find it fascinating though. It is very sleek and efficient OS. From its package manager to YaST, you can find just about any package you need. Commands in the terminal and very easy and simple to remember. Need to update your can type " sudo zypper update" or "sudo zypper up" .to remove a can type 'sudo remove <package name>' or 'sudo rm <package name>'.
It had been tedious finding all the dependecies to get Enigma to work. With Opensuse being totally, open source, libraries that had a hint of being proprietry could not be used/found. It does allow one to use proprietry software from 3rd party vendors but doing so could break the system. Opensuse does not test/check for any flaws or bugs from such software, so the risk is all on you, the user.
Click on the link to see some screenshots.
General ENIGMA / Android Support viable!
« on: March 12, 2020, 10:14:15 pm »
It has been a long time coming but finally Android support is here. It is still experimental and it is nowhere perfect but at least users will be able to port games to their Android devices. you can watch the video bt going here
Instructions will be in the Wiki. MInd you, it is kinda complicated and not for beginners to try.
Many thanks to gfundies, a developer and creator of this branch. Special thanks also to Goombabert, another developer for his help.
Instructions will be in the Wiki. MInd you, it is kinda complicated and not for beginners to try.
Many thanks to gfundies, a developer and creator of this branch. Special thanks also to Goombabert, another developer for his help.
Works in Progress / Prototype in the works
« on: December 22, 2019, 07:08:00 am »
Season greetings to everyone. As we come closer to the end of 2019, projects still come to mind which need to be fiinished This one is the latest which I sharing its progress to date. Other work has made it difficult to be as involved as I would to be. Hopefully come 2020, I will be able to spend even more time here, doing videos, tutorials and of course making games. Until such time, here's hoping that you have a wonderful Xmas and happy coding in 2020!
Works in Progress / DSU - new underwater game
« on: October 03, 2019, 06:38:26 am »At the moment there is a Linux version. There will be a Windows and Mobile version later. I am also thinking about doing a Mac version but that is another matter altogether.
Tips, Tutorials, Examples / Mithe.....a Flappy Bird clone or underwater game
« on: September 26, 2019, 05:10:31 pm »
I am doing a two part series on converting one game type to another. For this i am using a Flappy bird clone i created today and will convert it into an underwater game. you can check the Youtube video here for part one. if you are interested in doing it yourself, download the source at the EDC or Games section. With a few additions like a Start Menu, some effects and additional graphics, one can make a full game of it.
Converting the game should be too difficult since the type of underwater game uses the same type of mechanics. Stay tuned for an update.
Converting the game should be too difficult since the type of underwater game uses the same type of mechanics. Stay tuned for an update.

Tips, Tutorials, Examples / ENIGMA on USB drive using UUI
« on: September 01, 2019, 08:59:45 am »
For those who may want to try ENIGMA or LINUX, but don't want to use a VM(Virtual Machine), you can do so by installing it on a USB drive using this great software I came across named Universal USB Installer. I recommend using a 8GB or more one as i've recently tested one such drive. A 128Gb one is ideal for updates, creating your projects and copying resources over for use.
To create your USB, I refer you to this article here, where it instructs you on how to create such a device. Linux is not the only OS you can use, however. You can choose, Fedora, Arch, CentOS, Windows, Android, Cloning/REcovery Tools, Antivirus Rescue Tools, Security/Penetrating Tools and many others.
The one I created was Xubuntu, as I was using a 8Gb Sandisk USB drive. The one feature that sets it apart from others I've used before, like Etcher, Rufus etc, is the 'Persistence' setting, where you set how much of the drive space to use for storage. On mine, I created a 3Gb one, which after installing ENIGMA has 690MB free.
The instructions are simple. Choose what distro you want to install. Don't have the ISO? No problem. It directs you to the download link. Select the USB drive. You can format it as NTFS or Fat32. I recommend using Fat32 as it is more generic. I've had experiences where some computers Bios have trouble reading NTFS formatted USB drives.
Depending on your USB size it will take some time, but it is definitely worth the effort. After your USB is configured and gone through the process, it just a matter of plugging it into the computer USB port and starting up the computer.
When the boot menu appears, choose the option to try the OS.
When the desktop is up, make sure the network is working, open up the browser and go to ENIGMA's website.
Depending on the type of OS, you've chosen follow those instructions. If you choose a LINUX type distribution and is new to LINUX, dont panic. Its very easy to install ENIGMA.
LINUX users
To create your USB, I refer you to this article here, where it instructs you on how to create such a device. Linux is not the only OS you can use, however. You can choose, Fedora, Arch, CentOS, Windows, Android, Cloning/REcovery Tools, Antivirus Rescue Tools, Security/Penetrating Tools and many others.
The one I created was Xubuntu, as I was using a 8Gb Sandisk USB drive. The one feature that sets it apart from others I've used before, like Etcher, Rufus etc, is the 'Persistence' setting, where you set how much of the drive space to use for storage. On mine, I created a 3Gb one, which after installing ENIGMA has 690MB free.
The instructions are simple. Choose what distro you want to install. Don't have the ISO? No problem. It directs you to the download link. Select the USB drive. You can format it as NTFS or Fat32. I recommend using Fat32 as it is more generic. I've had experiences where some computers Bios have trouble reading NTFS formatted USB drives.
Depending on your USB size it will take some time, but it is definitely worth the effort. After your USB is configured and gone through the process, it just a matter of plugging it into the computer USB port and starting up the computer.
When the boot menu appears, choose the option to try the OS.
When the desktop is up, make sure the network is working, open up the browser and go to ENIGMA's website.
Depending on the type of OS, you've chosen follow those instructions. If you choose a LINUX type distribution and is new to LINUX, dont panic. Its very easy to install ENIGMA.
LINUX users
- Open the app named Terminal. It is very similar to Windows command prompt and will normally be in the Accessories submenu.
- Next open up your browser and go to the website. (Some installations would have an icon on your desktop. if there is none, go to the Internet sub-menu. Note: the link carries you directly to the Linux installation page)
- Select and copy all the text in the code.
- Next we are going to paste the text into a script. Open the File Manager by clicking on the Computer icon on the desktop. If there isn't one, then you should find it in the Accessories sub-menu. With the Home Folder selected, go the right side of the panel, right-click and choose Create New....Empty File. Give it the name ''. Double click on that file and paste the contents you copied.
- Next we have to make the file executable. Right-click on the file, choose Properties. Go to the Permissions tab and select 'make this file executable'.
- With the Terminal window, you should be able to drag the file over into the Terminal window. If not then copy the file and paste it into the Terminal. You should see the path and name of the file at the prompt.
- All that's left now is hit Enter in the Terminal Window. If all goes well, you should see a new folder in the File Manager named enigma-dev.
- In that folder, double-click on the file named "'
- in the Terminal window, type "./"

Finished Games / Unravel......A sliding puzzle game
« on: July 22, 2019, 08:56:05 pm »Unravel is a puzzle game where you move blocks around to clear a path for the gem block to reach its goal. upon reaching that goal you collect gems while escaping the puzzle board. There are 25 Levels in the Windows version. it is 32bit so it should be able to play on all Windows version as well on Linux and Mac as long as you have Wine on those platforms.
Those familiar with the popular game 'Unblocked me' will recognise it, as it is uses the same mechanics. However, unlike being restricted to only Windows OS, you have the option to play something similar on other platforms as well.
you can get the full game from the EDC.
watch the gameplay video from here.
hope you enjoy it. As usual....comment or make suggestions. Criticisms are also welcome.
Works in Progress / New Games in EDC Announcement
« on: July 04, 2019, 08:43:22 pm »
I have posted 2 new game demos in the EDC.
In previous posts i have talked about them before in the topics "Alien Brigade' and 'Sokoban Clone in Enigma'. Alien Brigade concept has been changed as well as its name. Plans for more complex formations, a story mode, boss fights and other features are being developed.
ABP (aka Amazing Box Puzzles) concept though it may be more similar to Sokoban, should not be considered as a clone. Traps and obstacles need to be overcome in order to solve the puzzle like in my game Mystery Mansion.......also in the EDC. There are also 3 modes of play, Standard, Scrolling and Landscape.....each with its own Select screen.
In previous posts i have talked about them before in the topics "Alien Brigade' and 'Sokoban Clone in Enigma'. Alien Brigade concept has been changed as well as its name. Plans for more complex formations, a story mode, boss fights and other features are being developed.
ABP (aka Amazing Box Puzzles) concept though it may be more similar to Sokoban, should not be considered as a clone. Traps and obstacles need to be overcome in order to solve the puzzle like in my game Mystery Mansion.......also in the EDC. There are also 3 modes of play, Standard, Scrolling and Landscape.....each with its own Select screen.
Works in Progress / Alien Brigade
« on: June 27, 2019, 11:17:57 am »Another game I have in the works is a space arcade shooter named Alien Brigade.
i was feeling a little nostalgic for a game like those in the video game machines (aka Galaga comes to mind) and so I decided to do one.
As a works in progress, it only has about 15 levels, for now. i'm looking to extend that to around 50 or so. I also plan to include some attack patterns, more bosses and enemies. so be on the look out for more progress reports.
check out its video here on youtube.
Works in Progress / Sokoban clone for Enigma
« on: June 14, 2019, 08:48:03 pm »
i am in the process of doing a Sokoban clone as another of my tutorial projects as well as a full game.
The full game will have a 'Select Level' screen utilizing one of my previous projects ......[size=78%][/size]
However, this will be slightly different. A thumbnail will represent each level which, makes coding for me easier to do. This involves taking a screenshot of each level, cropping it to a custom size of 96X96 pixels as a sprite, then simply duplicating that object and changing its sprite_index and room_index.
The full game will have a 'Select Level' screen utilizing one of my previous projects ......[size=78%][/size]
However, this will be slightly different. A thumbnail will represent each level which, makes coding for me easier to do. This involves taking a screenshot of each level, cropping it to a custom size of 96X96 pixels as a sprite, then simply duplicating that object and changing its sprite_index and room_index.