Another update (attn Goombert?):
It's been a while, so I figured I'd check in so you guys know that I'm still hard at work on this.
Static code status:
In case you've missed it, I've made a few changes to the static model code, making it quite a bit leaner.
Animation status:
After endless debugging, I've finished porting the animation code over to C++, and it finally works fantastic. I did break down and start using GLM, and I have a pretty heavy dependency on it right now, because it just made the matrix math that I need so much easier. The end result is about 850 lines of code or 25kb (source, not compiled), plus the shader (50 lines), plus pugixml (375kb source), plus GLM (ehhh...), plus another 200 lines for spinning up my own main/glfw window/glew calls/camera (stuff which ENIGMA normally handles, so that wouldn't be ported over).
I did write GLSL1 shaders for it, and it works great, so that's excellent. Now I'm half waiting on Goombert to share the code for his multi-textured terrain example (the dropbox link is 404) and/or whatever he's secretly doing with shaders -- and half figuring it out myself (which would probably include hacking it a bit myself)
Porting my code to ENIGMA. This involves figuring out how ENIGMA handles shaders and maybe forcing it to handle how *I* want to use shaders (or hopefully not). Then I'd probably have to replace all my dependencies on GLM with enigma's matrix math, because GLM is massive (2mb) and I don't think ENIGMA wants to add that library just to make model animation a little easier.
Here's a few good notes for users at the current time:
* Multiple models are supported, of course. One model (animated, static, or both) per file. Just construct a new collada model for each one, and point it to the file.
* Static and Animated models will both be supported, with a simple boolean switch in the constructor to determine how to read it in (so exclusively static models don't have to have animation data), and animated models can be read in as animated and still render their static/base model version by simply using a shader that ignores the animation data (in theory, the Fixed Function Pipeline (FFP) should suffice).
* Relatively simple API lets you construct a model with one call, get how long the animation is, set the animation frame (increment each step to animate), and render. There may be a couple other calls to set up the shader, and don't forget to set up the texture, too.
* A single model can be rendered as many times as you'd like in as many different frames (or same frames) as you'd like. In my test code, I've got two guys running and two guys standing, going around in a circle like a merry-go-round.
* No error checking at this time keeps things fast. If anything is missing, it will be omitted, which could easily cascade down to your model not rendering, but the rest of your game should still be playable.
* In order to keep the code small, we make a few assumptions about how the model is constructed and behaves, so a lot of the fancy Collada features will not be present, like materials, special interpolation methods, Collada lights (you have to program your own lights in ENIGMA, you know that), and so on. Refer to the java example model for what features you can use, or feel free to hack in anything I missed.
Hopefully next time you hear from me (may take a while again), I'll have some animation code that you can stick in ENIGMA and use!
If anybody wants to see my current independent (working) code, let me know and I'll consider sharing it, but again keep in mind that it has dependencies on GLFW, GLEW, and GLM, which took me a while to figure out how to set up.
Also, if anybody wants to help, either in this or in the game that I'm working on (no, it's not a 3d MMORPG), that'd be super awesome. Let me know and we can figure out what parts you can work on and/or what parts need done. But I'm assuming most of you guys are probably busy working on your own things right now, so that's fine, I'll just keep chugging away at this