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Messages - TheExDeus

General ENIGMA / Re: Searching In Resources
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:39:37 am »
I love the Josh's execution of the idea. I would personally take any search in resource function, even a GM:S clone, but if we can make it better, then why shouldn't we. I think the idea Josh had is that we use the already present "Search for resources" fields you just added, and allow people search in code the as well (if appropriate buttons are clicked). This means we don't have to have several search dialogs.

But I'll be honest Josh I also think we should have a preference for the object events to be expandable by default even when not searching, users can toggle it from preferences which is also default functionality of Eclipse class files.
That's actually a cool idea, because then I would almost never open the object dialog (unless I need to add an event). We already removed D&D (optionally) so people with code don't see it. Now we could remove the need for object dialog for people who use only code. It's still useful of course (adding events, changing sprite etc.), but when I have already made an object and added all the events, then I only open it to change the code.

A) The resource frame appears as well as the code editor for the event.
B) Only the code editor for the event appears with an indication of the object (I believe most code windows already have the object name in the title which I did so that you can find them when the tab bar is active under the one look and feel)
Both are quite interesting options. I think only the code editor needs to open, because you clicked on an event - which means you want to edit it. If the person clicks on a higher node (the obj_player resource) then the object editor should open. So the editor opens for the resource you clicked on. If you click on room, room editor opens, if you click on Room Creation Code, the code editor opens. It seems more logical to me because of the "User does, user sees" kind of thing.

General ENIGMA / Re: JavaFX on ARM
« on: September 13, 2014, 09:03:18 am »
There are already several things that can run Swing on ARM though, like OpenJDK. This means we should already be able to run LGM on RaspberryPi, for example. But I guess when you rewrite the thing on JavaFX, it will be better anyway.

General ENIGMA / Re: Search Filter
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:58:41 pm »
On windows you often have to write "Content: my_variable" to search "my_variable" inside txt files. But if you don't type that it will search inside files as well, but only after finishing with filenames. Anyway, I would love searching in all resource whatever the window/tab it's in. We can always move stuff, but we need to code the thing first.

General ENIGMA / Re: Search Filter
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:08:39 am »
I would love a search feature to search in all the code. So I could find a variable that is causing problems without going manually trough all the objects and their events.

Developing ENIGMA / Re: The benefits of Visual Studio's compiler?
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:02:55 pm »
That's not a reason to not support it.
The reason not to support it is because there is no reason to support it.

there's a reason people use it there.
Mostly for the IDE. We actually have used VS IDE together with VisualGDB to write code for RaspberryPi. So we use GCC to compile, but use VS just for the IDE. Most people who use VS outside of IDE are people who write C#, which are people who doesn't have any real alternative.

I have worked on projects that use VS with C++, C# and so .NET as well. And from my experience it's almost impossible to run a compiled executable without installing A LOT of dependencies before hand. In C++ case it's better of course than in .NET/C# case where you seriously must install sometimes hundreds of MB of dependencies. Of course MS keep adding to dependencies in newer versions of windows as well, but whenever you use a newer VS in an older windows (like Win7) you end up with this bloat problem. MinGW is the only compile I know which actually outputs windows executable with NO dependencies (when statically linked). In VS case you even have to install bloat just to run VS itself. That is why we run VS in a virtual machine, so we can just delete the machine together with all the bloat when the project ends and we have to install another version of VS for a newer one. Now we are actually just developing on Linux and compiling the same code on Windows using MinGW and cross-compiling. It's just easier that way.

Developing ENIGMA / Re: The benefits of Visual Studio's compiler?
« on: September 07, 2014, 08:30:11 am »
I also personally don't like VS. It's very bloated, so ENIGMA would weight A LOT more if used. There could potentially be many more dependencies as well, as is the case with a lot of VS made programs. Like you have to install 300mb dependency (what MS calls "Redistributable Packages") to run 2mb large math example program. In this case MinGW is a lot better, as it can make standalone executable very small. And as DaSpirit pointed out, VS is very slow at C++ standards. It took them years to implement many C++11 features, and they still don't support many of them (check MS has historically been VERY slow to adopt standards, which is why IE couldn't render any webpage properly for decades. GCC on the other hand implements the standards rapidly, which often include optimizations as well, so it's generally faster. VS can't compile anything outside Windows as well, so we would still use MinGW, which end up us maintaining several different systems again. So long story short, using VS would be a mistake. The only good thing is debugging, but there are many alternative ways we could improve that as well.

I would actually have a discussion about using C++11/14 features in ENIGMA source as well. I think we should start doing that and thus get rid of some nastiness we had to do before. I think some guy who did changes to math.h/cpp already used some new C++ there.

Programming Help / Re: Windows 8 touch support
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:03:03 am »
As we will have to implement touchscreen functions at some point anyway, and we already support windows8.1, then I guess we should look into that. Windows probably has some kind of API for this. I sadly don't have time for that now (and I don't have a win8 touchscreen device).

Works in Progress / Re: Iji is now in Beta! Please test~
« on: September 03, 2014, 01:30:07 pm »
I also though we still just bundled the dll, but I just checked the "Additional"'s and found that we might actually compile it now. Dunno who changed that, probably Robert. Not that I'm complaining, it's actually better that we compile it now.

Works in Progress / Re: Iji is now in Beta! Please test~
« on: September 01, 2014, 04:40:30 pm »
On Windows the dll is included in the .exe. I don't know if that is possible when cross-compiling.

Works in Progress / Re: Iji is now in Beta! Please test~
« on: September 01, 2014, 07:33:54 am »
I don't have any problems with the logo used. And I very happy you got it working. I think many Linux Iji fans will be very happy (which you can find at the forums of the official dev). I think you should post there as well and see their interest. I personally have played Iji only once, and that was years ago. I guess this is a good time as any to play again. :)

Iji also has a wikipedia page which mentions other people tries to get it working on Linux. I guess this is a way for ENIGMA to be mentioned on the wikipedia as well. :D

General ENIGMA / Re: New functions available in the rooms editor.
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:10:36 pm »
What kind of error you have? Those alure.h and ffi.h errors are when you don't have the additional packages installed. I am not sure what you have to do on linux, but on windows it means you don't have ENIGMAsystem\Additional folder. You can get that by downloading the installer zip and copy out from there.

I manage to compile fine, but there are massive stability issues with ENIGMA right now. Like the minecraft example crashes on GL1 (something to do with texture_set_stage changes) and GL3 works fine, but transparency is a little broken. Other GL3 examples don't render correctly either, so we will have to fix it. It's just that there are very few active developers now, so it got a little messy.

edit: The GL1 minecraft segfault is actually something I already fixed, but had to revert because of other bugs. Should probably complete that branch and try to implement again.

General ENIGMA / Re: New functions available in the rooms editor.
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:02:08 am »
I've downloaded your source and i executed the 'mingw32-make' command, but when i try to run an empty project, i've the following error message :
Did you just pull the branch in a new directory? Those errors are because you didn't install the "Additional" packages which are no in git. They are added in the portable zip and downloadable from the wiki separately as well. What I actually suggest you to use on windows is GitHub For Windows. It is a clean interface where you can just drag the folder with .git inside the window and it will show all the commits and branches. Then on the top you will be able to change the branch and it will do it automatically.

Anyway, I just merged into master so you can test from there. If it's broken, then I will try to fix it or revert.

And I guess the problems I was seeing were just no proper inversion. Like it didn't override the blend function (so it was still transparent and red just as I put it), and only the outline was blending. Not a big problem for me, as I don't actually use the inverted colors option. Just played with it.

General ENIGMA / Re: New functions available in the rooms editor.
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:19:44 pm »
I am a beginner with git and i don't know how to get your modifications. If i use the command 'git pull', it will give me the modifications from the main repository, but as your pull request is not yet accepted, what we are supposed to do ? So far i didn't succeed to use the latest version of Enigma with LateralGm.
All pull requests are just branches. So from web you can go here: . And so the .zip is here:
You can also do "git checkout PreCreationCode".

I guess you are speaking of the 'selection' option. I didn't see any special. Can you show us an example ?
Try setting the sprite transparent and colored in room editor, then enable the inverted colors option and drag the sprite. It won't have inverted colors and the will even look more weird when over other sprites. I will maybe later post a picture.

That's ok for me, but it will be for another release. I will put it on my 'todo list'. Also Robert was talking about changing the scale with mouse, it would be cool also. Rotation could be done also with the mouse.
Yeah, that would be awesome.

General ENIGMA / Re: New functions available in the rooms editor.
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:12:45 am »
Test this:
You will have to recompile the .dll. I do it by opening Git Shell and typing "mingw32-make". After that the plugin error shouldn't show and the transformation options should work fine.

Also, I noticed that there is some weirdness when using "inverted colors" option together with instance sprite transformations. And "color" should be used instead of the english spelling. Just to be more consistent. And you could maybe have a "preCreation code" modifiable just like creation code is, for both the instance and rooms. So the transformations are prefixed to the user made precreation code.

Also you should allow negative scale (right now it doesn't allow you to set -1 in scale for example). If you had that I wouldn't need the "flip" option, which is also missing now.

General ENIGMA / Re: New functions available in the rooms editor.
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:29:40 am »
Did you modify enigma.jar as well? If so, then compile both and post here. I will download them and try to add the precreation code.