Contributing to ENIGMA => Proposals => Topic started by: fervi on August 20, 2014, 05:28:44 am

Title: Saving / Loading Games
Post by: fervi on August 20, 2014, 05:28:44 am

Save and Load game is one of the basic things that are needed by people in developing games

Unfortunately, I do not know the way how to do it with enigma
- Game_save and game_load not work at all (not been implemented?)
- INI files do not work under Linux

Other methods do not know

It is possible to implement in the near future, one of the features? I really needed (and others)

Thank you very much for reading
Title: Re: Saving / Loading Games
Post by: sorlok_reaves on August 20, 2014, 11:38:42 am
There is a modified (working on Linux) ini file plugin up for review at the moment.

Also, you can just use "file_text_open_write" and similar to make text-based save files with a format of your choosing.

Any other developers have any ideas?
Title: Re: Saving / Loading Games
Post by: Josh @ Dreamland on August 21, 2014, 08:52:33 pm
My ideas on the matter are on the Wiki (http://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/ENIGMA:Todo#Game_Saving_.2F_Loading). I intend on using new parser magic to implement this dynamically if no one handles that by the time I finish it. :P

I am not volunteering you, Sorlok, but unless I'm mistaken, you already know everything you need to know to implement that in the current compiler.