forthevin, I want you to add two things to this.
1) When making bug reports, people should include exact steps to replicate, and properly label issues on the tracker, take LGM's tracker as an example, I had a very pleasant experience working with IsmAvatar's tracker. ENIGMA's tracker on the other hand is a complete mess, when we implement stuff or fix bugs we never mark off the issue # the commit fixes or anything like that, that I was doing on LGM's tracker, not to mention we have polygonz in charge of labeling ^_^
2) When merging I think we need to add that people should make an effort to understand the code and actually review it before merging. It is like writing an essay, you can't proof read your own stuff well, it is best when someone else does it for you. This is also one of the big things of having SVN and a tracker, but yet we do not utilize it, even Josh has done this by merging cheeseboy's half broken code without reviewing that I had to go fix immediately for him.