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Author Topic: New Games in EDC Announcement  (Read 10546 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: July 04, 2019, 08:43:22 pm

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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I have posted 2 new game demos in the EDC.

In previous posts i have talked about them before in the topics "Alien Brigade' and 'Sokoban Clone in Enigma'. Alien Brigade concept has been changed as well as its name. Plans for more complex formations, a story mode, boss fights and other features are being developed.

ABP (aka Amazing Box Puzzles) concept though it may be more similar to Sokoban, should not be considered as a clone. Traps and obstacles need to be overcome in order to solve the puzzle like in my game Mystery Mansion.......also in the EDC. There are also 3 modes of play, Standard, Scrolling and Landscape.....each with its own Select screen.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 05:25:24 am by hpg678 » Logged
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Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #1 Posted on: July 10, 2019, 12:35:05 am

Location: Cappuccino, CA
Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991

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I'm really happy to see this. I know you've been working hard on these games for a while and refining some borrowed mechanics from your previous games. I finally got some time to sit down and play them and that's what I am doing.

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I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #2 Posted on: July 10, 2019, 08:14:52 am

Location: Cappuccino, CA
Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991

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Alright, I got through both games and have submitted feedback on each on the EDC postings. Thank you for such a fun experience hugar!
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

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