You can control it mate, it depends on you. You can still continue living the way you do and enjoy your money. It's the people who go public and literally advertise of their fortune and bag about it who become entangled.
and it's people who let themselves be influenced. People who properly manage money and know how to enjoy life without being told what to do, will be happy.
So if you are given billion $ and don't know what to do with it, fine, you can give some to me I'll know what to do lol.
I would just continue living the same way, and not flash/advertise my riches or live the life of fame and celebrity

just continue on my quiet life

and enjoy the perks of being able to afford what you want to, travel, and live comfortably, and I would not live in a mansion either I mean what the bloody hell use to have 15 bathroom, lifts, pools, big space when you are not going to use any of it, unless you plan on throwing parties ! Some people lead that lifestyle and are PUBLIC !
Saying that all rich indie developers are miserable might not be fair, those who are decide to be fair........there are some poor people who are miserable too, some average earners who are miserable too. Some things in life you choose.....when you are fucking poor, it's difficult to get out of the fucking hole. When you have all the money you'll ever need, what happens to you can be fully controlled.......if you let money and others control you, then that is your character........

I'm quite sure that for many here if you had that kind of money you'd change your minds.....
Nobody wants to spend their entire lives working for a wee salary - it's most people's dreams to being able to have enough money to live worry free