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Author Topic: 40 minutes left atm of this post  (Read 8954 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Posted on: September 18, 2015, 12:20:16 pm

Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #1 Posted on: September 20, 2015, 01:02:02 am
Joined: Jan 2014
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Ok after researching this apparently not a scam it is discussed on YYG forum, but beware their servers are overloaded as a result.  I guess this works on the principles of viral sales...........Right now YYG just opened the door to the flooding of newbies and crappy games !
OR it could be a scam, since GMS 2 is around the corner.  This android addon will only work for GMS 1 !  You will have to pay the FULL price to get the v2 one.
once they discontinue GMS1, like they did with GMS8, you won't be able to use it anymore......
They would not be allowing the android export to be sold for $12, if they were not planning to discontinue it soon..........

They are making boatloads of cash from this and they are getting ready to screw us over like they did with GMS8.1 !

FORCING you to buy GMS2 and buy android export for v2........

If anybody fails to see through this you are naive.

So $12 for an android export, I am assuming it will probably be valid for a limited time before YYG discontinues it and makes it non functional.
I'm sure this is a limited licence and will expire soon.
I'm sure YYG will announce GMS2 officially before end of the year, and it will be released Q1-Q2 2016, by that time your $12 Humble Bundle purchase (the android key part) will stop functioning..........
If this is true and they play dirty like that, YYG will have lost lots of customers........No company in their right bloody mind would practiaclly give away their expensive software unless they were desperate for sales and not doing well....

Imagine the lot that paid $299 for the export, only to find out shortly after that they could have gotten it for $12.......Imagine the bloke who spent $149 only to find out they could have gotten BOTH the Pro and Android for $12...........So something is very fishy here.

Also read somewhere that the FlappyBird dev was allegedly using a cracked version and that YYG caught him, is there any truth to this story or is it just rubbish?

« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 01:59:13 am by Darkstar2 » Logged
Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Reply #2 Posted on: September 20, 2015, 06:44:18 am

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Is some kind of servers actually required for GMS to function? Like does it work when you don't have internet? From what I read it tries to connect to some validation server, but if you are offline (or the network adapter is disabled) then it still works fine. So I don't think they will disable anything, companies rarely do that. And even if they do there will be a workaround in a week.

This just seems like a way they want to get more users, as they probably have sold GMS to everyone "professional" that was interested anyway. This 12$ price allows to get the kids who couldn't buy for 299 as well. Probably a means to combat piracy for an end of life product. Maybe they will remove all DRM and release on GOG two years from now to get the last cents.
Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #3 Posted on: September 20, 2015, 07:52:37 am

@Darkstar2 i doubt that has much truth in it, he still has swing copter up there, and never took it down afaik. teh gmc has a way of coming up with dumb things like this bc they want to think everything was made in gm

@Harri i really wonder how much money they are getting out of this, the prices are small, but thats just it, and the amount of traffic, omg, like this was a pretty good move on their part. i actually really wish i could peep into their bank account's number of cha-ching-a-lings
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 07:58:04 am by time-killer-games » Logged
Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Reply #4 Posted on: September 20, 2015, 09:11:04 am

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I think they can still easily get profit here. GMS as a product is old and most people who wanted the pro version already have it. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold less than 10 GMS's a month now. So if they are really going to release GMS2 now, then it makes sense to get most out of GMS.
Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #5 Posted on: September 20, 2015, 11:51:28 am
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Is some kind of servers actually required for GMS to function? Like does it work when you don't have internet?

Initially when you run it, you do need a connection to validate your key.  From what I recall they use periodic validation, I don't remember if it's validation renewal is done on a monthly basis or sooner but it's rechecked.  Regarding GMS 8.1 that was discontinued, they don't offer it for sale or download, however those who still have the GMS8.1 installer, would they be able to install and validate their key, I don't know. :)

This just seems like a way they want to get more users, as they probably have sold GMS to everyone "professional" that was interested anyway. This 12$ price allows to get the kids who couldn't buy for 299 as well. Probably a means to combat piracy for an end of life product. Maybe they will remove all DRM and release on GOG two years from now to get the last cents.

From what I see they made a boatload of money from this.  They are nearing $ 600k in sales! But of course comes the consequences, their servers are bonked, which means you probably won't be able to validate your licence for at least some time whilst the deal is on for the next 3 days at least, or longer for their servers to get back to normal.  So those who purchased a bundle will likely have to wait several days to make it work.

As far as piracy, well do they really care about an EOL product ?  They already have a scare campaign telling people that they can trace people who publish stuff compiled with a cracked version, which hints that your compiled EXE have some callback to remote servers, (but that is open for debate).

But that is not the issue,how do you think the person who spent $299 for the Android export would feel about this $12 deal...........not too happy.  They are giving nearly $500+ worth of software in one bundle, for $12 minimum.  They obviously have something BIG planned for GMS2 that will likely make people forget GMS1 and jump on the GMS2 bandwagon, and of course that wee Android export you purchased for $12 will probably be will have to repay for GMS2 (they probably will have a deal for existing users, sort of an upgrade deal,)
Yes, the reality is that they eventually will discontinue GMS1.  whether you still will be able to install it and validate it, is a big question mark.

As far as releasing GMS2, I don't think it's nearing any release anytime soon.  The beta is not even out yet.
I think GMS2 will just be announced officially, then comes the beta after that.  One that will probably stand out is the native platform support for the new IDE........(Windows, Linux, etc.)  Getting rid of the Delphi shite once and for all will probably be the best feature - I cannot bloody stand their IDE, they did improve it a lot but it still randomly flashes and doesn't work well at times.

Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #6 Posted on: September 21, 2015, 11:59:57 pm
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//UPDATE:  I purchased the bundle.....$12, wanted to give more, but I think I've paid my fair share to charities this year.... I think this should be called the Humble Crumble LOL........All hell breaking loose on the GMC forums, people unhappy, impatient, threatening to chargeback, reporting to IC3, fuck me sideways, it's amazing how things can blow up fast.
Though I do agree to some extent that this whole shite exposed a flaw YYG should have never allowed to happen, I guess this type of event was seen all too many times with their actual product.  Their IDE is a mess to work with, the black theme, the constant flashing/flickering of some parts of the IDE, slowness, etc.  Some things haven't changed.

Anyhow there is 1 day left to the bundle, but I'm warning you, be prepared to wait because you won't be able to redeem voucher anytime soon as their servers are much you won't even be able to validate your licences yet !  I spread a large part of those $12 to Doctors without borders anyway. FUCK IT, I can't believe people are charging back so soon, and some yeah I feel bad for people who paid $299 for this........I first thought it was a scam at first the $12 deal as I never heard of humble bundle before, but when I saw this was announced officially by YYG, I read more about it.

So anyhow the voucher code does not expire, so honestly, unless they fail completely to deliver the product within 60 days period, I will just be patient and wait.

bTW, Harri, the licences require validation every month, and whilst they did dicontinue GM8 and likely will discontinue GMS1 eventually both will still be usable, but they would not be "GIVING AWAY" the Android export unless they were planning something big for GMS2, making the export we both know YYG is a business, money first, and their interest first........Nice to see that such a short campaign nearing $700k, I hope this money goes to good use.
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