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Topics - egofree

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Issues Help Desk / Error with backgrounds.
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:51:52 am »
I've just found a bug : in the rooms editor, if you set a background to visible, but it's not linked to a background object, the game will not start.

Off-Topic / What we could have if Enigma would be closed source :(
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:39:35 pm »

But let's not forget that the most important is the inner richness !  :D

The last step to complete for the new instance's properties is to create a 'pre_creation_code' property for the instance. The question is : how and when do we create this property ? I think the best way is to create this property in the LateralGm plugin. When running the application, the plugin will loop through all instances, check the new properties and create the 'pre_creation_code' property when needed (e.g if scale <> 1, if rotation > 0, etc.) . The other solution, would be to create this property each time a new project is loaded, and to modify it also each time we modify an instance property. I prefer by far the first solution. What do you think ?

Developing ENIGMA / New properties in egm files
« on: August 24, 2014, 06:13:49 am »
As new instance's properties (scale, rotation, color blending) are supported now in the rooms editor, we should add them in egm files too. The problem is that instances data are stored in binary format and sequentially in a file with the rmg extension. This means that currently we have no way of knowing if we are reading an old or new version of egm with these properties. The only solution i see is to add versioning in egm format. What do you think ?

Issues Help Desk / Saving gmx files
« on: August 19, 2014, 03:04:47 am »
If you open a gmk file, and you want to save the project as a gmx file, you've to specify on the right panel version '1200', otherwise it will never save the project as a gmx file but as a gmk file. This is not user friendly. I think we should change this behavior.

Proposals / Copy and paste in the rooms editor
« on: August 17, 2014, 02:56:23 pm »
After having finished scaling, rotation and colour blending, i think it would be cool to add copy and paste in the rooms editor. I see two major benefits :
- As the instances will have new properties (scale, rotation,etc), it is useful when you want to copy exactly the same instance. No need to add a new instance and modify its properties
- When you will copy the instance, it will automatically set this instance as the new object type in the objects tab. This means that if you want to copy an object several times, you can copy it, and paste it if you need an instance with the same properties, or directly add it with the left button. In this way, you don't have to select the object time every time you want to copy or add new instances. By the way, as you can have a lot of objects, with many folders, it would be useful when you want to add new object to select the object with a window where all the objects are displayed in a graphical ways, but without folders. Think of file explorers where pictures folders are displayed with big icons. Of course it should be possible to select the 'old way' too.

Another benefit of copy and paste will appear when multi-selection when be added. But that's another story.  :)

What do you think of my proposal ?

Programming Help / Color values in GM (solved)
« on: August 14, 2014, 03:08:34 pm »
In the rooms editor i want to support the instance's color. I am trying to figure out how the colors are stored in a gmx file. A very common format is ARGB (c.f In this format, a 32-bit unsigned integer is used with the highest byte for the Alpha value, and the following bytes for the Red, the Green, and the Blue value. Unfortunately, this is not exactly the same in GM. If the set the alpha value to zero, it seems that the first three lowest bytes are used to store the RGB values. I tried the following colors : (int value and the corresponding binary)

blue : 255 -> 11111111
green : 65280 -> 1111111100000000
red : 16711680 -> 111111110000000000000000

But when i set the alpha value to 255 :

blue : 427819033 -> 11001100000000000000000011001
green : 4278255360 ->11001100000000001100110000000
red : 429490176 -> 11001100110011000000000000000
white : 429496729 -> 11001100110011001100110011001
black : 427819008 -> 11001100000000000000000000000

Does anybody has an idea how the color codes are stored ?

Issues Help Desk / No checking in the instance creation code
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:43:06 pm »
You can put whatever you want in the instance creation code, the compiler will never complain.

Proposals / Flipping, scaling and rotating instances
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:33:41 pm »
I would like to add for each instance the following fields : Scale X, Scale Y, Flip X, Flip Y, Rotation and Alpha. It's the same fields as in GM Studio. I think to add them in the 'Edit instance 'group below the x,y fields. This means i would decrease a little bit the size of the instances list.
TheExDeus said it would be possible to do this in the creation code of the instance. First i want to check if it's possible to do it with EDL methods. I am wondering : would be a lot of work to add these properties directly in ENIGMA, instead of putting them in the creation code ?

Developing ENIGMA / Two sets of icons in LateralGm
« on: July 25, 2014, 03:14:27 pm »
in LateralGm, there is currently two sets of icons : Calico and Swing. You can choose the icons set in preferences. The problem is that there is a lot of swing icons who are missing for the current version of LateralGm. (You will see a lot of empty squares if you choose the swing set). Where the swing icons are coming from ? And do we really need to keep the swing icons ?

Proposals / Modifying the way we select objects
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:34:20 am »
I propose the following additions/modifications in the rooms editor :

1) When the user press the left button, if an object is present under the mouse cursor, it moves the object, if there is no objects, it adds an new object. If the ctrl key is pressed, it will add objects, and not take into account if there is already an object or not. This is the behavior of GM Studio, and i think it's more logical.
2) Global move of instances. It is present also in GM Studio.
3) A white rectangle around the selected object will be displayed.
4) An help button to display the available commands in the rooms editor.

If the ctrl key is pressed, it will not copy objects, but always add objects.

General ENIGMA / Improving rooms editor
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:23:30 am »
I've added two features in the rooms editor, and they are now available for everyone in the latest executable of the 'Download' section. So if some people want to test these features, they are welcome.

The first is the undo :

The undo is available when the user, with the mouse or with text fields, adds, deletes and moves an object or a tile. The undo does not take into account others properties, like 'instance creation code'. If you modify these properties, you will get only the latest version when using the undo. The undo and redo can be used also with the shortcut keys : ctrl-z for undo and ctrl-y for redo. The limit of the undo history is 100. If a sprite, a background or an object is modified in the left tree, the undo is reset.

I will add settings for the undo in a future release. It will be possible to disable the undo or to change the limit of the undo history.

I've added also a preview of views in the rooms editor, with a black and white boxes. I will add also others features for the preview in a future release. For example, the preview will take into account the 'Object following' option, and it will be possible to use a filled rectangle instead of outlines.

In LateralGm i've added in the interface 'Piece' the methods setPosition and getPosition. The Instance class had already these methods, but the tiles methods names were slight different : setRoomPosition and getRoomPosition, so i renamed these methods, but i forgot to update these methods in the egm file reader and writer in the lgm plugin.

I've fixed this error, and made already the following pull request :

Issues Help Desk / Tiles are not imported correctly
« on: June 27, 2014, 11:36:09 am »
If you try to make a project with GM Studio which contains tiles, and then you open this project with LateralGM, it will import the tiles, but not correctly : all the tiles instance have the same Id (0), and it's not possible to move them or to delete them with the right button. It's only possible to delete them with the delete button. Still it's possible to add new tiles.

I made a small test project, with the logo of ENIGMA as the tileset.

Here is a zipped version of the gmx project made with GM Studio :

And here is the converted project :

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