I suggest we have a centralized place (can be the wiki) to contribute with tutorials that can be approved by the founders (or other old contributors who have the founders trust). So those tutorials will become Official Tutorials.
Some suggestions for the official tutorials:
------------------------------- Compiling Tutorials Section -------------------------------------------------
1) How to compile for Linux (even when running Enigma on Windows).
2) How to compile for Mac (even running Enigma on Windows).
3) How to compile for Android (even running Enigma on Windows).
4) How to compile for Iphone (even running Enigma on Windows).
5) How to compile for Nintendo DS (even running Enigma on Windows).
p.s: The compiling tutorials basically will show what do you have to instlal (packages, skd, compilers, etc) and how to configure it (environment variables) etc.... also how to change LateralGM configuration to do in each case.
p.s2: Of course we can extend the tutorials to show for example how to compile for Android even running Enigma on Linux, Mac, etc... can be further... but we can start from Windows. I think this will make Enigma closer to most users (specially noob users). I believe the main purpose is to provide a platform to make games VERY EASY no matters where the game will run.
----------------------------Extending Section---------------------------------------------
6) How to add new Libs in LateralGM (once Enigma filesystem in very different from GM)
7) How to work with DLL's in LateralGM (same reason)
8) How to work with GameMaker Extensions in LateralGM (same reason)
--------------------------Enigma Language----------------------------------------
9) Which functions, variables or any program sintax that only exists for Enigma (not exists in GML).
That's it.... feel free to increase items into this list.