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Author Topic: A warm hello  (Read 11451 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) Warrenaterz
Posted on: November 05, 2018, 01:25:18 pm
Joined: Nov 2018
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Hi there!

I'm Reece and I just wanted to introduce myself around here. A personal friend of mine informed me about what you all are doing over here with the development of LateralGM. I've been using GameMaker for around three years now as I used it whilst studying my degree in games design, but I'm quite interested in trying new tools. LateralGM has really stood out to me. I've been looking to expand my horizons with game engines for quite a while, and because I don't particularly have the most experience with C++ (I'm mostly a 3D games artist), I feel that this engine will most likely bridge the gap for me between the confinedness of GameMaker's GML language and lower level stuff. So keep it up!

I do have a few recommendations for the IDE while I'm here, it would be awesome if you could implement a night mode style theme for the IDE (a little like Visual Studio or the text editor Atom). Having an entirely white interface is a little straining on the eyes in my opinion. Also, is there any plans for different exports in the engine? Android or iOS for example? It would be nice to hear some of the things (if any) that you have planned!

Kind regards  :D
Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #1 Posted on: November 06, 2018, 03:32:18 am

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
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Hello and welcome. As a former GM user myself, my focus is to do more games for Linux, which interested me to LGM.  There is no additional modules needed, expansion packs nor additional setups, just install to the OS you use and compile your game. Simple and easy.

In my opinion Enigma has the potential to beat the likes of UNITY and Gamemaker itself, two of the most common IDE for developing games, i have read people use. ENIGMA is faster, easier to setup/use, and best of all, compatible with most GM files. Of course the developers can give you a better detail on the technical aspects of the IDE.

Further development on LGM has been put on hold for the moment as it is going through a total overall of the in the creation of a new IDE, aka RGM. However, you can still use LGM to produce games. You can read the Announcements section and get all the information on it.

So again, welcome and I hope you enjoy making games with LGM/ENIGMA. You can join the Discord channel to talk with the dev, ask questions and get help with any problems, you may encounter. I'm also here most of the time. Also, consider supporting by joining the Paetron page.

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Offline (Unknown gender) Wendigo
Reply #2 Posted on: November 06, 2018, 03:43:52 am
Joined: Apr 2015
Posts: 42

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Hello Warrenaterz, welcome to the forum.  :)

As hpg678 already mentioned Lateral Game Maker (LGM) will be replaced by Radial Game Maker (RGM). According to the developers, the beta will probably arrive some time after Christmas.
Concerning the dark theme, you can set a different theme in the setting of LGM. It is also possible to install a custom theme.
Here are a few:
Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #3 Posted on: November 06, 2018, 04:17:58 am

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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Thanks Wendigo! I got caught up in other matters and forgot to tell you about the other Themes. I have personally tried them out. Personally, I prefer the 'Synthetica'for my Landscape monitor.
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Offline (Male) Josh @ Dreamland
Reply #4 Posted on: November 06, 2018, 08:23:42 pm

Prince of all Goldfish
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Joined: Feb 2008
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Welcome aboard, Reece. As the others have mentioned, LateralGM is sort of on its way out the door. The latest Java has rendered the project in a broken state, and while Swing is relatively easy to theme, it's also clunky and fails to offer the experience you get with more native toolkits. That said, we ended up adopting Qt for the IDE, which you might argue is a step sideways, but at very least, Qt behaves the same across platforms. Java and Swing behave differently from JVM to JVM, which differs from system to system. Getting rid of Java has become a priority.

That said, the new IDE is under active development; feel free to share your ideas. Sometimes we (particularly I) don't monitor the forums very closely, but the Discord is a pretty active place.
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