Here's a tip i'd like to share with you on customizing your terminal prompt if you get bored of the plain version you use. On my MX17 machine the prompt looks like this
However I couldn't remember how I did it nor where i got the tip from. My desire was to do the same thing on my Manjaro laptop. thankfully the guy over on the Discord channel helped me out a lot. Thanks Rusky and gfundies!
After pointing me to the correct file to edit, I used some code generated from this website named which uses a Drag and Drop interface. To use it is very simple. Drop some buttons over and you'll immediately see the results and code generated.They also instruct you where to place the code which can be found in your home directory named ".bshrc" . remember though you must be root and it is a hidden file so it is probably best to use your File Manager as Administrator/root and make sure the "show hidden Files" box is checked in the View Menu.