I selected keyboard because that is all I have. But I wouldn't mind having a console gamepad to play my desktop games with. I don't really have a preference, though. Both XBox and PlayStation are fine, imo. I'm familiar with the button and analog stick layout diferences because I have a PS2 and some friends who own an XBox. I've looked on Google and apparently as newer versions of those consoles came out, the controllers didn't change much, if at all, (other than becoming wireless, Bluetooth, and USB compatible).
Now, when it comes to Nintendo-based gamepads, I hate them all ever since the original Nintendo Wii came out. Way too simple by design, and not enough buttons. The Nintendo Switch without a Pro controller is a real joke to me, the default controllers are just like the Wii, basically one dpad / analog stick and like 3-4 buttons. It's sad because I used to love Nintendo back in the GameCube, (and earlier), days...