With the billions of dollars they have at their disposal, Microsoft have to resources to develop teams of 'experts' to project their business in the future. If they made, let's say for 10 million a year, they expect to keep that figure and more regularly. The slightest deviation and they panic.
This year in August the Nintendo Switch beat them. Read the article
here This as well as a slight increase in Linux and Mac Desktops sales was a major upset to them. I believe this has to do with 2 major changes.
- increased knowledge and disgust of Microsoft business practices
- Big companies turning to Linux by way of point 1.
This is evident in this another article mentioning
50 Big Companies that Use LINUX.
This was indeed mind-blowing and very informative. Linux has so much influence on our lives we are not aware of. Microsoft knows though, so now they want to co-exist with Linux and Opensource because their goal is to control the market so they can get even more rich at the expense of the user.
So how does this affect us as developers. Don't be surprised if in the sometime future Microsoft announces that one of their products will become opensource in an attempt to hold onto developers. More main-stream developers will soon start developing for LINUX because even more companies will use LINUX and they will need to provide for them. As that happens the small man will then get that added support they need.
"And when that happens the Microsoft will be destroyed.............BAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA!

(evil manical laugh!)"
But in all seriousness, Microsoft has some shitty and devious business practices which I cannot agree with and that's why I am so against WINDOWS and their other products. Take their EULA for instance. OK so I'm leasing their product. All of that is fine but to say I have to buy a separate license for each of my computers which I have to renew every year is absolutely ludicrous and evil. Not only that, but after spending so much money, it doesn't function properly.
Lastly I want to share with you a link to another article that is supposed to based on
Security Vulnerabilities. The article would have you believe,,,(ha! Ha!

) that LINUX and ANDROID is more unsecure WINDOWS. Mind you, Space Stations and The U.S Department of Defense uses LINUX. Even my latest experiences prove without a doubt that WINDOWS is crap compared to LINUX. Check my other post "How Windows Sucks or am I just Unlucky" to know more.
However, with everything said, it all boils down to your choice. If that's what's you're comfortable with, by all means go ahead and develop for it. I really hope that you make it in your endeavours.

However as a developer, wouldn't it be more profitable to get into a market that building up and cries out for support than that which is so flooded as it is, to the point of soon burst?