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Author Topic: Interesting News  (Read 14854 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: October 03, 2017, 04:39:15 am

Location: Barbados
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Came across an interesting article about a rise in LINUX and MACOS  Desktop sales. Check it out here.

Another has to do with Microsoft claiming to 'love' Linux. read that one here

Interesting indeed.
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Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #1 Posted on: October 03, 2017, 02:34:07 pm

Apparently you can develop for Linux using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. It does seem odd that a big company like Microsoft pretends to like the idea of there being a competitor that is free and open source.
Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #2 Posted on: October 03, 2017, 06:41:13 pm

Location: Barbados
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That's why it sparked my interest. Suddenly embracing Linux and the idea of Open Source is nothing short of a lie but to think they would actually do it blantantly in front of you face is quite disturbing. How could they suddenly want to embrace their competitor. They are using the oldest trick in book and I hope that other OpenSource companies don't be fooled by their methods and money.

Perhaps Microsoft is starting to see the writing on the wall of their impeding doom.

As for developing for Linux using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, I was not aware. Interesting.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 06:45:36 pm by hpg678 » Logged
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Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #3 Posted on: October 03, 2017, 11:58:35 pm

As for developing for Linux using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, I was not aware. Interesting.

I haven't actually tried it but all I think it is, is an IDE. You obviously can't go using the Windows API in your Linux code, (although that would actually be pretty cool if you could do that).

I think Microsoft is far from its doom, though. I mean, they still hold the vast majority of the desktop market share. Not to mention XBBox One is roughly about as popular as PS4. Windows Phone may be a dying product, but that won't effect Microsoft much considering it has been that way ever since Windows Phone became a thing.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 12:00:55 am by time-killer-games » Logged
Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #4 Posted on: October 04, 2017, 03:33:19 am

Location: Barbados
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With the billions of dollars they have at their disposal, Microsoft have to resources to develop teams of 'experts' to project their business in the future. If they made, let's say for 10 million a year, they expect to keep that figure and more regularly. The slightest deviation and they panic.

This year in August the Nintendo Switch beat them. Read the article here

This as well as a slight increase in Linux and Mac Desktops sales was a major upset to them. I believe this has to do with 2 major changes.
  • increased knowledge and disgust of Microsoft business practices
  • Big companies turning to Linux by way of point 1.
This is evident in this another article mentioning 50 Big Companies that Use LINUX.

This was indeed mind-blowing and very informative. Linux has so much influence on our lives we are not aware of. Microsoft knows though, so now they want to co-exist with Linux and Opensource because their goal is to control the market so they can get even more rich at the expense of the user.

So how does this affect us as developers. Don't be surprised if in the sometime future Microsoft announces that one of their products will become opensource in an attempt to hold onto developers. More main-stream developers will soon start developing for LINUX because even more companies will use LINUX and they will need to provide for them. As that happens the small man will then get that added support they need.

"And when that happens the Microsoft will be destroyed.............BAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA! :dance: :dance: (evil manical laugh!)"

But in all seriousness, Microsoft has some shitty and devious business practices which I cannot agree with and that's why I am so against WINDOWS and their other products. Take their EULA for instance. OK so I'm leasing their product. All of that is fine but to say I have to buy a separate license for each of my computers which I have to renew every year is absolutely ludicrous and evil. Not only that, but after spending so much money, it doesn't function properly.

Lastly I want to share with you a link to another article that is supposed to based on Security Vulnerabilities. The article would have you believe,,,(ha! Ha! :ughh: ) that LINUX and ANDROID is more unsecure WINDOWS. Mind you, Space Stations and The U.S Department of Defense uses LINUX. Even my latest experiences prove without a doubt that WINDOWS is crap compared to LINUX. Check my other post "How Windows Sucks or am I just Unlucky" to know more.

However, with everything said, it all boils down to your choice. If that's what's you're comfortable with, by all means go ahead and develop for it. I really hope that you make it in your endeavours. (Y)   However as a developer, wouldn't it be more profitable to get into a market that building up and cries out for support than that which is so flooded as it is, to the point of soon burst?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 05:00:05 am by hpg678 » Logged
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Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #5 Posted on: October 04, 2017, 09:02:35 pm

Visual Studio 2017 Community is apparently open source according to this page:

"Visual Studio Community 2017
Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developers"
Offline (Unknown gender) Solitudinal
Reply #6 Posted on: October 04, 2017, 10:23:20 pm
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Pretty sure that's just a non-oxford comma. "Open-source" modifies developers, not Visual Studio.
Unless you were trolling and I missed it.
Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #7 Posted on: October 05, 2017, 01:49:31 am

I wasn't trolling. Yeah I see what you're saying. I don't know what I was thinking...
Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #8 Posted on: October 05, 2017, 01:55:11 am

@hpg678 I can't relate to all this hate on Microsoft. I reserve my hatred for Apple, personally.
Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #9 Posted on: October 05, 2017, 07:10:33 am

Location: Barbados
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@hpg678 I can't relate to all this hate on Microsoft. I reserve my hatred for Apple, personally.

I'd be interested in knowing your issues on Apple. I have mine too but that will be for another topic. I don't have a Mac but i have tried emulators like FUSION and lately one called SHEEPSHAVER, which allows you run Mac OS9 on the PC. I believe one may be able to install OSX but I never got around to try. Besides I don't own any Mac OS System disks. I own only 3 Mac-related disks, demos from a past magazine named MACADDICT. Not sure if it still exists though. Even back then the magazine was expensive, $25.00BD which would be $14.00US depending.

In fact I took some pics so you may get to see what they looked like back. I'm talking about in 1996 to the last one I bought in 1998.

All of this nostalgia have thus prompted me to see if I can get them mounted in LINUX if such a thing is possible. Will get back to you all on that one.

If you all have any interesting news to share please share it here also.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 04:45:01 pm by hpg678 » Logged
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Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #10 Posted on: October 23, 2017, 04:42:30 pm

Location: Barbados
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I came across an interesting video which I would like to share with you all. It concerns about a Linux subsystem embedded into Windows 10 of late which enables the user to run Linux apps on Windows, much like how WINE allows Linux users to run Windows apps.

Now before I go into my own thoughts on the subject, I would like to hear your thoughts. Are you pleased with a Windows and Linux collaboration? Or are you against such? Or better yet do you believe that it is all a scam to reel back in those who have abandoned Windows and MAC for Linux?

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Offline (Male) faissaloo
Reply #11 Posted on: October 25, 2017, 04:31:27 pm

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Here's my opinion:
Windows needs to die in a fire, unless they're open sourcing, abandoning the entire thing and dissolving the company, anything that exclusively furthers Windows is bad. All the subsystem does is disincentivise Linux adoption.

It's in no way a scam, it's in their best interests, but their best interests are not mine.
Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #12 Posted on: October 26, 2017, 08:43:02 am

Location: Barbados
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Here's my opinion:
Windows needs to die in a fire, unless they're open sourcing, abandoning the entire thing and dissolving the company, anything that exclusively furthers Windows is bad. All the subsystem does is disincentivise Linux adoption.

It's in no way a scam, it's in their best interests, but their best interests are not mine.

 (Y) (Y) I agree totally with burning WINDOWS part.  (Y) (Y)

Here is my opinion on the whole Windows/Linux issue to this day.

As a user/developer, I cannot and will not be installing WINDOWS on any of my computers because of its policies and vulnerabilities. As a younger man I was once hired by a client to retrieve some emails by his spouse to her "lover" as he wanted some kind of proof of her infidelity. I did find the proof and got paid.
I've even wrote viruses  and exploited WINDOWS not for any malicious intent however. I've even had the experience cracking various WINDOWS software. This was done through Books and Tools and via communication from experts. Sad to say I don't have those tools now, but they taught me a lot, not only how to exploit but also how to protect myself.

(in fact if I may still have a backup on some CD or DVD  I've got laying around. I will check later).

There's no doubt in my mind that Windows is insecure. Now let's talk about its policies. In its EULA, YOU, the consumer who pays for a product but you don't own that product. You only pay for its use. MICROSOFT with its marketing and hype don't reveal this fact to you directly. They put in a way that you will bypass it. (I mean how many people have actually read the EULA).

Lets now talk about Backdoors. The UPDATE service is actually a Backdoor in the system. They are able to do things to your computer ("Update Files") without your consent or approval. When a hacker highjack your system, are they not doing the same thing? MICROSOFT is doing the same thing but we are suppose to "TRUST" they they would not misuse our information. YEAH right!

Most of what I am talking about stem from my experiences as a Computer Technician. I am an Electrician by trade but fixing computers was my side job for many years. Had it been lucrative? Yes it was back in the day.

During those years we've had the distinction between MICROSOFT and LINUX. One was popular, the other obscure. APPLE was in a class by itself but well known. Now in present times, LINUX has become even more popular and 'stealing' users from both platforms. This "Windows love LINUX" and Windows integrating with Apple, in my opinion is nothing more than a tactic to bring back users to WINDOWS.

Running LINUX apps demonstrated in the video shows that
  • You need to install BASH shell
  • You have to install Xserver, other drivers etc
  • Install the Desktop of your choice
  • Run a command within the same BASH shell to put it all together.
Running WINDOWS apps in LINUX
  • Run the software of your choice.
Do I need to say anything more?

« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 08:47:21 am by hpg678 » Logged
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