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Author Topic: Silence is broken! FACEBOOK SCAMS & other stuff!  (Read 9035 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: November 23, 2017, 10:50:36 am

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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For a couple of weeks now I've been silent on the forum. I've been busy with work, developing a new game and building a new office/studio at home to work from. However with work slack as it is now, I'm back now.

Firstly I want to talk about an experience with my Facebook account which I use to promote and connect with other game developers and friends. Well, one of them messenger account was high-jacked and used to try and scam me out of some money.  I was so shocked and distressed. What really alerted me to be suspicious of the whole matter, was the context and matter of the conversation. The person was not an acquaintance like those in the community, but rather a close and personal friend, who I GREW UP with and LIVES not far from me. SO at first, there was some validity, as far as I was concerned, to the person identity I was talking to. However as the conversation went on, I began to suspect something was amiss.

Like I've mentioned before, the person lives not so far from me, so in any conversation we would talk normally as opposed to how I would talk to you, the reader. So when i realized that the conversation went one-sided to the point like the person didn't understand what i was saying, this sent off warning signals in my head.

Suffice to say, I recorded our conversation. I also went and checked on the information given to me. I found the Addresses to be virtual ones, the recipients names to be real but their addresses to fake. In short everything was a scam.

As far as reporting to FACEBOOK is concerned...................I don't have much faith into they doing anything major. After all how will they be able to distinguish between real and fake. I was fortunate because I KNOW the person, locally and personally. Not only that but Bajans/Barbadians have a unique slang which unless you are a native would not understand. In fact most Caribbeans have it in their language as I'm sure you have in yours.


Next thing i want to talk about pertains to LINUX gaming which seems to on the rise now in terms of INDIE developers. I've also seen that there seems to be drop in FPS being developed , and yet there seems to a demand for them. Confusing I know.

According to this list, you can see what I'm talking about.

So that's all for now. I'll get back to all later on that FACEBOOK issue.

[compromised account]
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