TKG, instead of trying to excuse your behavior so it doesn't contradict your own beliefs, why don't you just open your mind a bit and accept that drugs aren't inherently bad?
How the heck am I excusing what behaviour? O__O Why don't you just open your mind a bit and accept that drugs will do nothing but make you more miserable. My beliefs and what is right or wrong has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.
Well, you kind of went
"Drugs are evil, but not coffee. I drink coffee so coffee is OK. Caffeine is a silly, silly drug anyway, so it must be OK."
? Are you so very stupid that you honestly don't comprehend something so amazingly simple ? Some drugs have worse effects than others ? Some can *kill* you and others make you get a little extra tired or hyper ? (oh dear, coffee drinkers are going to hell lol) please use your brain, I know you don't use it often, it may hurt and be hard. Is that too complicated for your injured head ? I'm seriously at shock that has got to be the most idiotic comment and comparison I ever heard. XD I'm seriously suffering from the giggles I can't take it anymore how is it humanly possible for such a perspective to be so warped and twisted. ? Like, please do tell me you aren't being at all serious because this is quite the joke.
Yeah I'm totally justifying myself that I drink coffee (oh no, coffee, it's the end of the world lol). I'm not justifying myself for my current rudeness in this post either I hope you have enough brain cells to realize christian or not I'm human if you throw personal bullcrap at me aimlessly and ignorantly I'm sorry that will make you elligable to get a harsh response in turn for such overflowing award winning levels of stupidity.Even Christians have their breaking point. Satisfied at all, asshole?
At this point I can't really take you seriously.

Nothing personal to anyone, but I've just had it.
Also note that your impression that I was condemning pot heads, drunkards, and whatnot I'll have you know is utter bullshit. All I have said up until now completely contradicts what you accused me of implying. Go ahead, get drunk, high, or whatever just don't come crying back to me when your life gets seriously fucked up from top to bottom and all around. Because it's not my problem if you stubbornly refuse to listen to kind warnings.