General fluff => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Goombert on September 21, 2013, 04:52:16 am

Title: Blitz Monkey
Post by: Goombert on September 21, 2013, 04:52:16 am

Monkey is a next-generation games programming language that allows you to create apps on multiple platforms with the greatest of ease.

Monkey works by translating Monkey code to one of a different number of languages at compile time - including C++, C#, Java, Javascript and Actionscript.

Monkey games can then be run on potentially hundreds of different devices - including mobile phones, tablets, desktop computers and even videogame consoles.

Monkey saves you time and allows you to target your apps at multiple markets and app stores at once, potentially mutiplying sales several times over.

Exports to:
Features: Monkey, Monk IDE, Mojo for Android + iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) + Windows Phone 8 + Windows 8 + GLFW (Windows, Mac, Linux) + XNA (Xbox 360, Windows Phone 7) + Flash + HTML5, documentation, samples

Price: 100$

Recently tried it myself, it is very nice, their IDE is in Qt as well. I would use it over Studio as well, has classes real object orientation, etc. 3d all that shit.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: time-killer-games on September 21, 2013, 09:50:39 am
I bought it back when it supported PSM and costed $120.

I never really used it as much as GMS because even though with the miniB3D
module it kicks studio's butt, it's still a lot harder to program in. Also, they have
modules and targets that are completely open source, (see User Targets/Modules
forum). You might be able to use those sources as a building block for adding new
targets to ENIGMA such as their OUYA target. It would require a lot of editing but
it still could help IMHO.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: egofree on September 21, 2013, 10:24:01 am
Interesting, but it's too bad there is no sprites and maps editors included.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: DaSpirit on September 21, 2013, 10:44:18 am
I just tried it and I hate their IDE. Honestly, their IDE looks and feels very bare bones. Mine is a better text editor right now.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: popcade on September 22, 2013, 11:22:39 am
I bought that coz I like it's mojo 2D engine, but rarely using it.

For some unknown reason one day I downloaded HAXE and OpenFL, then stick to it for a long while till now, HAXE is similar to Monkey in some aspects but it's a open source meta language.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: Goombert on September 22, 2013, 11:30:19 am
Yes I like these small game engines.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: popcade on September 23, 2013, 01:46:03 am
I remembered why I changed to HAXE.....

As I'm a former BlitzMax user, BRL seems instantly ditched BlitzMax after Monkey is out.
BlitzMax is still selling, but the latest update  is about 1 or 2 years ago, the modules are outdated and still need improve,
but BRL didn't deal this, and left many issues to it's users.

I choosed HAXE as alt least is open sourced, but to set it up is a pain.
Title: Re: Blitz Monkey
Post by: daz on September 23, 2013, 12:55:06 pm
I remember talking with someone on the IRC about OpenFL (then known as HaxeNME). Basically, I had a lot of problems with it. Trying to play sounds on certain versions of Android caused the app to crash, some functions didn't work at all on some devices (e.g. sound looping did not work on blackberry) there were also some memory leaks where it was loading the sound into memory every time it played. I also had performance problems, where a blank screen was drawing at only 45 fps or so, which is simply not acceptable. The only advantage is that it's open source so you can fix the problems yourself (spoiler: I have no interest in digging through a mass of engine code I'm unfamiliar with). Of course it also has a write once, deploy everywhere philosophy which I've come to like with GM, Unity, et al. But I haven't tried it at all recently. Maybe they've fixed some of these huge problems by now.

Granted, enigma doesn't support any mobile platforms, so this might be the best open source alternative.