Joined: Dec 2014
Posts: 12
How do you get edit that without having access to soruce?? if you can help me to check the code for move:
if dead=false { // Water if place_meeting(x,y,obj_water){swim=true} else {swim=false} // Gravity if swim=false{ // No gravity in the water! if place_free(x,y+1){gravity = 0.5} else {gravity = 0} // If there's nothing below me,i fall gravity_direction = 270 friction = 0} // the gravity points down... else if swim=true {gravity = 0.2 gravity_direction = 90 friction = 0.1} // So that the player floats and the friction is for making the // difference between water and air,the movement should be more difficult // Movement if keyboard_check(vk_left) && place_free(x-4,y) { x-=4 sprite_assign(spr_player, spr_player2); } // Going left if there's no obstacle at 4 pixel per step. if keyboard_check(vk_right) && place_free(x+4,y) { x+=4 sprite_assign(spr_player, spr_player1);
} // Going right if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up) && !place_free(x,y+1){vspeed=-7} // Jumping if something's under my feets if keyboard_check(vk_up) && place_meeting(x,y,obj_water) { {vspeed-=0.7} //Going out of water sound_play(s_jump);
} if keyboard_check(vk_down) && place_meeting(x,y,obj_water) && !place_meeting(x,y+5,obj_solid){vspeed+=0.9} // Diving // wall jumping right if place_meeting(x+3,y,obj_solid) && keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_right) && can_walljump_r = 1 && place_free(x,y+1){ vspeed =-6; // All this means:If there's a wall at the right,if the right key is pressed and if up is used.. can_walljump_r = 0; can_walljump_l = 1; sprite_assign(spr_player, spr_player1); } // Forces the player to switch side so that he doesn't jump on the same wall. // wall jumping left if place_meeting(x-3,y,obj_solid) && keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_left) && can_walljump_l = 1 && place_free(x,y+1){ vspeed =-6; can_walljump_r = 1; can_walljump_l = 0; sprite_assign(spr_player, spr_player2); } // Same as wall jumping right but at left side // grid snapping if place_meeting(x,y+1,obj_hblock) || place_meeting(x,y+1,obj_slope_1){ move_snap(1,1)} else {move_snap(4,1)} // Slope / if keyboard_check(vk_right){if place_meeting(x+1,y,obj_slope_1){ if place_free(x+1,y-1){x+=2 y-=2}}}// Climbing up if keyboard_check(vk_left){if place_meeting(x-1,y,obj_slope_1){ if place_free(x-1,y-1){x-=2 y-=2}}}// Going down if keyboard_check(vk_nokey){if place_meeting(x+1,y+1,obj_slope_1){x-=1}}// Sliping down // Slope \ if keyboard_check(vk_left){if place_meeting(x-1,y,obj_slope_2){ if place_free(x-1,y-1){x-=2 y-=2}}}// Climbing up if keyboard_check(vk_right){if place_meeting(x+1,y,obj_slope_2){ if place_free(x+1,y-1){x+=2 y-=2}}}// Going down if keyboard_check(vk_nokey){if place_meeting(x-1,y+1,obj_slope_2){x+=1}}// Sliping down }
if y > 480 {room_restart()} // Death if dead=1{vspeed=-1 gravity=0 gravity_direction=270 {if image_alpha>0 {image_alpha-=0.02} else {if instance_exists(obj_point){instance_destroy()}}}}/* What's above adds a cool death effects.The player should look like going to heaven. ^^^This value is the dissapearing speed.*/ if place_meeting(x,y+vspeed,obj_water)&&!place_meeting(x,y-1,obj_water)&&vspeed>2 {repeat(20*vspeed) instance_create(x,y,obj_splash)}// Splash effect when plunging into water