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Issues Help Desk / Re: lto1: fatal error: bytecode stream generated with LTO version 3.0 instead of the
« on: December 09, 2017, 04:21:23 pm »
This usually happens after upgrading GCC while ENIGMA is running.
Open a terminal and run:
Open a terminal and run:
Code: [Select]
rm -rf ~/.enigma
Then restart ENIGMA
Issues Help Desk / Re: Missing Cursor
« on: November 30, 2017, 07:17:47 am »
Are you using OpenJDK? If so try Oracle JDK
Off-Topic / Re: Interesting News
« on: October 25, 2017, 04:31:27 pm »
Here's my opinion:
Windows needs to die in a fire, unless they're open sourcing, abandoning the entire thing and dissolving the company, anything that exclusively furthers Windows is bad. All the subsystem does is disincentivise Linux adoption.
It's in no way a scam, it's in their best interests, but their best interests are not mine.
Windows needs to die in a fire, unless they're open sourcing, abandoning the entire thing and dissolving the company, anything that exclusively furthers Windows is bad. All the subsystem does is disincentivise Linux adoption.
It's in no way a scam, it's in their best interests, but their best interests are not mine.
Off-Topic / Re: Gamepad/ Joystick Devices
« on: October 20, 2017, 11:37:07 am »
I use a PS2 controller
General ENIGMA / Re: Testing ENIGMA on Different Linux Distros
« on: September 25, 2017, 04:49:30 am »So i did install a 32-bit version of Maui and it still did not work. Tried Antergos 32bit(Arch LINUX), still did not work. Did a a fresh install of MX LINUX and it worked, no errors whatsoever.The install script is not designed for any distros other than Debian based ones, MX LINUX is Debian based
Now this may not be of interest to most of you as the majority use WINDOWS as your main OS. At least that's the impression I get. However, at some point you may need to test or create on the LINUX platform and you would need to use a distro that works as far as ENIGMA is concerned.
The types of errors I received ranged from running the installation script, compilation errors, missing dependencies to java errors, obsolete repositories and requests to install alternate versions of dependencies. All of which was dependent on what I was trying to install.
Yet for some reason i got no errors when I use MX LINUX. I find this curious and interesting. Just what is about this particular distro that the others lack? it is indeed a mystery.
Programming Help / Re: Help! Make a Game Maker project compatible with Enigma.
« on: September 22, 2017, 09:23:57 am »So that implies that you've seen such things before. I'd rather not destroy and replace the object, since that opens up a bunch of other cans of worms, and the current object has too much complex code and things pointing to it not to cause errors from its destruction. To do this would necessitate rewriting most of the code from scratch, and probably figuring out new ways to do things I had down fine. None of that pausing happens in Game Maker, so a bug is a bug and a bug deserves research and repair. Still, any insight into what causes this, and is there a way to fix it that doesn't involve destroying and replacing the player object?No, you misunderstood me, I'm saying that behavior usually happened when I did that, I wasn't suggesting destroying and creating the object as a solution.
Programming Help / Re: Help! Make a Game Maker project compatible with Enigma.
« on: September 21, 2017, 03:07:44 am »I mean destroying an object and creating another one in its place, that's usually what I've been doing when stuff like this has happened to meI may have discovered another bug. For some reason, turning on a user-defined variable (by holding a button) messes with a character's movement. The character either stops moving, or moves in weird ways. I haven't been able to duplicate this in my experiment file (the "Jump" one), but I'll keep trying to figure out what's wrong. In the meantime, if this helps, the character's movement uses variables as well; the hspeed and vspeed variables in the "Step" event.Are you swapping any objects that depend on user input? You might need an io_clear() somewhere
Possibly so, but what do you mean by "swapping"? I'm not turning an instance into another instance, of that's what you meant. There are two objects that utilize the one's offending variable, but to test out the bug, I deleted the other object, and it still happens.
Programming Help / Re: Help! Make a Game Maker project compatible with Enigma.
« on: September 20, 2017, 06:56:56 am »I may have discovered another bug. For some reason, turning on a user-defined variable (by holding a button) messes with a character's movement. The character either stops moving, or moves in weird ways. I haven't been able to duplicate this in my experiment file (the "Jump" one), but I'll keep trying to figure out what's wrong. In the meantime, if this helps, the character's movement uses variables as well; the hspeed and vspeed variables in the "Step" event.Are you swapping any objects that depend on user input? You might need an io_clear() somewhere
Graphics and Video / Re: Enigma-related artwork
« on: September 12, 2017, 07:20:12 am »I'd be really grateful if you made a 1366x768 version of this, it looks great!
EDIT2: I made it look a little more like the original (I'm being a bit OCD I think haha)
Programming Help / Re: Help! Make a Game Maker project compatible with Enigma.
« on: September 04, 2017, 08:26:47 am »This is incorrect, -1 will animate the sprite.I got mine to load, but the character doesn't appear, and maybe it's the draw event that doesn't work with Enigma. Take a look at this, and see if it looks bad to you.Code: [Select]draw_sprite_ext(sprite_index,-1,x,y,image_xscale,image_yscale,image_angle,image_blend,image_alpha)
It works in GM8, but not in Enigma.
the problem seems to be [-1] which is to represent the sub-image of the sprite. A value of -1 indicates an invisible or non-existent sprite. Sprites sub-image starts from 0.
If you have an animated sprite, then the sub-images would start from 0 to the number of images-1. E.g if you have an animated sprite with a total of 5 images, then the sub-images with be numbered from 0 to[4].
Issues Help Desk / Re: Is there a particular version of Ubuntu that works with ENIGMA?
« on: July 21, 2017, 10:27:38 am »Not at all.I'm running on Xubuntu 16.04 right now
Any problems?
Issues Help Desk / Re: Is there a particular version of Ubuntu that works with ENIGMA?
« on: July 16, 2017, 10:10:37 am »
I'm running on Xubuntu 16.04 right now
Programming Help / Re: How do I get user input
« on: June 26, 2017, 08:01:17 am »I know that one can use 'get string' but it doesn't work even though the WIKI says it should. I have also highlighted GUI and gamemaker 5 compatibility, still doesn't work. I want to create a highscore table with the player's name + his score as the no1 highscore.None of the GUI stuff works on Linux atm because the GTK devs are idiots. If you're on Windows however, go to Game Settings->WinAPI (or something to that effect like 'Windows', I forget the exact name) and get_string should work fine.
Any help will be appreciated
Off-Topic / Re: The little (game) engine that could...
« on: May 08, 2017, 07:59:35 am »Trying to test run or build on Linux hasn't been working for me, so I can't see for myself that show_message() isn't working.The GTK+ widget system doesn't work because it hasn't been updated to cope with the retardation of the GTK devs.
But as far as I know, it seems like why show_message() isn't working for you is because you have no widget system selected in ENIGMA settings. By default, on Linux, ENIGMA has the widget system set to "none". So, in ENIGMA settings, change the widget system to "GTK+", and I'm guessing that will fix your issue with show_message().
Again, I'm unable to test this, so let me know how it goes.
Finished Games / Re: Key to Success
« on: May 04, 2017, 08:37:57 am »
I've compiled a Linux version of this for you