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Author Topic: Where do we stand?  (Read 22740 times)
Offline (Male) Josh @ Dreamland
Posted on: August 23, 2010, 01:35:44 am

Prince of all Goldfish
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I decided to implement backgrounds in the meantime, and dazappa has kept me busy with a number of interesting bug reports (the worst of which I have just worked out). I am not sure what is in the update-stable/ tag, but fixing it to actually work out of the box on at least Windows and Linux is priority one.

Ism has made great progress on the updater. From what I can tell it is finished, though it has an odd tendency to leave a console window open with a gray background for me.

RetroX has finished some packages, but we were discussing what the package should be responsible for vs what LGM should be responsible for. I believe right now, he's configured them to give 777 permissions to /opt/enigma, where it is installed. But it seems he includes the entire repository with the package, which means users could be downloading an outdated package from square one. Correct, RetroX?

As for the Windows release, I don't even think an installer is necessary. I think a zip file containing ENIGMA.exe, lgm16b4.jar, and the plugins folder will suffice. ENIGMA.exe and LGM will take care of the rest.

If you object to not having an installer for Windows, speak now, and I or someone else will make one.
Retro, if you want to carry our discussion regarding the packages over here, please do so. Otherwise, I think ENIGMA.exe and the jar files will suffice, along with that dependency list you've already implemented.

I am going to finish dazappa's last few bug reports.

IsmAvatar, when you are content with the updater, please say so.
RetroX, when you are done with the packages, please link all of them here, and I will rehost.

The release (And frantic workarounds for everything that goes wrong soon after) will begin as soon as the three of us are done.
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Offline (Male) Josh @ Dreamland
Reply #1 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 01:40:15 am

Prince of all Goldfish
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Also, Ism. When winmake.txt reads this:

Java can't find it. I don't know what Java uses to make system calls, but it's apparently bad at life. Could you try to remedy that?

Also, seems the gray, open console box is fixed in the latest revision.
"That is the single most cryptic piece of code I have ever seen." -Master PobbleWobble
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Evelyn Beatrice Hall, Friends of Voltaire
Offline (Unknown gender) The 11th plague of Egypt
Reply #2 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 07:25:03 am
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An installer would be cool, but if we just need to unzip a file to install it, then I'm ok with the zip.
But if it's necessary to go through a complex procedure like installing a compiler, then it's needed IMHO.
Offline (Male) RetroX
Reply #3 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 08:01:14 am

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My package downloads ENIGMA from the SVN and moves the lateralgm script, the MIME associations, and the desktop icon to their proper places.  There are post-install scripts that will symbolically link the lateralgm script so that either "lateralgm" or "enigma-dev" can be typed in a terminal to start ENIGMA, and I've also made it so that whatever the hell that LGM's named, it will be linked to /opt/enigma/lateralgm.jar.

/opt/enigma will have 777 permissions for the time being because I don't know what files that ENIGMA modifies when it compiles the games.  If I could receive more info on this, I could set some parts to 755 without breaking it, which would be a step in the right direction.
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Quote from: Fede-lasse
Why do all the pro-Microsoft people have troll avatars? :(
Offline (Female) IsmAvatar
Reply #4 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 08:42:18 am

LateralGM Developer
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Java can't find it. I don't know what Java uses to make system calls, but it's apparently bad at life. Could you try to remedy that?
Even I can't make heads or tails of that location... Maybe if you omit the \ or something?
I believe Java uses its own path variable to determine where to find things. Obviously, make isn't going to be included in that path. As far as that URL goes, I'm at a loss.

Also, RetroX seems to have taken over the updater and make on Linux from me with his install script. He's had me disable my calls to the SVN and Make if the OS is Linux. In a way, this is similar to many Linux programs that are included in the linux repo (e.g. canonical), which have their update button grayed out because the repo handles updates for them.
Offline (Male) RetroX
Reply #5 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 08:46:08 am

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Yeah, Josh was complaining to me about that last night.  He still wants SVN updating.  I told him that if he really wants, we'll do it for now, but in the future, full releases should be packages, and there should be no auto-updater.

Here's an idea that I had - separate ENIGMA into multiple packages under Linux and make repositories to hold them, and people can just add them to their list and type "sudo apt-get install enigma-dev" or something like that.  One for the headers, one for the compiler binaries, and one for LGM.  That way, if any one of those updated while the others didn't, you only had to download that part.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 08:48:43 am by RetroX » Logged
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Quote from: Fede-lasse
Why do all the pro-Microsoft people have troll avatars? :(
Offline (Male) Josh @ Dreamland
Reply #6 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 11:33:38 am

Prince of all Goldfish
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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As on Unix, a beginning \ denotes root of the drive on Windows. So when you see \, just replace with the current drive letter if Java can't.

We'll discuss the updating on the IRC, if both of you are on.
"That is the single most cryptic piece of code I have ever seen." -Master PobbleWobble
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Evelyn Beatrice Hall, Friends of Voltaire
Offline (Male) RetroX
Reply #7 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 12:28:38 pm

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Worst-case scenario, figure out the current working directory and parse it to remove everything besides the drive letter.
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Quote from: Fede-lasse
Why do all the pro-Microsoft people have troll avatars? :(
Offline (Unknown gender) skarik
Reply #8 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 12:29:10 pm

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installers are gey

Off topic question, what C/C++ IDE would you guys recommend? I'm on Windows, but sometimes I use Linux too.

btw nice job with this shit
Offline (Male) RetroX
Reply #9 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 12:30:18 pm

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For an IDE, use Code::Blocks.  I personally just use gedit and the G++ via command-line, but that's more suited for linux stuff.
My Box: Phenom II 3.4GHz X4 | ASUS ATI RadeonHD 5770, 1GB GDDR5 RAM | 1x4GB DDR3 SRAM | Arch Linux, x86_64 (Cube) / Windows 7 x64 (Blob)
Quote from: Fede-lasse
Why do all the pro-Microsoft people have troll avatars? :(
Offline (Unknown gender) skarik
Reply #10 Posted on: August 23, 2010, 12:31:47 pm

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Okay, cool, that's about 5 people that told me the same thing now

probably will get codeblocks then
Offline (Male) kkg
Reply #11 Posted on: August 24, 2010, 01:35:43 am

Location: Australia
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A release without place_free?
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Time is the greatest teacher, however it kills every single one of its pupils.
Offline (Unknown gender) The 11th plague of Egypt
Reply #12 Posted on: August 25, 2010, 04:08:32 pm
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A release without place_free?
I can do without that, as I wrote my own collision system. Unfortunately it needs ds_lists and priorities to work.
Offline (Female) IsmAvatar
Reply #13 Posted on: August 26, 2010, 09:43:49 am

LateralGM Developer
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Code: [Select]
ERROR in parsing engine file: this is the worst thing that could have happened within the first few seconds of compile.
            |    |
             \    \
      |       |    |
       \     /    /     \
    \   |   |    |      |
     | /     /\   \    /
    / |     /# \   |  |
   |   \   *    `      \
    \    /   =  # `     |
     |  | #     ___/   /
    /   _`---^^^   `. |
   |  .*     #  =    | \
     |  =   #      __/
    .\____-------^^  `.
   /      #         #  \
  |   =          =     |
  \___    #     #___--^

  #define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
Not found: __builtin_huge_val
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp: Line 78, position 4: In #if expression at position 23: Expected operator at this point
code snippet: /OpenGL/GSsprite.h"
#in<<>>clude "Graphics_Systems/OpenGLES/OPENGLStd.h"


Code: [Select]
ismavatar@mct060d-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ pwd
ismavatar@mct060d-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ make clean
cd CompilerSource && make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/CompilerSource'
rm -f ".eobjs/*"
rm -f "../"
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/CompilerSource'
ismavatar@mct060d-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ ls CompilerSource/.eobjs/
bettersystem.o          ext_iteration.o             parser.o
cfile_parse_macros.o    eyaml.o                     parse_secondary.o
cfile_parse.o           file_find.o                 pcs.o
cfile_pushing.o         gcc_backend.o               references.o
checkfile.o             handle_letters.o            skipping.o
collect_variables.o     ideprint.o                  string.o
compile_common.o        JavaCallbacks.o             syntax.o
compile_includes.o      keyword_operator.o          template_handlers.o
compile.o               macro_functions.o           textfile.o
cparse_components.o     main.o                      type_resolver.o
cparse_shared.o         module_write_backgrounds.o  varnames.o
cpmain.o                module_write_sounds.o       write_defragged_events.o
crawler.o               module_write_sprites.o      write_event_code.o
darray.o                object_storage.o            write_globals.o
event_parser.o          output_locals.o             write_object_data.o
expression_evaluator.o  parse_and_link.o            write_room_data.o
externs.o               parser_components.o
ismavatar@mct060d-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ tail -5 CompilerSource/Makefile

-$(CREMOVE) ".eobjs$(SLASHC)*"

because rm -rf doesn't like having quotes around the location.
Offline (Unknown gender) The 11th plague of Egypt
Reply #14 Posted on: August 27, 2010, 04:09:40 pm
Joined: Dec 2009
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Please explain.
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