valgrind: the 'impossible' happened:
Killed by fatal signal
==28927== at 0x3809D201: myvprintf_str (m_debuglog.c:530)
==28927== by 0x3809D9E2: vgPlain_debugLog_vprintf (m_debuglog.c:877)
==28927== by 0x380298E5: vprintf_WRK (m_libcprint.c:111)
==28927== by 0x380299A7: vgPlain_printf (m_libcprint.c:143)
==28927== by 0x38027A96: vgPlain_assert_fail (m_libcassert.c:259)
==28927== by 0x74206572:

sched status:
Thread 1: status = VgTs_Runnable
==28927== at 0x4025016: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:525)
==28927== by 0x80522C8: lua_table<int>::operator[](unsigned int) (lua_table.h:124)
==28927== by 0x805197D: main (var4.cpp:375)
*beats chest like an ape*
*returns to looking for the problem manually*
All that happened was realloc() took a shit. I'll look into why next. But this is why you've not heard updates.
Edit (three minutes later): all fixed