Ism reports a segfault when she runs Catch the Clown with what's uploaded of the new instance system, as does freezway. I can't reproduce this on any machine at my disposal. The new instance system is mostly done, but does not yet implement a (working) instance_destroy(). It just prints an error to the console at the moment. It is not difficult to implement, but I want to hear that people can compile Catch the Clown first.
I don't understand the problem. I checked out everything for the first time on a new Win7 machine. Downloaded RapidSVN, checked out, installed MinGW, ran. I had to edit six lines to get it to compile on Windows; after that, no segfault. No negative repercussions.
If anyone could provide useful insight into the segfault, that'd be useful. Current effective revision is 265. Catch the Clown is available from Ism's topic, ultimately from this link on her website:
Windows users can get MinGW here: here: RapidSVN, go to Repository->Check out. URL is Pick a directory yourself.
For the MinGW installer, select G++ Compiler and MinGW Make as well. ENIGMA needs both.
Run CMD and move to the folder containing ENIGMA. Execute `mingw32-make.exe -C CompilerSource windows`. You will need to identify where mingw32-make.exe is. It's probably `C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe -C CompilerSource windows` for you. Windows is odd. If make errors towards the end, rename compileEGMf.exe to compileEGMf.dll yourself.
From Linux, install the following with your favorite package manager:
libgl1-mesa-dev (or similar)
zlib1g-dev (tab complete is your friend)
sun-java6-jre (Or Java in general, but I -strongly- recommend this one)
Then run this:
svn co enigma-test
cd enigma-test
make -C CompilerSource linux
java -jar lgm16b4.jar
In either case, when LGM loads with the ENIGMA background, load the GMK you got from and try to compile and run it. If the game seems to compile but closes immediately on run, it probably segfaulted (Linux users, the OS will tell you if this happened). In that case... Well, just tell me it did along with your architecture and operating system and I will try to come close to it. I will be testing on my other machines. I hope I can reproduce the problem, or that perhaps the problem was magically resolved by some minor change in the meantime.
Too tired to proofread or bother further right now. Think I'll just bed.