This is a tutorial pack of over 60 tutorials including PDF documentation explaining 3D concepts, originally from the GMC about %60 worked directly out of the box, and the rest are working with a few slight changes.
The original topic: Getting started with 3D - Category: BasicsParagraphs: Going to 3D mode, Initializing 3D mode, Creating a 3D block, Using a virtual camera, Running the 3D program.
2. Z values - Category: BasicsParagraphs: Relative drawing of objects, Pointing a camera at an object, Exporting and importing scripts, Declaring the z value, Adding motion to the Z value.
3. Specific use of sine - Category: BasicsParagraphs: Moving the camera in a direction, Using sine to yaw, Using sine to pitch, Moving the camera up and down, Running the program.
4. Z detection - Category: MotionParagraphs: Detecting z values, About collision detection.
5. Platforms - Category: MotionParagraphs: About platform games, Using gravity, Designing simple levels, Using a third person view, Animating by deformation, Making the character walk, jump, land and fall.
6. Elevators - Category: MotionParagraphs: About elevator types, Moving an elevator, Lifting a character, Taking character height into account, Looking around.
7. Stairs & ramps - Category: MotionParagraphs: Setting up the objects, Setting up the scripts, Bumping against blocks, Walking on ramps, Switching between ramps and stairs.
8. Jump & crouch - Category: MotionParagraphs: Jumping and crouching, Uncrouching.
9. Gravity - Category: MotionParagraphs: Using gravity, Setting up values, More scripts, Using gravity interactively, Some more scripts.
10. Collisions - Category: MotionParagraphs: Using collisions in 2D, Using three collision methods in 3D, Creating games using collision detection.
11. Flat sprite models - Category: SpritesParagraphs: Using sprites to create models, Part A: drawing a sprite on the floor, Part B: making a sprite face the player, Part C: an animation that faces the player, Part D: using virtual rotation.
12. First person mouselook - Category: ViewsParagraphs: Understanding first, second and third person, Creating a world, Creating rocks, Creating a character, Creating a camera.
13. Directional lights - Category: LightsParagraphs: About light types, Part A: setting up lights, Part B: colored lights, Part C: multiple lights, Part D: combined lights, Part E: fog and shading.
14. Split screen - Category: ViewsParagraphs: Drawing multiple views, Drawing multiple players, Drawing a radar, Moving multiple players.
15. Backface culling - Category: BasicsParagraphs: Setting culling to true or false, Using culling with different objects, Flipping the back face.
16. Rolling ball - Category: MotionParagraphs: Understanding transformation, Starting and ending transformation, Using rotation around two axes, Applying translation, Drawing and transformation, About the camera.
17. Polygons - Category: ModelsParagraphs: Understanding polygons, Defining different kinds of primitives, Adding vertices, Drawing textured primitives, Polygons and culling, Models.
18. Basic shape models - Category: ModelsParagraphs: Using basic shape codes, Creating basic shape models.
19. Overlays - Category: ViewsParagraphs: Understanding overlays, Drawing what the camera sees, Drawing the overlay, Drawing overlay sprites, Setting depth of camera, Setting depth of overlay.
20. Sniper zoom - Category: ViewsParagraphs: Adding animation to scope, Creating camera zoom, Adding border and crosshairs, Activating zoom.
21. Locations & dimensions - Category: BasicsParagraphs: Understanding 3D locations, Understanding dimensions, Going from 2D to 3D, Moving around in 3D.
22. Bullet paths - Category: MotionParagraphs: Animating explosions, Activating zoom with mouse button, Drawing an explosion, Drawing patches of floor, Targeting crosshairs, Marking the path, Drawing a sky dome, Drawing facing walls, Setting up a bullet, Placing markers on a bullet path, Checking for hits, Understanding bullet paths.
23. Full pitch - Category: ViewsParagraphs: Creating full pitch, Limiting the pitch.
24. Point lights - Category: LightsParagraphs: About light types, Defining point lights, Creating point lights, Drawing lights, Enabling and disabling lights, Using lighting and shading.
25. Multiple floors - Category: LevelsParagraphs: Using sprites to create levels, Drawing floors and ceilings, Drawing stairs, Using level generation tricks, Walking on stairs and floors.
26. Upward sliding doors - Category: MotionParagraphs: Finding the exit, Setting up a door object, Making the door move, Bumping into doors.
27. Third person view - Category: ViewsParagraphs: Understanding third person view, Drawing a third person camera, Drawing the character, Drawing the world, Moving the camera, Moving the character.
28. Shooting bullets - Category: MotionParagraphs: Shooting a bullet, Creating an impact, Adding virtual bullets, Enabling accurate hits.
29. Terrain model - Category: LevelsParagraphs: Creating a model, Drawing a model.
30. Height arrays - Category: LevelsParagraphs: Understanding height arrays, Generating terrain, Drawing terrain, Editing height arrays, Discovering countless uses.
31. Height checking - Category: LevelsParagraphs: Getting ready to read heights, Reading terrain heights.

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This pack has everything from 3D Pacman to UFO's and car racing and PONG!!!