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Messages - The 11th plague of Egypt

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Off-Topic / Re: What licence for my open source project?
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:13:21 am »
It's nice to see some interest. Yes, I always put my best into developing my AIs, and if I'm not satisfied with the results, I don't publish them.
Can I see?
If I can fix this today, I'll post it here.

Off-Topic / Re: What licence for my open source project?
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:53:47 pm »
I'll use GPLv3 at first, then we'll see what people need

It's nice to see some interest. Yes, I always put my best into developing my AIs, and if I'm not satisfied with the results, I don't publish them.

Announcements / Re: What's happening now
« on: September 15, 2010, 05:54:11 pm »
Please try to be quick. I'll have to go back to university in october.

Off-Topic / Re: What licence for my open source project?
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:38:33 am »
Maybe I'll just GPL it and add change it later if anybody begs me. Which probably won't happen.

Off-Topic / What licence for my open source project?
« on: September 13, 2010, 06:17:02 pm »
I'll soon release my AI for Game Maker / Enigma, but I need to decide the licence first.

Well, yeah, other people who release their project simply don't care as the Game Maker licence itself sucks, but I do.

I've worked a lot on this project, and I want people to be able to use it but not to steal it. Some ideas:

- people should be able to use it in closed source non-commercial games
- I want citation for my work
- freely redistributable

A MIT/BSD licence should do the trick for the citation, but what about the non-commercial use only?
The only thing that comes to my mind is CC, but I don't know if that's a licence for code, and even so, there are a lot
of CC licence, and I don't know which one to pick.

Announcements / Re: What's happening now
« on: September 13, 2010, 01:01:49 pm »
Where can I download the test version?

Announcements / Re: What's happening now
« on: September 13, 2010, 05:02:36 am »
Can I participate to these early tests?

BTW the full edit window of this forum looks messed up (all blank)

I found out that when Penumbra: Overtur was open-sourced, they released a nice OpenAL wrapper.

Announcements / Re: ENIGMA R4
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:23:40 am »
Plague: That's just Make stabbing at the dark to get what platform it's on. I'm not sure why it doesn't know that. But Windows doesn't support anything, so.

I'd need to see the other make error to know what's causing it.

What happens if you don't use run.bat? Can't find library? If so, Ism's working on that, I think.
The same old error "Can not find Java" when starting Enigma.exe

Mac OS stuff comes with the Repo. I'm not sure what to do about that, really, since we decided to use SVN for updates, and SVN can't mark folders as being for a specific OS.
You could automatically delete the "wrong" directories after the download. The updater should be able to do that, right?

Issues Help Desk / Re: Common Incompatibilities
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:20:21 am »
That would dramatically improve performaces. Or you could keep some sort of hidden variable to check the position of last access inside the normal functions.

Issues Help Desk / Re: Common Incompatibilities
« on: September 10, 2010, 02:07:05 am »
I would be happy with ds_lists and ds_priorities.

BTW could you optimize lists for loops? Like, instead of restarting the search from the start every time, you could start it from the last point it left.

Announcements / Re: ENIGMA R4
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:50:40 am »
I still have to use the run.bat file to start Enigma...

And then, when it fetches libraries, it downloads MacOS stuff too.

I read I got a make error when compiling libraries, but didn't have the time to copy the console output.

Here's another odd one.
Code: [Select]
Calling `make`cd CompilerSource && C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `C:/Programmi/ENIGMA/CompilerSource'
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname -s, ...) failed.
mkdir .eobjs
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  backend/JavaCallbacks.cpp        -o .eobjs/JavaCallbacks.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  backend/ideprint.cpp        -o .eobjs/ideprint.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/cfile_parse.cpp        -o .eobjs/cfile_parse.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/cfile_parse_macros.cpp        -o .eobjs/cfile_parse_macros.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/cfile_pushing.cpp        -o .eobjs/cfile_pushing.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/cparse_components.cpp        -o .eobjs/cparse_components.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/cparse_shared.cpp        -o .eobjs/cparse_shared.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/cpmain.cpp        -o .eobjs/cpmain.o
g++ -Wall -s  -O3   -c  cfile_parse/expression_evaluator.cpp        -o .eobjs/expression_evaluator.o

General ENIGMA / Re: GML
« on: September 09, 2010, 02:33:30 pm »
I found out how much GM's load system really sucks. 2 more things:

the save/load game command is not executed immediately, but rather at the end of the step

whatever you do after you call the game_load function gets lost

Announcements / Re: ENIGMA R4
« on: September 08, 2010, 03:33:41 pm »
I still have to create the winmake file manually (it didn't happen the first time I installed Enigma). Now, should I try renaming MinGW Make or just point to it?

EDIT: I still get the same Make error when compiling a game. And I successfully downloaded v459.

Announcements / Re: ENIGMA R4
« on: September 08, 2010, 01:37:13 pm »
Ok, I had to create the winmake.txt file by myself, inside I written
It should still be renamed to make.exe

Rename mingw32-make.exe to make.exe in MinGW. Delete the Enigma folder but leave MinGW as it is. Then re-download enigma, it should create winmake.txt and find MinGW itself but if it doesn't create winmake.txt again create it using \MinGW\bin\make.exe as the parameter.

Renaming just gives a renamed error. Still the same.

Code: [Select]
Building for mode (0)
Cleaning up from previous executions
Grabbing locals
Location in memory of structure: 05550180
File version: 800

Copying sprite names [0]
Copying sound names [0]
Copying background names [0]
Copying path names [kidding, these are totally not implemented :P] [0]
Copying script names [0]
Copying font names [kidding, these are totally not implemented :P] [0]
Copying timeline names [kidding, these are totally not implemented :P] [0]
Copying object names [1]
Copying room names [1]
0 Scripts:
"Linking" scripts
`Linking' 0 scripts in 0 passes...
Completing script "Link"
1 Objects:
 waterGenerator: 12 events:
  Event[0]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `waterGenerator::create...Done. Starting parse...Done.
  Event[3]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `waterGenerator::step...Done. Starting parse...Done.
  Event[8]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `waterGenerator::draw...Done. Starting parse...Done.
"Linking" scripts into the objects...
"Link" complete.
Writing modes and settings
Writing object switch
Writing resource names and maxima
Writing events
Checking for default code in ev[0, 0.
Checking for default code in ev[8, 0.
Checking for default code in ev[3, 0.
Linking globals
Running Secondary Parse Passes
Writing object data
Writing local accessors
Running make from `/MinGW/bin/make.exe'
Full command line: /MinGW/bin/make.exe Game GMODE=Run GFLAGS="-O3 -s" GLINKS="-lopengl32 '../additional/zlib/libzlib.a' '../additional/al/lib/Win32/OpenAL32.lib' 'Platforms/windows/ffi/libFFI.a' -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -o game.exe" GRAPHICS=OpenGL PLATFORM=windows
e----Make returned error 2----------------------------------
cho Okay.
process_easy: DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
process_easy() failed to launch process (e=6)
Counted 1 args in failed launch

Can somebody explain me what's wrong? It worked to compile downloaded stuff, why not now?

Announcements / Re: ENIGMA R4
« on: September 08, 2010, 01:22:40 pm »
Ok, I had to create the winmake.txt file by myself, inside I written

Then it was able to download and install v458.

Still it can't run the game, here's a complete report
Code: [Select]
Building for mode (0)
Cleaning up from previous executions
Grabbing locals
Location in memory of structure: 055E0160
File version: 800

Copying sprite names [0]
Copying sound names [0]
Copying background names [0]
Copying path names [kidding, these are totally not implemented :P] [0]
Copying script names [0]
Copying font names [kidding, these are totally not implemented :P] [0]
Copying timeline names [kidding, these are totally not implemented :P] [0]
Copying object names [1]
Copying room names [1]
0 Scripts:
"Linking" scripts
`Linking' 0 scripts in 0 passes...
Completing script "Link"
1 Objects:
 waterGenerator: 12 events:
  Event[0]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `waterGenerator::create...Done. Starting parse...Done.
  Event[3]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `waterGenerator::step...Done. Starting parse...Done.
  Event[8]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `waterGenerator::draw...Done. Starting parse...Done.
"Linking" scripts into the objects...
"Link" complete.
Writing modes and settings
Writing object switch
Writing resource names and maxima
Writing events
Checking for default code in ev[0, 0.
Checking for default code in ev[8, 0.
Checking for default code in ev[3, 0.
Linking globals
Running Secondary Parse Passes
Writing object data
Writing local accessors
Running make from `/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe'
Full command line: /MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe Game GMODE=Run GFLAGS="-O3 -s" GLINKS="-lopengl32 '../additional/zlib/libzlib.a' '../additional/al/lib/Win32/OpenAL32.lib' 'Platforms/windows/ffi/libFFI.a' -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -o game.exe" GRAPHICS=OpenGL PLATFORM=windows
echo Okay.----Make returned error 2----------------------------------

process_easy: DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
process_easy() failed to launch process (e=6)
Counted 1 args in failed launch

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