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Messages - The 11th plague of Egypt

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Off-Topic / GMS prices up again
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:07:52 am »
GMS prices are going up again!

From this... this :o

GMS Pro is 50% off right now (49$ instead of 99$)...
but the modules (the ones that are going to cost more) are not.

They are quickly pricing themselves out of their previous "school kid" market.

How are you guys doing on providing a free replacement? :D

General ENIGMA / Re: ENIGMA's Engine Code License - Please Vote
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:38:42 am »
Waiting for SFLC has not proven fruitful....
Pity they didn't answer you. Seriously, I expected more from them.

In the meantime, I couldn't but notice how a little Java framework took the scenes.

It has a small community of developers, been around for a few years.
License is Apache 2, yet nobody stole it.
250k downloads a month.

Come on now.
Let's relax a bit.

Off-Topic / Re: Good places to learn OpenGL
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:45:35 pm »
Unless you want yo build Yet Another Graphics Engine, then I'd suggest you avoid learning the gory details of OpenGL and pick something less low level.

I've yet to see a person learn OpenGL AND finish an actual game.

Want something that works cross platform and does more than just graphics?

Just graphics and low level stuff?

Announcements / Re: Major Security Bug "ShellShock"
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:01:44 am »
I heard the first patch didn't really fix anything.
How's the situation right now?

General ENIGMA / Re: Please vote for ENIGMA's new license
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:52:51 am »
Really? That's pretty scary.

I have no idea on GNU licensing whatsoever. I would have just assumed that once source is committed to the project, the project would own it.

Actually, it's not GNU's GPL fault, it's a matter of re-licensing something, which means contributors should agree to the new license.
You can re-license without asking only if:
- the licenses are compatible (e.g. from LGPL to GPL)
- the contributors signed a CLA (Contributor License Agreement) giving the project ownership of their contributions

Here's an example from a very popular project.

When you contribute to a project under an Open Source license you are not renouncing ownership, just giving the project the right to use your contributions under the terms of that license.
CLAs are usually there to specify that you are also transferring ownership (so the receiving end can do as they please, including re-license your contribution).

Off-Topic / Re: Holes in everything...
« on: July 12, 2014, 08:26:10 am »
III) Mormon Christianity
This is the most recently founded flavor of the Christian faith.

A) The founder of this religion had a "vision" from an *angel* named Moroni. The angel told him that Modern Christianity has been corrupted and the angel told him how it should've really been.

Galatians 1:6-9 in both Protestant and Catholic Christianity, which came long before the the Mormon faith says:
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

Moroni was an angel from heaven, so to speak. Why Would God say 2000 years ago "let even angel from haven be cursed if it perverted my Gospel" and then an Angel comes down and does just that. Neither perception I consider correct, but imagining if one were correct, which would be more likely? Protestants/Catholics, or Mormons?

B) This one I have yet to do most of my research. Please feel free to suggest more for me to add to the list but I'll have to review the content with research first to ensure it's valid. I have to be very careful about adding to these lists to prevent "I told you so! You were wrong!" kind of arguments.
South Park has one of the best introductions on the foundation of Mormonism you can watch in less than 7 minutes.

Off-Topic / Re: Holes in everything...
« on: July 12, 2014, 07:41:09 am »
II) Catholic Christianity
Catholics have (in theory) even more holes in their faith than Protestants, even with the fact Catholics have been around MUCH longer!

A) What kind of "just" or "perfect" God would give his holy priests the reputation of general rapists and child molesters? 'Nuff said.

B) Pray to Mary? Pray to Holy Saints in Heaven? If a saint in heaven doesn't forgive me neither will Jesus? That's right, they have all the books the Protestants do but with "additional" books the Protestants don't. In the Protestant Bible, it's very clear and blatant (especially in Acts and Paul's letters) you don't pray to anyone but Jesus Himself (or the Trinity). But the "other" books the Protestants dropped and the Catholics kept don't say that at all. Your etenerinty doesn't have to be completely due to the Trinity's final decision, heck, what if someone who's in heaven doesn't like you? You're going to hell babe.

C) This one I have yet to do most of my research. Please feel free to suggest more for me to add to the list but I'll have to review the content with research first to ensure it's valid. I have to be very careful about adding to these lists to prevent "I told you so! You were wrong!" kind of arguments.

a) Getting thrown out of the Eden garden was a metaphor* of mankind wanting to know more. Do more. Even evil, if so we pleased.
See the "De libero arbitrio" (by Erasmus) vs "De servo arbitrio" (by Luther), which was indicative of one of the theoretical fractures between Catholics and Protestants.
Short summary of "De libero arbitrio", God simply leaves the world in its shit because mankind wanted to be free.
So, if mankind wants to roll itself in shit, God lets it do so, because otherwise it would be taking its freedom away.
Some priests being dickheads and not being wiped out of existence is a consequence of that "free will for all" thing.
Freedom comes with responsibility, you know. Sin like an idiot and get what you deserve in the end.

b) man can save itself if it really repents its sins. This is one big thing on which Catholics and Protestants have a diametrically opposite view.
For a Catholic, "repent and be saved" is true.
Confession is a sacrament practiced only by Catholics after all, but, if somebody believes it's something that grants automatic salvation, then he's fooling himself. If you don't truly repent your sins, then confession will not save you, even worse, you are hijacking a sacred ritual and committing an additional sin. Some people joke about death bed confessions, but that's because they really don't know what repenting means. It's not just regretting the consequences of your actions. It means that if the same situation would happen again, you would act differently. That's something easier said than done. How many times did we do something we knew we would regret, again?
The Catholic view on the subject of salvation is different from the Protestants'. Jesus remembered us what is written in the Proverbs, the righteous man sins seven times a day. That is, we are weak and can fall to temptation. But, because of the free will you were given, you can decide whether you want to be saved or if you don't care and just want enjoy yourself while here on Earth. To be saved you should put some of your own effort to make good actions and pray for help not to sin.

*The mainstream interpretation of this tale in the Roman Catholic Church is that it was a parable, not something really happened.
Oh, and by the way, the Catholic Church accepts evolution as a possibility and stopped trying to discredit it a long time ago.

EDIT: sorry for the late edit, please reference this version

Issues Help Desk / Re: Error - Invalid assignment to function
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:22:15 pm »
Thank you for looking into this guys, I really appreciate it.

Everything looks good on my laptop

Win 7 x64 SP1
ATI Radeon HD 4570 (512 Mb - mobile)
Drivers Catalyst legacy 13.9
Intel Core2 Duo P8600

Issues Help Desk / Re: Error - Invalid assignment to function
« on: June 09, 2014, 03:38:07 am »
I already considered that Josh and Berkeley Sockets does have a connect() function. However, Networking Systems are set to none by default, 11th please make sure under Build->Settings->"API" that Networking Systems is set to "None"
Actually, it is.

Please highlight the relevant steps and move them to the top.
No time to read all of that.
Well, I do have some time, but I participated int he first test because it looked much simpler than this  ;)
Oh, and add some screens!

Off-Topic / Re: GM:Studio Standard Now Free
« on: June 08, 2014, 08:48:03 am »
It's not even about running a business and feeding their families. We're just handing easy beer bottles to a bunch of alcoholics. I'm not at all surprised if that's what the bulk of their profits go toward.

Issues Help Desk / Re: Error - Invalid assignment to function
« on: June 08, 2014, 08:45:16 am »
Do you have a script named connect? What it's saying is there is a function somewhere called connect, so you can't use it as a variable name.
No, I don't.

Moreover, the var is declared in line 1.
Code: [Select]
var temp_map_name,vertex,vertex_a,vertex_b,create_vertex_a,node,node_a,node_b,create_node_a,dist,dist1,dist2,pos,connect;

Issues Help Desk / Error - Invalid assignment to function
« on: June 08, 2014, 08:03:30 am »
I'm trying get an old .gm6 project of mine to run in ENIGMA.

It seems to import fine, but when I try to run it, I get this error
Code: [Select]
Building for mode (0)
Cleaning up from previous executions
 - Cleared parsed objects
 - Cleared room entries
 - Cleared shared locals list
 - Cleared event info
Loading shared locals from extensions list
Location in memory of structure: 519cd0d8
Copying resources:
Copying sprite names [5]
Copying sound names [0]
Copying background names [1]
Copying path names [0]
Copying script names [18]
Copying shader names [0]
Copying font names [1]
Copying timeline names [0]
Copying object names [9]
Copying room names [2]
18 Scripts:
Parsed `load_map': 13 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `draw_a_button': 12 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `negative_color': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `point_line_distance': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `segm2segm_dist': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `cells_under_line': 1 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `limit_steering': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `lines_intersection': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `lineVSwalls': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `first_reachable_node': 2 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `cell_units': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `optimized_BFS': 1 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `find_walls_to_avoid': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `find_units_to_avoid': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `collision_move': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `rectangleVScircle': 0 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `save_map': 4 locals, 0 globals
Parsed `mouse_over_button': 5 locals, 0 globals
"Linking" scripts
`Linking' 18 scripts in 5 passes...
Completing script "Link"
Linking `load_map':
Linking `draw_a_button':
Linking `negative_color':
Linking `point_line_distance':
Linking `segm2segm_dist':
Linking `cells_under_line':
Linking `limit_steering':
Linking `lines_intersection':
Linking `lineVSwalls':
Linking `first_reachable_node':
Linking `cell_units':
Linking `optimized_BFS':
Linking `find_walls_to_avoid':
Linking `find_units_to_avoid':
Linking `collision_move':
Linking `rectangleVScircle':
Linking `save_map':
Linking `mouse_over_button':
"Linking" timelines
`Linking' 0 timelines in 0 passes...
Completing timeline "Link"
9 Objects:
 ob_vertex: 12 events:
  Event[0]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `ob_vertex::create... Done. Parse... Done.
  Event[1]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `ob_vertex::destroy... Done. Parse... Done.
  Event[8]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `ob_vertex::draw... Done. Parse... Done.
 ob_creator: 12 events:
  Event[0]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `ob_creator::create... Done. Parse... Done.
  Event[3]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `ob_creator::step...Syntax error in object `ob_creator', Step event:0:
Line 295, position 28 (absolute 10683): Invalid assignment to function `connect'

Here the piece of code, line 295 is connect=1
Code: [Select]
if (dist<=vertex_radius) //if there is a vertex under the mouse pointer
                if vertex_b!=vertex_a //if B is not the same as A
                else connect=0

Any idea what the problem is?
This is old code that only uses the semicolon ; in var statements.

Yes please start another topic for that. But, let me ask you to clarify what you did here, and how I can fix the Portable ZIP for you.
Delete the ENIGMA folder in ProgramData
Decompress the zip

Run git-bash.bat from the same folder where ENIGMA.exe is.
Type "cd enigma-dev" and then "mingw32-make".
If those steps are not taken, then compileEGMf.dll cannot be found (because it's not present).


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