General fluff => General ENIGMA => Topic started by: RetroX on November 03, 2010, 08:44:37 pm
The contents/links of this page may be outdated. We have instead starting hosting our installation links and directions on the wiki: http://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Install
Note that ENIGMA is still in the beta stage and that not all systems are finished. This is not a topic to ask for things to be finished, nor is it for commenting on releases. It's merely a place to keep the releases in a nice place. All of the releases below are of the latest SVN revision, or close to it.
The latest windows version can be found here (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6125077/enigma/ENIGMA-R4-win.zip). Run ENIGMA.exe to install and run ENIGMA.
Mac OS X, iPhone, Android
These platforms don't currently have builds. You can try them out from the SVN. You can either use this command:
svn co https://enigma-dev.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/enigma-dev enigma-dev
Or, alternatively, you can use another SVN client with https://enigma-dev.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/enigma-dev as a server.
Currently, the only packages that have been built are for Ubuntu and Arch Linux. I'll eventually create one for Fedora, but for now, it's just those two.
Note: If you get a file conflict error, try removing the old package before installing the new one.
To install ENIGMA, you need to add the ENIGMA repo to your list of repositories. To do this, navigate to System > Administration > Software Sources. You might have to edit the menu for it to show up; right click the menu and choose "edit menu" to do this.
There, navigate to the Other Software tab and add a repository with the following code:
deb http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6125077/enigma/repos/ubuntu natty main
Now, this should create two repositories - one for binaries and one for source; delete the source version, because it does not exist, and will create an error.
Note that I've labeled it as natty, but it will work for any version of Ubuntu. If you're still on the maverick version, it'll give you a 404 error.
If Ubuntu doesn't ask you to automatically update the package database, go to a terminal and run:
sudo apt-get update
Then, you can install ENIGMA (enigma-dev-svn) via the software center, synaptic, or command-line with the following command:
sudo apt-get install enigma-dev-svn
If it asks to install even if the package isn't authenticated, say yes.
Arch Linux
To add the repository in Arch Linux, add the following to /etc/pacman.conf:
Server = http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6125077/enigma/repos/arch-linux/$arch
And run the following to update the database:
sudo pacman -Sy
ENIGMA can be installed via command-line with:
sudo pacman -S enigma-dev-svn
Running ENIGMA
To launch ENIGMA, you can either run "enigma-dev" or "lateralgm" in a terminal or use the launcher in the Applications > Programming menu. Note that launching ENIGMA from the menu will create a terminal to display the output of LGM and the compiler. LGM will be associated with Game Maker files even if they don't have a file extension.
For people that want the package source, you can get it here:
I'm going to be running the build script every once in a while, so, don't expect a version for every commit. I also am not keeping old packages/releases for the sake of web space. If I do happen to forget to make a new package/release, let me know on the IRC or something.
Bumping this because clearly, nobody noticed.
It's because I use Windows.
because all the linux people are compiling it.
because all the linux people are compiling it.
and then asking where the deb package is
Actually, he was right; I didn't notice it. And I just kind of want to hear it works so I can upload it. :P
But I am pinning it.
Also, Josh, I wouldn't recommend uploading anything until ENIGMA is done. In that case, I'll just zip the directory structure and send it to you.
this repo is broken when i enter command sudo apt-get update gives me this:
E: Could not retrieve http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6125077/enigma/repos/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz 404 NOT FOUND [IP: 80]
Can you give my working repo?
When you add the repository to the source, be sure to remove the source repository. Ubuntu adds it by default for some stupid reason and I didn't make one, which is why it fails.
I mentioned it in the first post, but probably wasn't clear enough.
Yeah, I read that but forgot to acknowledge it. I probably won't be adding anything to the downloads page until I can get nothing but (Y) from a release.
...Presently, ENIGMA doesn't work out of the box on Mac without acute modification, so I'm withholding release until it works. By the time it does, collisions will probably be in, too. So.
Package has been updated so that now, all game objects are pre-compiled. Systems such as graphics and audio, which are needed for every game, are already included in the package.
EDIT: Apparently, the packages are broken, currently. Fixing later.
Oh, by the way, the package works, now.
Updated this topic to include a Windows release. Also, I'm building everything right now, so, don't expect a download immediately.
Good thing it's Dropbox. You can just quickly replace the ZIP on each revision... Well, whoever owns that account can. Still, good idea for lazy, SVN-trunk-hating people like me. The only bad thing I can see in this is dependence on Dropbox.
It's my dropbox. And it's down right now because my script was broken and I was too lazy to fix it at the time.
The Ubuntu package has been fixed. Update the source from the maverick to the natty repo - see the first post.
Posting to say that the Ubuntu packages are temporarily broken. I'm going to work on getting an actual build script for them through a VM. This means that I'm also going to work on an RPM, eventually.
It seems that the Arch repository now provides Enigma only, with no LateralGM. Due to this, I've been unable to update the package for some time, as Pacman reported a missing dependency. But today I decided to try and update. To do it, I had to:
1) Uninstall enigma-dev-svn.
2) Install this (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=48853).
3) Reinstall enigma-dev-svn.
4) cp /usr/share/java/lateralgm/lateralgm.jar to /opt/enigma.
5) And finally, chmod +x /usr/bin/lateralgm.
Now the thing seems to work, though I haven't tested much.
This process could, and I think it should, be a little more automatic.
And by the way, both lateralgm-svn (the AUR package) and enigma-dev-svn provide a different /usr/bin/lateralgm. The one that works best is the one provided by enigma-dev-svn, but I think it could use a small optimization. The file currently looks like this:
# NOTE: forces Java into English locale because it breaks ENIGMA otherwise
cd /opt/enigma
LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 java -jar lateralgm.jar $@
If I'm not mistaken, all scripts run on their own subshell, so the last line and the PREVIOUS_DIR variable aren't necessary.
And even if I'm mistaken, I think PREVIOUS_DIR is still not necessary, as you can use OLDPWD.
That's all, thanks.
If you happened to notice, I was the one maintaining that package. I was in the progress of getting repos set up when I became really busy.
The AUR still has PKGBUILDs, and I encourage the use of those for now on Arch. Everyone else can just use the SVN for now.
The idea was going to be that /usr/share/java/lateralgm will hold ENIGMA and the Java plugins, while /opt/enigma stores ENIGMA's stuff.
I added the ppa to natty, but it has an unmet dependency: lateralgm. I searched for a deb or a ppa of lateralgm but I couldn't find any. Is there any way of installing without using svn? I like how ppa's give you automatic updates, so that's preferred :)
I used to make games in Gamemaker before I began to use Ubuntu. And then I found out about Enigma. I really hope you guys can keep up the good work for a very long time!
I haven't been maintaining these packages for a really long time. Unfortunately, the existing repository doesn't work. There are PKGBUILDs on the AUR (Arch User Repository), but those only work for Arch Linux. Once I find the time, I'll work on making build scripts for the Ubuntu packages instead of using my previous method, which was a giant hack.