General fluff => Announcements => Topic started by: IsmAvatar on May 21, 2010, 01:43:48 pm

Title: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: IsmAvatar on May 21, 2010, 01:43:48 pm
As of Enigma r234, the LateralGM included with Enigma now has the ability to save in the GM7 and GM8 formats (gmk).
Please note that support for these formats is experimental at this state, and may do any of the following:

If you experience any of these problems, or any other problems, with the exception of the last one listed (seeing as it is intended behavior), first do an svn update to ensure that a later revision doesn't fix them, and then you may report them in this post. Remember, they are LGM bugs, and NOT Enigma bugs.

If you don't want to use the experimental features, simply choose "600" when saving your file, and the behavior should remain mostly the same as it was before these features - always saving as GM6.

One of the biggest benefits expected to come out of this is the ability to use alpha transparency in sprites in 800 (GM8: gmk).
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: The 11th plague of Egypt on May 21, 2010, 02:57:31 pm
They screwed up the saves adding encryption in GM7.

Why not make your own unencrypted format? Something like an extended version of the GM6 saves?
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: IsmAvatar on May 21, 2010, 03:12:19 pm
GM8 doesn't use the encryption. Also, in GM7 we don't use the lookup table, so it's hardly encrypted.
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: The 11th plague of Egypt on May 21, 2010, 05:34:45 pm
GM8 doesn't use the encryption.
Really? You mean, in the official implementation?

I mean, encryption is not necessarily a bad thing, but I wouldn't spend my time on implementing one for simple saves.
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: IsmAvatar on May 21, 2010, 05:51:26 pm
Yes, in the official implementation, GM8 only uses zlib compression, not encryption. YYG realized that encryption was a bad idea, and a politically unwise move.

Also, implementation of the encryption is already coded into LGM, and has been for some time. All I did recently, really, was just remove an integer set which forced the game to always save as GM6. I replaced it with the radio buttons "800", "701", and "600".
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: The 11th plague of Egypt on May 21, 2010, 06:00:51 pm
I remember readying somewhere that they added a stronger encryption. Maybe to the executable, right?
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: IsmAvatar on May 21, 2010, 06:01:10 pm
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: kkg on May 22, 2010, 11:42:09 pm
That's fairly awesome. I was sort of hoping that GM7 was going to get ENIGMA'd because that's what I make my stuff in. Maybe I should port to GM8 and give that a try. I think I have enough money for a license in my paypaLLLLL
Title: Re: Experimental GM7/8 saving support in LGM.
Post by: Josh @ Dreamland on May 23, 2010, 12:09:17 am
I smell treason. Or is it bacon...