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Author Topic: ENIGMA - Easy installation  (Read 12273 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) sampletext
Posted on: February 06, 2019, 05:27:06 am
Joined: Nov 2018
Posts: 11

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Hello there!
I think that many Windows users dropping ENIGMA because of hard installation. And yep - it's true.
I got ~2 weeks to understand how it should work, and made installation script to make this easy.
1. Install MSYS2 and do pacman -Syu as the ENIGMA Wiki says.
2. Unpack this script to your msys folder.
3. Install:
   a) for 32-bit machines: via mingw32 folder;
   b) for 64-bit machines: via mingw64 (for 64-bit compilation) and via mingw32(for 32-bit compilation)
4. Enjoy!
NOTE: All useful .bat files for install and launch located in YOUR MSYS FOLDER\ENIGMA\scripts\windows
NOTE #2: If you don't trust .EXE files (which is compressed 7z archive), you can unpack it via 7-zip like normal archive
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 05:27:28 am by sampletext » Logged
Offline (Male) Josh @ Dreamland
Reply #1 Posted on: February 09, 2019, 11:04:03 am

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Interesting... an installer could make this process easier, sure. Have you tried this on multiple machines? My experience suggests that Windows machines all vary in subtle ways that make automating the msys installation (and pointing into it with ENIGMA) is quite difficult. If this approach works for other people, it would be good to link this from the wiki.

Another question: are you installing Git along with ENIGMA, or is this just one arbitrarily-selected version of the repository? Those tend to get stale quickly.
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Offline (Unknown gender) sampletext
Reply #2 Posted on: February 16, 2019, 12:15:23 pm
Joined: Nov 2018
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It works on 32-bit (tested on VM) and 64-bit (tested on real hardware)! :D
Git is installed already (from msys)
Offline (Unknown gender) GilbertTi
Reply #3 Posted on: March 02, 2019, 10:15:44 am
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It works with these payday loans 32-bit (tested on VM) and 64-bit (tested on real hardware)! :D
Git is installed already (from msys)

What Windows version is this for? Or is it for all of them?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 12:22:13 pm by GilbertTi » Logged
Offline (Unknown gender) sampletext
Reply #4 Posted on: March 06, 2019, 01:27:35 pm
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What Windows version is this for? Or is it for all of them?
All sys requirements are going from MSYS.
MSYS 2 requirements are Windows 7 SP1
(but if you can magically run it on older versions, script should work too)
Offline (Unknown gender) sampletext
Reply #5 Posted on: April 14, 2019, 05:34:38 am
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Here's updated version of scripts! v2 [BETA]
- re-writed with MUCH MORE relative structure, which provide some new functions:
- Cross-platform update. (Windows - 100% worked, Linux - not tested, Mac - not available now). Working on it.
- Freedom! Now you able to define your parameters for install/ launch.  MAKE SURE THAT YOU MADE BACKUP OF VARS.INI BEFORE EDIT!

For Windows, script (as always) should be extracted from 7z and dropped to msys root folder (in order to get .bat files work).

It still needs test. If you will find some bugs - drop info here and I'll fix that.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 12:49:43 pm by sampletext » Logged
Offline (Unknown gender) mistermano
Reply #6 Posted on: April 15, 2019, 08:41:45 pm
Joined: Apr 2019
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Here's updated version of scripts! v2 [BETA]
- re-writed with MUCH MORE relative structure, which provide some new functions:
- Cross-platform update. (Windows - 100% worked, Linux - not tested, Mac - not available now). Working on it.
- Freedom! Now you able to define your parameters for install/ launch.  MAKE SURE THAT YOU MADE BACKUP OF VARS.INI BEFORE EDIT!

For Windows, script (as always) should be extracted from 7z and dropped to msys root folder (in order to get .bat files work).

It still needs test. If you will find some bugs - drop info here and I'll fix that.

I'm testing this, this is the very first problem I got with the .bat files:
Code: [Select]

C:\msys64\ENIGMA\windows\install-or-update\mingw64>cd ..

C:\msys64\ENIGMA\windows\install-or-update>rem \ENIGMA\scripts\windows\mingw64\

C:\msys64\ENIGMA\windows\install-or-update>cd ..

C:\msys64\ENIGMA\windows>rem \ENIGMA\scripts\windows\

C:\msys64\ENIGMA\windows>cd ..

C:\msys64\ENIGMA>rem \ENIGMA\scripts\

C:\msys64\ENIGMA>cd ..

C:\msys64>rem \ENIGMA\

C:\msys64>cd ..

C:\>rem \

C:\>usr\bin\mintty.exe -w show /bin/env MSYSTEM=MINGW64  /bin/bash -l "C:\\ENIGMA\scripts\" win -64 --install --pro
Could not find specified path.
The problem, it turns out, is that extracting and simply running the files doesn't create the directory tree as the script actually searches for:
> what is created > msys64/ENIGMA/_source ;; msys64/ENIGMA/windows
> what is needed > msys64/ENIGMA/scripts/windows
SOLUTION: rename _source to scripts, move windows into scripts folder

Say, what's the difference between std and pro? This isn't clear.
Another thing, is it intended to install packages even if you reply No?
Code: [Select]
Install BASE-DEVEL package?(Y/n)n
Installing needed packages..

For future reference, the default folder it'll download the git repo is msys/home/<your username>/msys64ENIGMA

Also got this:
Code: [Select]
Build Enigma?(Y/n)y
OK. Installing..
C:\msys64\ENIGMA\scripts\ line 171: cd: msys64ENIGMA/enigma-dev-64: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'.  Pare.
make: *** No target and no make file found. Stop.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2019, 10:11:40 pm by mistermano » Logged
Offline (Unknown gender) sampletext
Reply #7 Posted on: April 16, 2019, 12:27:00 pm
Joined: Nov 2018
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Thanks for feedback! Going to fix that.
UPD. I fixed .bat bug, now you can re-download the attachement. (it's in the post #6)

Also, i dont know how you get this problem. Are you trying to change installation directory? Never get that problem.
I'm re-installing ENIGMA with that script and looking for errors.

Quick note: this script (in default state) installing all stuff in MSYS_ROOT/ENIGMA ignoring home folder. (Cause script is using relative paths. I guess changing "/" to "~" should install all stuff to user folder.)
The difference between STD and PRO is the type of installation.
STD is the installation for newbies, it's doing all stuff without user presence.
PRO  installation provides Y/N dialogs for user that know what to do.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 12:53:59 pm by sampletext » Logged
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