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Author Topic: Enigma crushed on save, my game is lost?  (Read 10111 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) IgazHarcos
Posted on: November 13, 2016, 04:54:06 am
Joined: Nov 2016
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The title says everything, is there any backup or something else to restore my game or I lost it forever?
Offline (Male) faissaloo
Reply #1 Posted on: November 13, 2016, 09:45:07 am

Location: Britbongistan
Joined: Jan 2013
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Put your .gmx folder into a zip and send it to my email:
Offline (Unknown gender) The_Watcher
Reply #2 Posted on: August 05, 2018, 12:40:40 pm
Joined: Aug 2018
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The title says everything, is there any backup or something else to restore my game or I lost it forever?

Correct, because the geniuses who maintained this product never properly QA'ed it.  Use a real product that is tested and tried.
nobody wants to lose all their work and efforts over something that has never been addressed.
Offline (Male) HitCoder
Reply #3 Posted on: August 06, 2018, 07:50:22 pm

Location: Oxford, England
Joined: Aug 2014
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The title says everything, is there any backup or something else to restore my game or I lost it forever?

Correct, because the geniuses who maintained this product never properly QA'ed it.  Use a real product that is tested and tried.
nobody wants to lose all their work and efforts over something that has never been addressed.

Congrats on necroing a thread from almost 2 years ago. i find it amusing that you bring up a problem from that long ago in addition to arguing that the project hasn't "progressed". If you're looking at the past, you will see no progress from the present, as that occurred before the present came to exist.
I think you'll find this issue
1) isn't relevant any more.
2) is fixed and won't occur again.

In adition, don't complain about QA on an open source project; these projects are maintained by the community and you should always expect bugs on the latest version released. This is because they're rolling releases, and updated every time the source code is changed. That's just how the computer world works. This is why you always must save backups. We all forget to, i lost a ton of college work because word corrupted it, and i had to re-do some work that took me 2 weeks, within 3 days. it's life.

Kindest regards, and best of luck making your own immensely powerful IDE.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 07:54:27 pm by HitCoder » Logged
Computer Scientist, Programmer in C#, C/C++, Java, Python, GML, EDL, and more. Hobbyist musician.
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