Outsourcing saves money => Programming Help => Topic started by: Yambam on May 12, 2016, 03:14:33 am

Title: Help with gmk format
Post by: Yambam on May 12, 2016, 03:14:33 am
I'm trying to write .gmk file using the custom IDE I'm making, but it crashes both LateralGM and Game Maker 8 when I try to load it. Could someone check the file using a hex editor? https://www.dropbox.com/s/0d97zvfmjdph4t4/Project0.gmk?dl=0

I know the file doesn't contain the zlibbed preferences, would that be the problem? ???
Title: Re: Help with gmk format
Post by: Goombert on May 12, 2016, 09:47:31 pm
This paper might actually help you by IsmAvatar where she explains how the entire GM8 format works.

She was the one that started LGM many years ago.
Title: Re: Help with gmk format
Post by: Yambam on November 13, 2016, 09:43:50 am
This paper might actually help you by IsmAvatar where she explains how the entire GM8 format works.

She was the one that started LGM many years ago.
Guys I just made a minor adaption from IsmAvatar's document (http://lateralgm.org/formats/gmformat8.txt). I know you have another version on the wiki, but this one simply has the exact content from the linked document, it's just an improvement on readability; I just love this tool I discovered called StackEdit! :D


As you can see it's just getting the gist from your browser (client-side), it's quite neat. :)
Title: Re: Help with gmk format
Post by: Yambam on November 14, 2016, 01:51:12 am
Same version hosted on my website (only wider): http://imanuelhab.mooo.com/gmformat8