I understand fully where you are coming from TKG. I did the same thing with my YYG account a while back, I needed a huge break from social media.
After having a break, it changed my perspective and I was able to come back refreshed.
Before posting these days I usually (not always
) have a huge think before hitting the 'Post' button. I think to myself 'will the world really care if I hit the post button'. Normally the answer comes back 'nope'.
Partially, this is one of the reasons I have ditched FB, Twitter, GameJolt, etc... No one really gives a crap about what I post, so why post it? I don't need a fan club or 10000 followers, 9999 of those people couldn't care less about me anyway. So, why give them an avenue to direct crap at me?
The internet is now one big 'score board', I don't need to be a part of 'that game'.
Just an insight into how my brain ticks over these days.
So, I fully understand your position, TKG. And none of us are 'out to get you'. We all have bad days and post crap that we didn't really mean. It really does happen to all of us.
You just need to really sit back and start disregarding peoples posts if you don't agree with what they say. Once you realise it. The 'block' button is your best friend. Once someone throws garbage at you, 'block' and then 'bang' they are out of your life. Never have to worry about them again.
Before closing my twitter account I had most of the YYG staff blocked. Nocturne, Mike Dailly, Jobo, (and generally anyone else in the 'boys club'). I just don't need to read thier shit.