He also said I salked his Facebook, Twitter, Google, and many other things he said in posts he deleted. I don't really get on anything but Facebook. I never looked him up. That would be stupid unless it was to block him and for no other reason. He claimed I post about him all over the interet which is also crap. Only two sites, here, which he obviously knew about, and one post on gamejolt before I even knew the guy's username. I just saw two lines of closed-source code so I made 1 post about it on gamejolt. That's 2 sites. on Gamejolt it was one post, and that was so old it was before I met the guy.
Keep telling yourself that

- Facebook - honestly can't remember what happend there. As it was early in all of this, so you were just another troll I blocked and deleted
- What you did on YouTube (Google aacount I was reffering to) was horrendous. I wasn't aware that reporting you would remove the post. So, no screenies there.
- The YYG MarketPlace - the repeated begging for forgiveness spam, relating to the above abhorrent behaviour
- The GameJolt thing that I wasn't even aware of until you bought that to my attention via your own link recently
- Twiiter - deleted and blocked
- ENIGMA forums - spreading more lies and abuse approx 3-4 months ago
I'd say that qualifies for an un-healthy stalking pattern.

And now you want to hide the guest thing because you feel I am stalking you back, and have nothing to back that up.
Yes, I deleted the posts for your video player thread, as you took offense to my friendly advice (that I consistently give). So, I got the shits with that, deleted the posts, and said 'works perfectly', just to keep you happy.

I am more than happy for Josh to undelete everything, post it in a new topic, and lock the topic, if you really want people to see what happend. Nothing did happen, it was all paranoia on your side. (As per usual).
The best advice I have seen yet in this thread is from TheExDeus - "Chill".