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General ENIGMA / Re: Will execute_string() be implemented?
« on: February 10, 2015, 01:32:55 pm »
Maybe we should change enigma to java, then you can use execute_string() as much as you like

Programming Help / Re: Reading xml with Enigma?
« on: December 26, 2014, 02:44:34 pm »
Please Speak English
I'm sorry, but I'm not very experienced with Enigma development.

I'm sorry, but I'm not very experienced with Enigma development.
Programming Help / Reading xml with Enigma?
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:44:04 pm »
I want to be able to read and write to xml language
General ENIGMA / Re: Code Action Comments
« on: December 16, 2014, 12:19:01 am »
Why don't we implement JavaDoc then?
Programming Help / Re: Embedding Enigma into GUI
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:54:11 pm »
what about wxWidget?
Programming Help / Re: Embedding Enigma into GUI
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:33:05 pm »Not easily no. It would be faster to embed QT in ENIGMA.
Is that sarcasm or suggestion?
Programming Help / Embedding Enigma into GUI
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:23:04 pm »
Is there anyway I can display Enigma inside a GUI component such as those in QT?
Off-Topic / Re: Tips for making an IDE?
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:46:58 am »
How does one write a plugin API in general? I haven't much experience in writing (anything) actually. I've only started slowly learning Java for the last 2 years. Should I write this "API" by having other developers write their custom classes and then I'll use a classLoader to load their classes on run time, like Minecraft Forge (you'll know if you write minecraft mods)?
How was the enigma plugin for lgm written?
How was the enigma plugin for lgm written?
Developing ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM
« on: October 23, 2014, 11:22:13 am »
Will code refactoring ever be available?

Off-Topic / Re: Tips for making an IDE?
« on: October 23, 2014, 11:08:06 am »
Thank you, IsmAvatar, you have told me exactly what I need to hear. I admit that I have been pushing the project too fast, my trial and error parser is now practically unreadable, I'll have to rewrite it soon.

I wanted to use this project in school so badly that I have been working day and night on it, trying to add cool features without really thinking of its long term usability. I will now slow down and document my code better. However, I'm still going to implement images, sounds and videos into these notes soon! I would be really happy if you guys could download this IDE and try it (not know, its not complete) and give me feed back
Lonewolf, I am using java Swing to make the IDE, Swing seems to be a good and easy option. What kind of game engine are you working on and may I see it?

I wanted to use this project in school so badly that I have been working day and night on it, trying to add cool features without really thinking of its long term usability. I will now slow down and document my code better. However, I'm still going to implement images, sounds and videos into these notes soon! I would be really happy if you guys could download this IDE and try it (not know, its not complete) and give me feed back

Lonewolf, I am using java Swing to make the IDE, Swing seems to be a good and easy option. What kind of game engine are you working on and may I see it?
Off-Topic / Tips for making an IDE?
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:50:05 pm »
I am currently working on a small but very radical IDE for my custom language. What I'm trying to do is to create an object oriented language for note taking in classrooms (or note taking in general). For example, in Geography class, I can make an object called Sphere and then create sub objects called Lithosphere, biosphere...
I already have the object language syntax marking done, along with code suggestion, I can also reference these objects in normal typing. Oh and since this is only a scripting language, space between variables are permitted
Here is a simple screenshot:

While the development of this IDE is going smoothly, I still haven't got to the hard part yet (implementing images, sounds and camera for taking notes ...)
If you look close enough, you'll see small white rectangles, that would be my attempt to give it a moving background, like the live wallpaper on Androids. Its based on a dynamic background library that i wrote which is basically a small particle system. I wanted to style my IDE with themes such as falling snow when its Christmas, flying bats on Halloween... I have a lot more themes too (aquarium, sky with birds and clouds, ...). I try to make the background dark and move slowly so as to not distract the user.
What I am asking is, when you guys make an IDE, what were the hardest things that you have encountered, and how did you solve them?
Here are some links if you wanna take a look, I use Eclipse.
Executable Jar:
I already have the object language syntax marking done, along with code suggestion, I can also reference these objects in normal typing. Oh and since this is only a scripting language, space between variables are permitted
Here is a simple screenshot:

While the development of this IDE is going smoothly, I still haven't got to the hard part yet (implementing images, sounds and camera for taking notes ...)
If you look close enough, you'll see small white rectangles, that would be my attempt to give it a moving background, like the live wallpaper on Androids. Its based on a dynamic background library that i wrote which is basically a small particle system. I wanted to style my IDE with themes such as falling snow when its Christmas, flying bats on Halloween... I have a lot more themes too (aquarium, sky with birds and clouds, ...). I try to make the background dark and move slowly so as to not distract the user.
What I am asking is, when you guys make an IDE, what were the hardest things that you have encountered, and how did you solve them?
Here are some links if you wanna take a look, I use Eclipse.
Executable Jar:
Off-Topic / Re: Which Java IDE?
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:18:32 pm »
I'm glad that most of everyone here likes Eclipse

Proposals / Re: New Theme for LGM?
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:34:29 pm »
I used the lgm source from the svn website:
if it is outdated, then where may i find the source of the latest lgm?
if it is outdated, then where may i find the source of the latest lgm?
Proposals / Force directed graph in LGM
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:09:58 pm »
After a few hours studying LGM's wild source code (I really wish there are more comments and javaDocs
) I decided to make a small feature to see how I understood LGM's basic components. I've added 2 force directed graphs, one to show an object 's events and actions, the other to show all resources in a project (objects, backgrounds, ...) and also objects and their events.
I added a "View" menu in the menubar for project visuallization, and a "Visualize" button in the obj frame.
Drag right mouse to zoom.
Download it here :
I have used the substance library for the cool-looking GUI :
and the visualization toolkit called prefuse:
Please know that I don't really understand most of LGM's code because my experiences with java isn't enough. However, I am quite proficient with writing Android apps and am planning to port LGM to Android, perhaps you guys can help!

I added a "View" menu in the menubar for project visuallization, and a "Visualize" button in the obj frame.
Drag right mouse to zoom.
Download it here :
I have used the substance library for the cool-looking GUI :
and the visualization toolkit called prefuse:
Please know that I don't really understand most of LGM's code because my experiences with java isn't enough. However, I am quite proficient with writing Android apps and am planning to port LGM to Android, perhaps you guys can help!

Proposals / New Theme for LGM?
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:44:22 am »
I have recently found a swing look and feel called Substance, and it looks really good on enigma, could someone such as IsmAvatar go change the skin on lgm please? 
you can find the project here:
you also need the trident library:

you can find the project here:
you also need the trident library: