Contributing to ENIGMA => Proposals => Topic started by: time-killer-games on October 18, 2014, 05:38:31 pm
I never login as hidden because most people do it for extremely immature reasons and I don't stoop to that level. Why would we even need this? If a user wants to login hidden it clearly demonstrates they have something terribly stupid to "hide". Most cases I can know who it is too, as their posts pop up (and disapear *cough*) out a nowhere when they want me to think they're not logged in, which is kinda stupid and weird.
If a user wants to login hidden it clearly demonstrates they have something terribly stupid to "hide".
Seriously? You really swallow that bullshit "nothing to hide" propaganda?
The forum offering to not tell anyone that you're online isn't "stupid and weird". It's a privacy feature. A weak privacy feature (it's much better to make yourself anonymous with something like Tor), but a privacy feature nonetheless. The year we don't have privacy because we have "nothing to hide" will be 1984.
I couldn't care less what you think. From what I've seen from your posts thus far you're always bitching about something stupid which makes it less likely for me to take you seriously. It's still one of the most useless features a forum can have. It's strange. Yes it most definately is stupid. In fact it's so weird it makes my skin crawl. like seriously for one minute think "why?"
Right, like how it's weird, stupid, and creepy to have curtains on your windows, or how it's weird, stupid, and creepy to have a door to your bathroom, or how it's weird, creepy, and stupid to not have surveillance cameras in your home that broadcast everything you do to the world.
What's wrong TKG, what's bothering you?
Time to lose that 'tin-foil hat', TKG. ;)
So are you suggesting that anyone who browses the forum needs to create an account and log in first (otherwise the forum will not be visible)? That is what the guest account does.
Kind of goes against ENIGMA's open source (open to view) foundations, doesn't it?
Your paranoia is reaching new levels.
You accused myself yesterday of rating your games on GameJolt '1', and then followed up with 'yet another appology PM', after you discovered (yourself), after your usual PM tyrade, that I hadn't even logged in for several weeks.
This crap needs to stop dude. You have allready stalked me out of every internet account I have, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc...
Although, I am not going to close my YYG Marketplace account any time soon, so please stop contacting me through there also... ;)
Thank you for reminding me about my GameJolt account though, yet another one I have to close up. (Y)
LOL - this might explain a couple of things
If you delete your retarded post again Josh can verify this dumbass quote.
Time to lose that 'tin-foil hat', TKG. ;)
So are you suggesting that anyone who browses the forum needs to create an account and log in first (otherwise the forum will not be visible)? That is what the guest account does.
Kind of goes against ENIGMA's open source (open to view) foundations, doesn't it?
Your paranoia is reaching new levels.
You accused myself yesterday of rating your games on GameJolt '1', and then followed up with 'yet another appology PM', after you discovered (yourself), after your usual PM tyrade, that I hadn't even logged in for several weeks.
This crap needs to stop dude. You have allready stalked me out of every internet account I have, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc...
Although, I am not going to close my YYG Marketplace account any time soon, so please stop contacting me through there also... ;)
Thank you for reminding me about my GameJolt account though, yet another one I have to close up. (Y)
LOL - this might explain a couple of things
That's exactly my point. If you want to be anonymous, don't log in. That's why the hidden login is so stupid. As if this wasn't obvious.
Wolff, I never stalked any of your stupid social networking accounts. keep dreaming. :P If I did, it was to block you. I don't even go on twitter, forgot my password ages ago but never really cared about it. My Google account I don't use for anything other than uploading to YouTube and none of my friends use Google+ other than for email. I don't even use it for GMail. I don't even know what you look like. That's so lame. If you are going to make up stupid shit please stay out of my topics, xD
People have the wrong idea on "ANONYMITY"
There is no such thing as having something to hide or hide....but an ILLUSION.
The hide your online presence on forums simply hides your presence from public view......
Administrators can still see you, your IP, even read edited / deleted posts.....What gets "deleted" online never actually gets deleted, and that holds true for forums.....
social media, etc. I won't state the obvious reasons why it is like that.
There are however some genuine reasons why a person might not want to show their online presence, for the same reasons on IM they can opt to be seen as offline..... privacy, they only want to be seen by a circle of friends, and not be contacted by some random people. There is a difference between that and anonymity.
and as you said on forums some people think that by hiding their presence they hide everything, not knowing that admins/mods can still see them. Some people DO use the feature for hiding, but little do they know they are not.
People who want 100% anonymity / privacy should unplug a cable called RJ45 and a plug from their 120V (or 240v) receptacle, then you have 100% privacy.
privacy/anonymity ONLINE is just a SCAM. All those "privacy" policies are fucking rubbish!
That said going back to the topic, since the function has good use, perhaps it should stay, it only hides your online status.....that's about it, there will always be people using features maliciously, does not mean the others should pay for it, especially when in majority of cases it is used for valid purposes.
People who want 100% anonymity / privacy should unplug a cable called RJ45 and a plug from their 120V (or 240v) receptacle, then you have 100% privacy.
privacy/anonymity ONLINE is just a SCAM. All those "privacy" policies are fucking rubbish!
You can just use Tor. Tor hides who you are by routing your requests through several proxies. Also, the Tor Browser Bundle has a minimal fingerprint that isn't useful for unique identification.
Journalists in hostile environments should just not provide the rest of the world with information.
People who want 100% anonymity / privacy should unplug a cable called RJ45 and a plug from their 120V (or 240v) receptacle, then you have 100% privacy.
privacy/anonymity ONLINE is just a SCAM. All those "privacy" policies are fucking rubbish!
You can just use Tor. Tor hides who you are by routing your requests through several proxies. Also, the Tor Browser Bundle has a minimal fingerprint that isn't useful for unique identification.
lol that's extreme. yeah, TOR, that is what many online scammers use, very popular - otherwise majority of the people who have nothing to hide will not.....it always me laugh some people want privacy this privacy that yet they sign up on every social media - kinda weird ! but anyhow, privacy does not exist anyway, just wait until the mandatory implanting of chips inside your body and its different orifices, then the concept of privacy goes down the toilet :D
All Tor does is make you anonymous. That's not "extreme".
just wait until the mandatory implanting of chips inside your body
Don't be silly. No modern policymaker is even proposing that. On the other hand, real-life government surveillance of Internet activities and even, in some countries, surveillance cameras all over the place does exist. Being a defeatist about it doesn't help, though. Internet surveillance can be avoided with Tor or, to a lesser extent, browser extensions that block third-party requests.
Well I could care less nothing to hide, people who do should stop using computers, problems solved. :D
But someone going through the trouble to using TOR, why ? they want to be anonymous from what exactly ? If one is not doing anything illegal or hiding, why would they go to such extent..... There are valid reasons to hide online status on IM and social media, but let's see now....who is candidate for using such service ? cyber criminals ? piracy ? sharing sites, etc? otherwise why would your average person just using the internet to relax, socialise etc....use such a thing ? If they bloody wanted privacy in the first place they should do something else :D
We are headed for a world where governments and corporate lobbying will rule everything and everyone, but that's best for another debate/topic...
oh wait my bad.....replace headed with "WE ALREADY ARE" :D
So what did we all learn today kids ?
- If you want privacy, don't use internet.
- if you want to hide and think you are truly hidden, don't use internet.
and yes some of that will be on the test :D
carry on :D
But someone going through the trouble to using TOR, why ? they want to be anonymous from what exactly ? If one is not doing anything illegal or hiding, why would they go to such extent..... There are valid reasons to hide online status on IM and social media, but let's see now....who is candidate for using such service ? cyber criminals ? piracy ? sharing sites, etc?
I don't think there's anyone who never does something technically illegal or against some policy. The key problem with mass surveillance is with all activity recorded, if anyone in power wants to retaliate against you for something perfectly legal but disadvantageous to them, they can go back in time and nitpick the little things you did.
Just a common example: jaywalking. It's illegal, but pretty much no one is prosecuted for it. But what if surveillance results in a record of your jaywalking, and you became a problem for a group of politicians? They would be happy to use your jaywalking to indirectly punish you for going against them.
Additionally, there are things that are illegal but not wrong. In some countries, for example, it is illegal to follow or not follow a certain religion. There's also whistleblowing and other important reporting that's technically illegal for one reason or another.
It's hard to tell if there's any consensus in this topic, so I've started a poll. The poll will only be active for 2 weeks, so please vote while you can.
You can continue to discuss and change your opinions/votes until the poll has concluded, and then the admins will decide if the checkbox stays or goes based on the results.
Admin note: checkbox can be removed from Admin > Configuration > Features and Options > General > Allow non-admin users to hide their online status
IsmAvatar, could these poll answers possibly be more loaded propositions?
And, I added an option.
And another.
I just voted 'I couldn't care less'.
I personally have never used the 'feature'.
Although, his comments are directed around me, so I say lose the feature, just to prove him wrong again. (Y)
LOL ! I voted No, I don't personally use that feature but could bloody care less if others do, this is not MI5 people come on, if people want to log secretly that is their choice for whatever reason they choose, admins have the ability to still see them so this is just to be invisible to public view, for whatever reason I care less, maybe we can move on to more serious debates lol!
Days like the one pictured below must really do TKG's head in :D
All of these people with hidden agenda's. :o
Probably all 7 YYG spies ..... I actually thought you were one of them ;D ;D ;D ;D
But aren't guests not even signed-up ? HIDDEN you would not even see as guest as they are actual registered users with hidden login, right ?
I always thought guests were non registered forum browsers (a.k.a spies, or people almost interested :D) I used to be guest too before registering :P :D
IsmAvatar, could these poll answers possibly be more loaded propositions?
That was the intention. I want to see what people's actual feelings are, not just a "Yes" or "No". That said, the votes are anonymous, and the results don't show until the end of voting*, so nobody's going to pick a fight with you or criticize you directly if you vote one way. So the gun's loaded, but pulling the trigger just fires it into a wall. At the end, we count which wall has the most bullet holes and make a decision.
* Admins can see the votes whenever, but we'll keep mum.
Probably all 7 YYG spies ..... I actually thought you were one of them ;D ;D ;D ;D
But aren't guests not even signed-up ? HIDDEN you would not even see as guest as they are actual registered users with hidden login, right ?
I always thought guests were non registered forum browsers (a.k.a spies, or people almost interested :D) I used to be guest too before registering :P :D
As far as I'm aware, you're correct, guests are non-registered. I don't think Hidden users even count towards those numbers.
As for YYG spies, ever since we started this forum I've wondered how many guests were YYG spies. It's now been years and there's not been any action, other than the occasional GMC mod showing up and thanking us for our work. At this point it's like if Madagascar and Easter Island decided to have an arms race -- nobody cares.
Indeed, guests are not "HIDDEN" logins, but just as the name implies........."guests", they don't have any registered accounts but just browsing the forum ! and even if there were spies, what's to spy on FFS, the grand secret of the caramilk bar ? the secret recipe for reeses's cups ? nothing to spy on really :P
Hidden logins simply don't show here, period..... Mind you on some forums there is a label "hidden:" and the number of users hidden. I don't know if this is done here, but I think not.
I think some people who use hidden logins, often have multiple social media accounts and at times don't want to be contacted or seen.
There are legit reasons for using such features, it's not always used for hiding or mischief. :D
On some forums it could be used for banned users evading ban and spying on what is being said.....So technically, once you delete your account and want to see what people are saying, you are not hidden, you are a guest again.....(guest at your own funeral ? LOL!)
Must I quote the topic title and why it mentions hidden users and not guests? Can you please stop being so incredibly stupid ??
Days like the one pictured below must really do TKG's head in :D
All of these people with hidden agenda's. :o
Unless you're going to learn to be a mature adult and stop pretending strange things we're stll going to be bickering. Is that all you want to do with your life? Make up stupid shit just to get back at me for the video player shit that happened 2 months ago? If you really forgave me you clearly wouldn't be doing this. I'd like to move on so again I will say this leave me alone. If you want to get along and actually try to do that with me at this point, even then I want you to just put sock in it. You don't exist so stop associating with me. Talking about me is doing that *gasp*
If you delete your retarded post again Josh can verify this dumbass quote.
Time to lose that 'tin-foil hat', TKG. ;)
So are you suggesting that anyone who browses the forum needs to create an account and log in first (otherwise the forum will not be visible)? That is what the guest account does.
Kind of goes against ENIGMA's open source (open to view) foundations, doesn't it?
Your paranoia is reaching new levels.
You accused myself yesterday of rating your games on GameJolt '1', and then followed up with 'yet another appology PM', after you discovered (yourself), after your usual PM tyrade, that I hadn't even logged in for several weeks.
This crap needs to stop dude. You have allready stalked me out of every internet account I have, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc...
Although, I am not going to close my YYG Marketplace account any time soon, so please stop contacting me through there also... ;)
Thank you for reminding me about my GameJolt account though, yet another one I have to close up. (Y)
LOL - this might explain a couple of things
That's exactly my point. If you want to be anonymous, don't log in. That's why the hidden login is so stupid. As if this wasn't obvious.
Damn you are stupid.
^Not like I had to do that. but if your going to harrass me and act like you're in la la land I'm going to defend myself. I don't want the drugs your selling!
You say you don't want to bicker, so when you finally say you're going to stop,
BTW - can we put all of this garbage behind us. Life is way to short for forum bickering. Very exhausting.
Though I've been telling you to do just that for more than days now. And then there was peace because you finally decided to shut up and I rejoiced over the fact you left me alone, or so I thought...
Directly after you say that you say even more annoying shit that you know causes trouble
I'd win in the ring LOL :)
I won't compare resume's in that department, hehe!
I even complimented you greatly which was spoon feeding, I didn't have to say this in your topic.
You can code. You can create artwork. You probably can do music and write stories too it wouldn't surprise me. You have all the talents you need to make your name known. Whether you want to focus primarily on games or multimedia software you have it made. Really interesting.
Do I get a thank you or any reply? Instead you intentionally ignore my post and stur more shit up spontaneously with
Days like the one pictured below must really do TKG's head in :D
All of these people with hidden agenda's. :o
Are you being paid do this or something? What's you're motivation in bugging me?
I don't really care about OP in any way, shape or form (thus my "I couldn't care less." vote), but I must say TKG really has some issues with control. TKG posts have always seemed so unrelated and over exaggerated to the actual post he is replying to.
The fact that he is replying several times to the same post already makes it weird.
All I can say is this: chill.
^I would have a book of quotes to share if he wasn't deleting everything. It's not so exagrated when you don't know virtually anything that happened,
Mate, the more I visit random sites on the Internet, the more I see you still bitching about me. I am kinda getting over it.
If you think that is going to drive more downloads of your assets or games, you might want to consider re-thinking your marketing approach.
You are fast becoming 'oh that guy' on the Internet. You are quite famous on the net, and not for the reasons you might think. Hint - it isn't what you are developing.
now I am fast believing that you are a nasty little troll.
Sorry to say it, but seriously, I am tired of just browsing some website to find unexpectedly that you are on there putting me down.
I am beyond annoyed by your consistent behaviour...
He also said I salked his Facebook, Twitter, Google, and many other things he said in posts he deleted. I don't really get on anything but Facebook. I never looked him up. That would be stupid unless it was to block him and for no other reason. He claimed I post about him all over the interet which is also crap. Only two sites, here, which he obviously knew about, and one post on gamejolt before I even knew the guy's username. I just saw two lines of closed-source code so I made 1 post about it on gamejolt. That's 2 sites. on Gamejolt it was one post, and that was so old it was before I met the guy.
Well I do see the posts you are quoting now. And I have read all the posts in the topics. I of course don't see your pm's, but I doubt it's that tragic. I know you are not very social (made it clear) and that's normal in this day and age, but you do seem to be very easily excitable (in a bad way). I think you should maybe work on that.
Will do. I actually get along a lot better with the people in my personal life. The internet, while talking with tons of strangers from around the world is never a good social mix unless for someone who's oinly social activity is on the internet, and for that rreason I'm so glad I have many friends that I've known for years in my personal life.
I for example never take personally anything that is on the internet. I actually rarely take things personally in real life. I feel taking grudges, getting angry or feeling any other negative emotion is waste of time.
I know it is too. But negative emotion all humans have unfortunately.
Harri if your penis gets any bigger I am going to have to split this topic 3 ways.
He also said I salked his Facebook, Twitter, Google, and many other things he said in posts he deleted. I don't really get on anything but Facebook. I never looked him up. That would be stupid unless it was to block him and for no other reason. He claimed I post about him all over the interet which is also crap. Only two sites, here, which he obviously knew about, and one post on gamejolt before I even knew the guy's username. I just saw two lines of closed-source code so I made 1 post about it on gamejolt. That's 2 sites. on Gamejolt it was one post, and that was so old it was before I met the guy.
Keep telling yourself that :)
- Facebook - honestly can't remember what happend there. As it was early in all of this, so you were just another troll I blocked and deleted
- What you did on YouTube (Google aacount I was reffering to) was horrendous. I wasn't aware that reporting you would remove the post. So, no screenies there.
- The YYG MarketPlace - the repeated begging for forgiveness spam, relating to the above abhorrent behaviour
- The GameJolt thing that I wasn't even aware of until you bought that to my attention via your own link recently
- Twiiter - deleted and blocked
- ENIGMA forums - spreading more lies and abuse approx 3-4 months ago
I'd say that qualifies for an un-healthy stalking pattern. (Y)
And now you want to hide the guest thing because you feel I am stalking you back, and have nothing to back that up.
Yes, I deleted the posts for your video player thread, as you took offense to my friendly advice (that I consistently give). So, I got the shits with that, deleted the posts, and said 'works perfectly', just to keep you happy. :)
I am more than happy for Josh to undelete everything, post it in a new topic, and lock the topic, if you really want people to see what happend. Nothing did happen, it was all paranoia on your side. (As per usual).
The best advice I have seen yet in this thread is from TheExDeus - "Chill". :cool:
Harri if your penis gets any bigger I am going to have to split this topic 3 ways.
If it got any bigger it would split the space-time fabric.. if you know what I mean.
Harri if your penis gets any bigger I am going to have to split this topic 3 ways.
Always count on Robert for adding a touch of twisted humour to mix....:D
/forehead → table
/left hand up, index finger extended
/"Check, please"