Reply #182 Posted on: November 28, 2014, 06:22:52 pm |
 Location: Cappuccino, CA Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991
I just fixed the exception with ENIGMA settings, this is caused by me using the key instead of the key value for identifying tabs in the settings frame. https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/f949a2aa9681d927030712fa2e8fb13656163f83Update the same as always, also, Design mode hasn't worked since r3, so don't worry about it right now.
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect. 
Reply #184 Posted on: December 02, 2014, 03:23:58 pm |
 Joined: Jun 2013
Posts: 601
I think i've found the problem for the exception within GM Studio : the name tag inside the tile element is always inst_ : <tile bgName="bkg_0" colour="4294967295" depth="0" h="16" id="10000002" locked="0" name="inst_" scaleX="1.0" scaleY="1.0" w="16" x="144" xo="176" y="176" yo="112"/> In GM Studio it needs the id. You can put the tile's id, and it should be ok : name="inst_10000002" But that doesn't fix the first problem where it's not possible to move tiles from a GM project.
Reply #187 Posted on: December 03, 2014, 07:50:47 am |
 Location: England Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 794
Newest LGM continues to freeze when "Run" is pressed. No errors or anything. Just freezes.
What does the enigmalog say when t his happens?
I honestly don't know wtf I'm talking about but hopefully I can muddle my way through.
Reply #189 Posted on: December 03, 2014, 11:34:31 am |
 Location: Cappuccino, CA Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991
egofree I see your bugs but I don't have time to fix them atm, but I will get to them in my next update, I have another small feature I'm sneaking in.
Harri, Preferences->Appearance, what is hardware acceleration set to? As I said force it "off" that is the default in the newest version but you may have saved preferences and stuck it in as default. I too get the freezing but it seems to be only when hardware acceleration is allowed on. If you do have it off then I'll need to look into it further.
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect. 
Reply #193 Posted on: December 08, 2014, 01:52:11 pm |
 Location: Cappuccino, CA Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991
Here's another quick update, I've included some fixes from egofree, and I've finally finished that image effects frame! You can update as usual using python install.py or manually from the Extra Packages page. http://www.enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Install:Extra_Packages1) Image effects frame implemented and 12 basic effects including Colorize, Intensity, Outline, Emboss, Black and White, Invert Color, Remove Color, Remove Transparency, Sharpen, Blur, Opacity, and Edge detection. The little green spray paint can icon on the sprite and background frame will open the image effects frame. For sprites you can apply it to all selected subimages, otherwise just select 1 subimage, if no subimages are selected it will be applied to every subimage. https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/c2388c0b4efea5a1f571092f050bd7a076abc605https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/020ec6d7efbcc5b95ad9cfaa1e5c52bffb8642d2https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/c45c1aa5dcf872398a7b6d35ec70ae9fb8385087https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/a662aacbc0b5569754729d9266e242314547979bhttps://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/c64fba1edc448393ff80599ed20404e905675593  2) Fixed a bug in the search feature, resource action arguments will now be searched by name, useful for finding all uses of a script for instance. https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/fec2200a92d2b761b60ece75eed4f5819d4e2a16 3) A fix was included by egofree for the GMX writer to give all tiles unique names using the id, which works with Studio though is less hash-like. A similar fix was previously included for instances by myself. https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/c6f7a9d9e56646c2a1a85c54d148e030c957be1f4) Fixed exception in instance list of the room editor when selected instance has a non-existant object reference. For example you create an instance of an object and then delete the object resource, the instance becomes of unlinked. https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/fe40e656d1a577d0556d29505aad3fe8548f1dac5) Moved transparency functions, such as for checkered patterns, to Utility class. https://github.com/IsmAvatar/LateralGM/commit/b00c81e5fe5b78218d271f65309c954b335e461c
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 02:11:40 pm by Robert B Colton »
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect. 