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Author Topic: Sprite/Map Editor Almost Done!  (Read 11748 times)
Offline (Male) edsquare
Posted on: June 26, 2014, 02:01:27 pm

Location: The throne of ringworld
Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 402

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Just to communicate you that my Sprite/Map Editor is mere days from entering the testing phase (by me), then Ill be ready to make an alpha release for further testing.

It's suposed to be a part of the IDE I'm still developing for enigma, although this part is 2D oriented only.  :D

If you'd like to participate in the testing feel free to ask me in this same thread, for the moment (until someone sees fit to donate me a Mac) only Linux and windows 32Byte versions will be released.
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Groucho Marx
Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #1 Posted on: June 26, 2014, 02:48:04 pm
Joined: Jan 2014
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That's great, but I think you meant 32bit not byte :)
Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #2 Posted on: June 26, 2014, 02:51:21 pm

Location: Cappuccino, CA
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Nice edsquare, it's nice to see a lot of third party tools and applications for GM. You don't see many these days. This is actually very much on topic as well.
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

Offline (Male) edsquare
Reply #3 Posted on: June 26, 2014, 02:59:38 pm

Location: The throne of ringworld
Joined: Apr 2014
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That's great, but I think you meant 32bit not byte :)

Yeah you're right a small mistake as long as I don't do it while coding.  :)

Also if (and that's a big IF), I change to 64Bit Operating Systems, then there will be both 32 and 64 versions, also I'm thinking of releasing it to the wild on Sourceforge so maybe somebody will join to the project (The IDE not only this piece of software).

I also found a good 2D Game Engine done in Lazarus/FPC, this may be the beggining of something!

At least if I can integrate the engine, the map editor, the sound creator (found online made with you guessed right: Lazarus!) and other bits and pieces to the IDE then I will release KGD (Killer Games Development) for FPC.

This would put me closer to fully integrate the IDE with ENIGMA, since the engine is scene based and that is almost as good as having the actual Level Editor!
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Groucho Marx
Offline (Male) edsquare
Reply #4 Posted on: June 26, 2014, 10:24:28 pm

Location: The throne of ringworld
Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 402

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Nice edsquare, it's nice to see a lot of third party tools and applications for GM. You don't see many these days. This is actually very much on topic as well.

Thanks for the kind words, they make up for the shock of not finding the post in the forum where I posted it  :D , for a moment there I thought I had broke some rule.

Any way a little update in the progress:

1) Solved the import of bmp and png files (sorry only those for the moment)

2) Solved converting bmp to png and back (Therefore the export to those formats)

3) Added brightness tool

4) Solved transparency (alpha chanel)

5) Working on transformations, rotations and...

6) ANIMATIONS! If I manage to do this you will have your map animated before importing it to ENIGMA!
    This means you'll have scrolling backgrounds, animated trees, water, clouds and other stuff.
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.
Groucho Marx
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