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Third Party / FWD: My Alternative for XML structures and/or HTML+CSS+Templates+Preprocessing!
« on: June 24, 2020, 11:33:38 am »
Yup, my language is called FWD, pronounced as Forward. And that's NOT an abbreviation for forwarded message! It stands for Functional language for WebDocs! (Well actually I just changed the order slightly, it was Functional WebDoc language, but that word order is maybe a bit confusing.)
Okay, now this is how the code looks, and the corresponding site!

Links to the website: (mirrored version)
Okay, now this is how the code looks, and the corresponding site!

Links to the website: (mirrored version)
Teamwork / I LOVE making UX designs, would anyone like to be lended a hand making an IDE?
« on: June 24, 2020, 11:20:43 am »
Yeah I really do! By the way, this topic's title is a "spin-off" from someone else's previous topic in this board...
On a more serious note, have you guys heard of the new Expo project for making cross-platform GUIs? It seems pretty neat, so I wondered what you'd think of it?
On a more serious note, have you guys heard of the new Expo project for making cross-platform GUIs? It seems pretty neat, so I wondered what you'd think of it?
Sound and Music / In the mood for a cheerful accordion melody? :)
« on: May 21, 2017, 12:51:51 am »
I made this song on my Technics keyboard and it consists of two accordion tracks. I hope you like it!
Third Party / New visual notation for programming and for maths
« on: April 30, 2017, 03:50:54 pm »
Visualizing formulae / Graphical notation
Web page:
Ever wondered how a math expression would look like if (perception of) depth, shadows and colors were used functionally to represent operations? In this "experiment" I'll show you one way (and try to find other ways) of expressing mathematical formulae and pieces of code using those visual elements.
Latest additions:
Web page:
Ever wondered how a math expression would look like if (perception of) depth, shadows and colors were used functionally to represent operations? In this "experiment" I'll show you one way (and try to find other ways) of expressing mathematical formulae and pieces of code using those visual elements.

Latest additions:
- Ability to type inside the visual notation
- Support all of GameMaker's real and string functions (also point_direction and lengthdir_[xy]), so that's for scientific calculations and for text manipulation
Tips, Tutorials, Examples / Rough JSON Parsing/Manipulation Library for GM 8.0
« on: November 21, 2016, 04:43:40 pm »
Yambam's JSON Library (GM8 only, at this stage)
My first "JSON library" for GM8 used object instances, which obviously slowed the game performance to a crawl. So behold... my (pretty much) extraordinary JSON library for GM8; be warned though, though it's based around the golden ratio constant for a reason (I'd describe it as "the furthest you can get from a simple fraction"), it's still possible that you'll get in trouble with the combo that consists of (1) my weird logic and (2) GM's number (or floating point, i.e. "real") precision.
Download link:
My first "JSON library" for GM8 used object instances, which obviously slowed the game performance to a crawl. So behold... my (pretty much) extraordinary JSON library for GM8; be warned though, though it's based around the golden ratio constant for a reason (I'd describe it as "the furthest you can get from a simple fraction"), it's still possible that you'll get in trouble with the combo that consists of (1) my weird logic and (2) GM's number (or floating point, i.e. "real") precision.
Download link:
Off-Topic / Concept for my next project GWiM
« on: November 08, 2016, 03:28:07 am »
I made this text when I woke up after I had this funny dream of a strange OS / window manager. While I was writing it I thought some features actually would be nice... what do you think of it? It's crazy, I know, but that just made me want to share it!!url=!url=
Tips, Tutorials, Examples / Bytecode interpreter
« on: August 01, 2016, 11:54:45 pm »
Here are the examples:
Hello World Program
Code: [Select]
m "Hello" =
m m " World!" + =
m m " Yay!" + =
Resulting “readable byte code”
Code: [Select]
m"Hello"=mm" World!"+=mm" Yay!"+=
Real byte code
The real byte code consists of the “readable” byte code, with each symbol replaced with its equivalent byte code representation.
Code: [Select]
N/A yet.
Simple printing array contents
Code: [Select]
l "This" "is" , "an" , "array" , =
s "" =
s s a l 0 @ = + " " + =
s s b l 1 @ = + " " + =
s s c l 2 @ = + " " + =
s s d l 3 @ = + =
Resulting “readable byte code”
Code: [Select]
l"This""is","an","array",=s""=ssal0@=+" "+=ssbl1@=+" "+=sscl2@=+" "+=ssdl3@=+=ss"."+=as"."+=
Real byte code
Code: [Select]
N/A yet.
Drawing functions
Code: [Select]
x 0 #P0=
y 384 #P0=
2 0 , xx1+= , y , #P0_draw_sprite
_null #P0_refresh
} U {
x 1024 >
Resulting “readable byte code”
Code: [Select]
x0#P0=y384#P0={2 0 , xx1+= , y , #P0_draw_sprite _null #P0_refresh}U{x1024>}
Real byte code
Code: [Select]
N/A yet.
Non-single-character variable names and GM functions start with an underscore (_), add #P0 (= don't push) before a function name or assignment operator to avoid pushing unwanted values to the stack.
Proposals / Minimal frontend
« on: July 12, 2016, 12:40:09 pm »
I have some additions to the already proposed minimal frontend for ENIGMA. I think it would be awesome if Pure ENIGMA with all the seperate files had some kind of shell integration, like thumbnails on object/sprite/background resource files and that each of the resource types had unique context menus for batch operations like 7-Zip has, such as search and replace in selected scripts/objects contents/name in a specific event and stuff like that. And it would be handy if there was the ability to drag and drop sprites on objects and backgrounds or packs of predefined instance (creation codes) objects on rooms to add them to the "favorites" of that room. I don't know how you would go about making the shell integration stuff though, I don't have much experience with that.

Finished Games / 2D Pathtracing - Mirrors and lights
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:03:42 am »2D Pathtracing
This program casts light into a grid of colored mirrors. 
Download link:

Tips, Tutorials, Examples / [Script] Expression evaluation
« on: June 21, 2016, 07:21:35 am »
Here's a simple script I wrote to evaluate any infix expression (e.g. 10+(1+3)*3*4^2):
You can choose to either return the resulting value from the stack, or return the resulting postfix from the infix expression. For example 10+(1+3)*3*4^2 becomes 10 1 3 + 3 * 4 * +.
Code: [Select]
/* infix_evaluate(infix,ret_fromstack,constants/scripts)
* Evalute infix expression.
var str,ret_fromstack,i,j,k,l,arg,d,len,newstr,newstr2,op,push,do_push;
if argument3=0
if string_char_at(str,1)!="("
//show_message('Pushed on stack: '+str)
if ds_map_exists(argument2,str)
else if ds_map_exists(argument2,'scr_'+str)
if string_length(str)=string_length(string_digits(str))+string_count('-',str)+string_count('.',str)
return str;
if argument3=1
return "";
if string_char_at(str,i)="("
if char="("
if char=")"
//else if k=0
// ds_stack_push(argument4,real(string_copy(str,j,i-1-j)))
//if k=0
// show_message('Operator: '+op[k])
newstr+=infix_evaluate(string_copy(str,j,i-1-j),argument1,argument2,argument3-1,argument4,argument5)+" "
if string_pos(op[k],'^*/+-([]')
newstr2+=" "+op[k]
//show_message('Operator correct: '+op[k])
//if op[k]='('
// i+=4
if do_push
//exec='return '+string(ds_stack_pop(argument4))+op[0]+string(ds_stack_pop(argument4))
if op[k]='^'
else if op[k]='*'
else if op[k]='/'
if b=0
else if op[k]='+'
else if op[k]='-'
else if op[k]='['
else if op[k]=']'
//show_message('function: '+string(function)+', result: '+string(push)) //(sin)~(1)`(0)
else if op[k]=','
//show_message('Pushed operation '+string(a)+' '+op[k]+' '+string(b)+' result: '+string(push))
if do_push while(!ds_queue_empty(push))
if ret_fromstack
return ds_stack_pop(argument4);
while(string_count(' ',newstr))
newstr=string_replace_all(newstr,' ',' ')
return newstr+newstr2;
You can choose to either return the resulting value from the stack, or return the resulting postfix from the infix expression. For example 10+(1+3)*3*4^2 becomes 10 1 3 + 3 * 4 * +.
Issues Help Desk / Lots of compile errors
« on: June 13, 2016, 02:36:32 pm »
I get lots of errors when I try to compile my project in ENIGMA, including errors with the max function. How can I fix these? And also, is there an alternative for "else if"? Using that combination gives me a warning.
Last question, I get 25 variables "not declared in this scope", but it all worked in GameMaker. What am I missing here?
Code: [Select]
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_project_load(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:157:102: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
for(enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), enigma::varaccess_length(int(recent))- 1, 6)); enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))>= 0; enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))-= 1)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:163:40: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:168:100: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
for(enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), enigma::varaccess_length(int(recent))- 1, 6)); enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))>= 0; enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))-= 1)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:163:40: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:168:100: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
for(enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), enigma::varaccess_length(int(recent))- 1, 6)); enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))>= 0; enigma::varaccess_i(int(self))-= 1)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:186:38: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_name(int(recent))[int(0)]= enigma::varaccess_name(int(other));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:186:38: error: 'recent' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_name(int(recent))[int(0)]= enigma::varaccess_name(int(other));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_resources_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:346:91: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:346:111: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:356:91: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:356:111: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_resources_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:346:91: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:346:111: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:356:91: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:356:111: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), size / (double) _w, size / (double) _h));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:105:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:441:106: error: 'shift' was not declared in this scope
:: draw_line_dashed(xx - size / (double) 2, max((enigma::varargs(), yy + size / (double) 2, yy - shift)), xx - size / (double) 2, Y - size / (double) 2);
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:70:62: note: in definition of macro 'draw_line_dashed'
#define draw_line_dashed(arguments...) _SCR_draw_line_dashed(arguments)
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:105:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:441:106: error: 'shift' was not declared in this scope
:: draw_line_dashed(xx - size / (double) 2, max((enigma::varargs(), yy + size / (double) 2, yy - shift)), xx - size / (double) 2, Y - size / (double) 2);
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:70:62: note: in definition of macro 'draw_line_dashed'
#define draw_line_dashed(arguments...) _SCR_draw_line_dashed(arguments)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_draw_scrollbar(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1390:205: error: 'dy' was not declared in this scope
:: data_set(data, "value", median((enigma::varargs(), (mouse_y - y1)/ (double)(y2 - y1 - 2 * (x2 - x1))* (:: data_get(data, "max", 1)- :: data_get(data, "min", 0))+ :: data_get(data, "min", 0)- dy, :: data_get(data, "min", 0), :: data_get(data, "max", 1)- 1)));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:50:46: note: in definition of macro 'data_set'
#define data_set(arguments...) _SCR_data_set(arguments)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_draw_scrollbar(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1390:205: error: 'dy' was not declared in this scope
:: data_set(data, "value", median((enigma::varargs(), (mouse_y - y1)/ (double)(y2 - y1 - 2 * (x2 - x1))* (:: data_get(data, "max", 1)- :: data_get(data, "min", 0))+ :: data_get(data, "min", 0)- dy, :: data_get(data, "min", 0), :: data_get(data, "max", 1)- 1)));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:50:46: note: in definition of macro 'data_set'
#define data_set(arguments...) _SCR_data_set(arguments)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1526:200: error: 'dx' was not declared in this scope
:: data_set(data, "value", median((enigma::varargs(), (mouse_x)/ (double)(x2 - x1 - 2 * (y2 - y1))* (:: data_get(data, "max", 1)- :: data_get(data, "min", 0))+ :: data_get(data, "min", 0)- dx, :: data_get(data, "min", 0), :: data_get(data, "max", 1)- 1)));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:50:46: note: in definition of macro 'data_set'
#define data_set(arguments...) _SCR_data_set(arguments)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1536:93: error: 'scroll_speed' was not declared in this scope
:: data_set(data, "value", median((enigma::varargs(), :: data_get(data, "value")+ scroll_speed, :: data_get(data, "min", 0), :: data_get(data, "max", 1)- 1)));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:50:46: note: in definition of macro 'data_set'
#define data_set(arguments...) _SCR_data_set(arguments)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1526:200: error: 'dx' was not declared in this scope
:: data_set(data, "value", median((enigma::varargs(), (mouse_x)/ (double)(x2 - x1 - 2 * (y2 - y1))* (:: data_get(data, "max", 1)- :: data_get(data, "min", 0))+ :: data_get(data, "min", 0)- dx, :: data_get(data, "min", 0), :: data_get(data, "max", 1)- 1)));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:50:46: note: in definition of macro 'data_set'
#define data_set(arguments...) _SCR_data_set(arguments)
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1536:93: error: 'scroll_speed' was not declared in this scope
:: data_set(data, "value", median((enigma::varargs(), :: data_get(data, "value")+ scroll_speed, :: data_get(data, "min", 0), :: data_get(data, "max", 1)- 1)));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectdeclarations.h:50:46: note: in definition of macro 'data_set'
#define data_set(arguments...) _SCR_data_set(arguments)
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1546:78: error: 'scroll_speed' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scroll_speed(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), scroll_speed + scroll_friction, 0));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1546:78: error: 'scroll_speed' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scroll_speed(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), scroll_speed + scroll_friction, 0));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1546:93: error: 'scroll_friction' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scroll_speed(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), scroll_speed + scroll_friction, 0));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:1546:93: error: 'scroll_friction' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scroll_speed(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), scroll_speed + scroll_friction, 0));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_window_get_maximalized(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:2595:24: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
return window_get_x()= 0 && window_get_y()<= 40 && window_get_y()>= 1 && argument0 >= display_get_width()- 8;
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_window_get_maximalized(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:2595:24: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
return window_get_x()= 0 && window_get_y()<= 40 && window_get_y()>= 1 && argument0 >= display_get_width()- 8;
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_draw_tab(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:3439:7: error: '_delete' was not declared in this scope
_delete = 1; break;
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_draw_tab(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:3439:7: error: '_delete' was not declared in this scope
_delete = 1; break;
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_window_init(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:3747:70: error: 'depth' was not declared in this scope
enigma::glaccess(int(other))-> depth = min((enigma::varargs(), depth - 1, enigma::glaccess(int(other))-> depth));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_window_init(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:3747:70: error: 'depth' was not declared in this scope
enigma::glaccess(int(other))-> depth = min((enigma::varargs(), depth - 1, enigma::glaccess(int(other))-> depth));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_window_set_foreground(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:4059:42: error: 'depth' was not declared in this scope
ndepth = min((enigma::varargs(), depth, ndepth));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_window_set_foreground(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:4059:42: error: 'depth' was not declared in this scope
ndepth = min((enigma::varargs(), depth, ndepth));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_form_object_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:4434:84: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:4434:103: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_form_object_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:4434:84: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:4434:103: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_form_sound_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5601:84: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
In file included from SHELLmain.cpp:109:0:
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_form_sound_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5601:84: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5601:103: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5601:103: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), 128 / (double) _w, 128 / (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_form_room_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5863:99: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), min((enigma::varargs(), 80, _w))/ (double) _w, min((enigma::varargs(), 50, _h))/ (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5863:146: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), min((enigma::varargs(), 80, _w))/ (double) _w, min((enigma::varargs(), 50, _h))/ (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_form_room_draw(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5863:99: error: '_w' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), min((enigma::varargs(), 80, _w))/ (double) _w, min((enigma::varargs(), 50, _h))/ (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:5863:146: error: '_h' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess_scale(int(self))= min((enigma::varargs(), min((enigma::varargs(), 80, _w))/ (double) _w, min((enigma::varargs(), 50, _h))/ (double) _h));
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_draw_textfield(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6389:54: error: 'xx' was not declared in this scope
draw_rectangle(min((enigma::varargs(), sx, xx)), y1 + 3, :: max2(sx, xx)+ 1, y1 + 4 + h, 0);
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_draw_textfield(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6389:54: error: 'xx' was not declared in this scope
draw_rectangle(min((enigma::varargs(), sx, xx)), y1 + 3, :: max2(sx, xx)+ 1, y1 + 4 + h, 0);
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_get_kind(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6935:154: error: '_char' was not declared in this scope
while((string_length(string_digits(enigma::varaccess__char(int(self))))+ (ord(enigma::varaccess__char(int(self)))== median((enigma::varargs(), ord(_char), ord("a"), ord("f"))))
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6936:11: error: 'hex' was not declared in this scope
* hex + (ord(_char)== median((enigma::varargs(), ord(_char), ord("A"), ord("F"))))* enigma::varaccess_hex(int(self))+ :: string_is_at(".", argument0, pos)!= 0))
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h: In function 'variant _SCR_get_kind(variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant, variant)':
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6935:154: error: '_char' was not declared in this scope
while((string_length(string_digits(enigma::varaccess__char(int(self))))+ (ord(enigma::varaccess__char(int(self)))== median((enigma::varargs(), ord(_char), ord("a"), ord("f"))))
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6936:11: error: 'hex' was not declared in this scope
* hex + (ord(_char)== median((enigma::varargs(), ord(_char), ord("A"), ord("F"))))* enigma::varaccess_hex(int(self))+ :: string_is_at(".", argument0, pos)!= 0))
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6963:76: error: 'kind_length' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess__value(int(self))= string_copy(argument0, argument1, kind_length);
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/IDE_EDIT_objectfunctionality.h:6963:76: error: 'kind_length' was not declared in this scope
enigma::varaccess__value(int(self))= string_copy(argument0, argument1, kind_length);
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/ENIGMA/ENIGMA/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/ENIGMA/ENIGMA/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Game] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Game] Error 2
Last question, I get 25 variables "not declared in this scope", but it all worked in GameMaker. What am I missing here?
Sound and Music / 11 songs
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:29:57 am »I recorded ![]() | ![]() |
Maybe I'm going to use some in my next project!
Tips, Tutorials, Examples / Jumper Engine
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:04:28 pm »
Jumper Engine
This is a platforming engine with wall jumping, skid jumping and double jumping. You could use it to create a Jumper fan game with Ogmo (or your own character).

The first level.

The second level: with gray, green, white, teal, purple and yellow stars. Respectively: no double jump, infinite jumps, invincibility, no wall jump, reverse and 'return to normal'.

Last level level: all doors.
Download link:
This is a platforming engine with wall jumping, skid jumping and double jumping. You could use it to create a Jumper fan game with Ogmo (or your own character).

The first level.

The second level: with gray, green, white, teal, purple and yellow stars. Respectively: no double jump, infinite jumps, invincibility, no wall jump, reverse and 'return to normal'.

Last level level: all doors.
Download link:
Third Party / IndieMendable
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:59:41 am »IndieMendable (earlier it was called GameMaker Spiral) is a place where you can upload games and get feedback on them. It's made to look like the old You can upload your own games and search on the old YoYo website via the WayBack Machine and a database.
To do
- Posting reviews.
- Searching moderators.
Embed code
Code: [Select]
[center][url=][img width=480 height=48][/img][/url]
Put this in you signature to promote IndieMendable.Embed code (dynamic)
Code: [Select]
[center][url=][img width=480 height=48][/img][/url]
This one shows current website information about online users and new games.
Third Party / Game Maker IDE
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:56:52 pm »
Game Maker IDE
Download link:
To do:

Drag and drop - More like click and choose at the moment.

Main view - Rooms, sprites, sounds and objects. All resources supported at the moment.

Obsidian theme - This theme is located in the "Plugins (disabled)" folder. To use it, move it to the used plugins folder.

Music Maker - Make your own melodies using the Music Maker. More instruments are soon to come!
I have yet to give this program a real name.
Download link:
- .gmk (standard :gm8: format) loading
and saving(I can't get that part to work yet). - .gmj (JSON format) loading and saving.
- View resources: sprites, sounds, backgrounds, scripts, objects and rooms.
- Adapts to Windows theme.
- Run rooms from within their "MDI" form (experimental).
- Code editor.
- Room editor.
- Drag and drop.
- Limited online features.
- Plugins and themes.
- Music Maker.
To do:
- GM: Studio support.
- Saving .gmk format files.
- Saving .gmj (external) image/sound resources.
- Modify rooms (more options).
- 3D room editor.
- Modify constants.
- Sprite and background editor.
- Improved room editor: draw/erase rectangles of objects.
- ...
- Make this list longer, make a suggestion!

Drag and drop - More like click and choose at the moment.

Main view - Rooms, sprites, sounds and objects. All resources supported at the moment.

Obsidian theme - This theme is located in the "Plugins (disabled)" folder. To use it, move it to the used plugins folder.

Music Maker - Make your own melodies using the Music Maker. More instruments are soon to come!