Nice to see a Windows version hpg, thanks for that!
I finally got the chance to give it a go, and overall I'm impressed and had fun. I'm going to be totally forthright about my entire experience.
First the good:
* I liked the background music right from the start. That James Bond-esque tone it sets made me chuckle but I overall found it fitting. Believe it or not you kind of have me wanting to design some kind of 2D spy game (though I've had interest in this idea for a while).
* I don't know if some of the non-character tiles and sprites are inspired by the original Pacmans or not (I believe the potions are original?), but I liked them because I found them unique but also consistently employed throughout the levels.
* I'm a huge fan of the bonus levels, but I do not know if this is an original idea. Regardless, it's employed well because it kept me engaged with the game. I'd be quick to give up with the original Pacman if not for these levels. When I made it to the bonus level I felt relief and like I had a real chance to do an easy level. Who honestly doesn't love this technique when it's employed game design?
Some bad:
* I find the controls really hard for making quick directional changes around a corner. The timing has to be just perfect and I find it a little too difficult.
* I can't tell for sure if it is intentional, but I noticed on latter levels that sometimes the ghosts that go offscreen do not come back right away.
Overall, it's really looking good so far, I actually enjoyed playing it this morning!