I'm not being biased when I do this, but I think my Project Mario game may be worth the time since it is an adaptation of Project K which was pretty interesting itself:
https://enigma-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=1161.0I understood data structures less when I was working on Project Mario though so I'm certain I could write a much more efficient spatial hash if I was writing it today. Your post doesn't exactly clarify what you mean by "advanced" so I assume you just mean advanced topics in general and not just technical demonstrations of graphics and things.
Something a little advanced that I haven't yet ported to ENIGMA is a Voxel terrain renderer in Love2D. This is a really great project to try porting to ENIGMA because it doesn't require very much, it's just a simple projection of the heightmaps. So if you are looking for something challenging, this might be worth a try.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJfx1luIvYkThat said, few complex games are yet to be working in ENIGMA for stability reasons. We've had various users porting over large games before, such as sorlok porting Iji. This situation will likely improve a lot going into the future now that we have continuous integration to prevent regressions and promote quality contributions to the repo.