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Author Topic: Bat & Ball: A BREAKOUT game with a difference  (Read 9210 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: March 27, 2017, 11:01:16 pm

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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I"m creating a Breakout game, trying out the functionality of ENIGMA. I've lately been introduced to ENIGMA but have been using YOYOGames Gamemaker for quite some time, so the transition is not that difficult. I've been eager to create Linux games but did not have the time to learn Python or any of the other programming IDEs. Apart from working and learning GM, it had been very difficult but now I can fully dedicate my energy to creating Linux games and some software.

So far most of the basic commands and functions have worked well into producing a basic game with 3 rooms and 1 power-up as yet. I'm in the process of testing the implementation of SHADERS and SURFACES within the game.

The game is fully functional. I did have a problem using my own custom font as a sprite but I solved it. I had the 'proportional' bit set as true (which had the sprite distorted) and had to set it as false. Now it displays correctly.

I'll send the source code for interested parties to use.

Any questions, just ask and I'll answer them as best as I can.
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Pages: 1