For a first website it ain't bad. I do like the routes and pictures. Did you really take them? I'm going to CERN this october so I will go near Montreux area and probably see that too. Looks like a beautiful place.
Yes, i took all the photos. As i live in Geneva, where the Cern is located (some of the places are in France too), i know well this organization. On a regular basis, it's possible for the public to visit some of its places. Last winter i visited the Lhcb site : The Cern is looking all the time for scientists and also developers, but it's very difficult to get a job there, as the competition is huge. I never had a job interview there.
I love Montreux, it's one of my favorite place in my region. It's about 100 kilometers from Geneva. You have often outstanding sunsets there. I could spend all my afternoons there !

They put also a lot of flowers and exotic plants near the lake. You can have a walk near the lake up to the Chillon castle. You should visit also this castle, as it is very nice. (c.f Here is a few photos i took in Montreux on different occasions with my mobile phone (the photos are a little blurry because i downsized them in photoshop for this forum) :

Also if you like mountains, and you don't have a car, you can take a train from Montreux up to 'Rochers de Naye' (c.f, where you have gorgeous views of the region and the lake.