Hi Guys,
Just wondering, is there any 'out of the box' SWF support in ENIGMA yet?
I am ready to ditch GM:S in favour of ENIGMA, but my current project relies heavily (99%) on vector graphics. I have been fighting with YYG lately with a lot of things ranging from disagreements with moderators to having paid exports being stripped from my licence. So, I foresee this will only get worse with their 'free YYC upgrade to all' that this coming up.
Thanks in advance 
I honestly don't understand why people are so unhappy about these changes from YYG.
#1) If you already paid for your exports, you will be getting the "compiler upgrade" (YYC) free......Come 6th of november they will push an update to integrate the compiler to exports......all you will need to do is click on update license and restart. Why the hell would they strip anything from something you paid for ?
#2) The price increase will be effective for new purchases, obviously. Some exports by $100+......BUT this is good for developers who, for instance want to purchase only 1 export, android for example, they will pay $100 more for the android, BUT they will save $199....... As before they would have paid $199 for the Android export + $299 for the YYC.......So even with a hike in prices for exports, you can see the savings !
YES the developer who purchases all compiler enabled exports will end up paying more total...... ($100 more) across all exports. That's nothing ! if a developer has the means to spend all the money on ALL exports, it's because they are serious developers......YYG takes no royalty fees from you, if you release independent from them. So their new changes will benefit a lot from people getting into this, new people, those who don't want to purchase all exports.....if you do the math you will see people actually save and that these changes are POSITIVE....... People only look at the price hike but didn't bother seeing how they can actually save.
#3) They gave advance notification ! This was brought up in the forum. With such advance notification people can still buy their exports at current prices, before they get increased by $100.....they will still get the compiler upgrade FREE.
SURE master collection will increase in price, they will probably increase it by $200-$400.....or a significant increase, to pave way for the alleged subscription model in GMS 2, and that would be a good strategy to "sell" the benefits of a subscription model.
Who would spend all that money unless they are serious developers doing it for money.........
ALSO, the YYC is irrelevant to most people, because most games people make more use of the GPU. and their YYC is not exactly stellar anyway.....something they probably will significantly improve in GMS2.
Where I agree with complaints are those who spent $300 for the bloody compiler.....but they are only to blame for throwing that money on a compiler.......

So unless I missed something, the changes they made are good for all.........