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Author Topic: Mithe.....a Flappy Bird clone or underwater game  (Read 10242 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: September 26, 2019, 05:10:31 pm

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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I am doing a two part series on converting one game type to another. For this i am using a Flappy bird clone i created today and will convert it into an underwater game. you can check the Youtube video here for part one. if you are interested in doing  it yourself, download the source at the EDC or Games section. With a few additions like a Start Menu, some effects and additional graphics, one can make a full game of it.

Converting the game should be too difficult since the type of underwater game uses the same type of mechanics. Stay tuned for an update.

 (Y) (Y)

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Offline (Male) hpg678
Reply #1 Posted on: October 03, 2019, 05:08:43 am

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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Seems the process will be more troublesome than its worth, so I decided to do two seperate games after all.

we'd need more sprites for fish, bubbles and obstacles. Adjustments to the code to make everything work together was more troublesome and irritating where my goal for this, well any tutorial is to be as simple and painless as possible.

As far the Underwater game is concerned, it is soon completed. Sound effects have been added, everything else is working as it should. the only thing to do now is the Instructions screen and Credits screen.

So be on the lookout for that game in a new topic.

untill then, be cool and awesome using ENIGMA.  (Y) (Y) :cool:

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Pages: 1