Because he didn't post them in their own topic, and I can't move topics:
//bool place_snapped(double hsnap,double vsnap) bool place_snapped(double hsnap,double vsnap) { return (bool)(X == X%hsnap) && (Y == Y%vsnap); }
//int move_random(double hsnap,double vsnap) int move_random(double hsnap,double vsnap) { X = floor(random(room_width)/hsnap)*hsnap; Y = floor(random(room_height)/vsnap)*vsnap; return (int)0; }
//int move_snap(double hsnap,double vsnap) int move_snap(double hsnap,double vsnap) { X = floor(X/hsnap)*hsnap; Y = floor(Y/vsnap)*vsnap; return (int)0; }
//int move_wrap(double hor,double vert,double margin) int move_wrap(double hor,double vert,double margin) { //not sure whether two IFs are faster than one big calculation in a single IF if (hor) { if (X < -margin || X > room_width+margin) { X = -(X-room_width); } } if (vert) { if (Y < -margin || Y > room_height+margin) { Y = -(Y-room_height); } } return (int)0; }
//int move_towards_point(double x,double y,double sp) int move_towards_point(double x,double y,double sp) { DIRECTION = point_direction(X,Y,x,y); SPEED = sp; return (int)0; } Note that these functions have already been committed (in working forms), but I'll post them anyways:
//double distance_to_point(double x,double y) double distance_to_point(double x,double y) { return (double)point_distance(median(BBOX_LEFT,x,BBOX_RIGHT),median(BBOX_TOP,y,BBOX_BOTTOM),x,y); }
//double distance_to_object(int obj) double distance_to_object(int obj) { double _edgeX,_edgeY; _edgeX = median(BBOX_LEFT,obj.X,BBOX_RIGHT); _edgeY = median(BBOX_TOP,obj.Y,BBOX_BOTTOM); if (_edgeX > obj.BBOX_LEFT && _edgeX < obj.BBOX_RIGHT && _edgeY > obj.BBOX_TOP && _edgeY < obj.BBOX_BOTTOM) { return (double)0; } return (double)point_distance(_edgeX,_edgeY,median(obj.BBOX_LEFT,X,obj.BBOX_RIGHT),median(obj.BBOX_TOP,Y,obj.BBOX_BOTTOM)); }