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Author Topic: GM2 issues  (Read 10460 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: February 19, 2018, 06:25:19 am

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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Recently I built a new computer system, installed Windows 8.1 and for the first time ever, tried out GameMaker 2. As one who has been a user from Gamemaker 4 to Gamemaker Studio 1.4, I must say that I have become very disappointed and critical of GM2.

First, let me state a few of my machine specs
Biostar A68N-2100
AMD 2.1GHZ  Dual core Processor
8 Gb DDR3 1333Mhz Memory
AMD Radeon™ HD8210 Graphics, (on-board Graphic chip)
320Gb HD with Windows 8.1 x64 Installed
320Gb Hd  as a Backup drive
which is more than enough for everyday tasks, playing a few games and trying out Gamemaker 2.

So I finally installed it and as far as first impressions went, I was not impressed. The Graphic Editor is a joke compared to older GM editions. The interface is clunky and a mess and my god, the compiling process takes 45 secs............(no joke).....................45 secs to compile and run. they even have a counter in the upper right hand corner that shows you.

What the HELL?!!! Even to render an empty project takes that long? Then again it may be my system, right? So I installed a portable version of Gamemaker 1.4 and tested. An empty project ran in under 15 secs. Old legacy Gamemaker compiles even faster, about 10 secs or so.

My second criticism is this the overall Workspace, and layout thing. If you happen to have a HUGH monitor or multi-monitors setup then ok. But when one has a standard size 19" monitor, everything is so jumbled. I literally have to grab and scroll every window into view. For a company that has better programmers than myself, even to code something to detect your monitor and setup a suitable layout should have been prudent.

In fact now that I think about it, it is in this area that ENIGMA excells. On my 19" monitor, i have to resize windows into view, but on my widescreen monitor, everything fits.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 06:42:17 am by hpg678 » Logged
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Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #1 Posted on: February 19, 2018, 10:28:59 am

Yeah I happen to like GMS 1.4 better myself, along with Lonewolff, and quite a few others who feel the same way. A lot of people left the GMC for this very reason it wouldn't surprise me.
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